TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 19, 2016

11 Terrible Right-Wing Laws and Ideas Pushed by Far-Right Republicans Near You

Alex Henderson, AlterNet

It can happen to your town too. READ MORE»

It's Not About Trump — Our Political Culture Is Corrupt

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, The Nation

The Southern strategy created an us-against-them politics with a perverse idea of morality. READ MORE»

Ugly Animals Are Ignored by Scientists, While the Big-Eyed and Cute Get All the Attention

Kali Holloway, AlterNet

A new study finds that scientists are just like the rest of us. READ MORE»

Stuck With Ted: The GOP Establishment Is Grudgingly, Reluctantly Joining Team Cruz

By Simon Maloy, Salon

Lindsey Graham and his establishment pals are gritting their teeth and backing the only viable non-Trump option. READ MORE»

Noam Chomsky: What Bernie Sanders Should Do Next (VIDEO)

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Chomsky says meaningful change will only come from popular movements that "don’t pay attention to the election cycle."  READ MORE»

Sorry, the Idea that Civilians Control the US Military Is Pure Fantasy

By Gregory D. Foster,

Our military bureaucracy is far out of democratic control. READ MORE»

Campaign Challenge: Fix the African American Student Loan Crisis

By Mark Paul, Darrick Hamilton, William Darity Jr., The American Prospect

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have different proposals for how to ease the crippling debt burdening African American students. READ MORE»

The Trump Supporters Hate Map: Tracing Acts of Harrassment and Violence at Rallies from Coast to Coast

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The candidate yells and his supporters act out. READ MORE»

Bernie Sanders to U.S. Treasury: Block Pfizer's Major Tax Evasion

By Jenny Pierson, AlterNet

Sanders says the block would deter companies that are trying to get out of paying their taxes. READ MORE»

5 Reasons Blue Dream Is the Most Popular Marijuana Strain

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

The sativa-heavy hybrid is #1 in Colorado, #1 in Washington, #1 in California. Here's why.  READ MORE»

The West Coast Is the World's 5th Largest Economy. Can It Unite to Stop Big Oil?

By Arun Gupta, YES! Magazine

From First Nations activism to innovative city initiatives, the West Coast is leading the fight against global warming even as many countries lag behind. READ MORE»

Slain Activist Berta Cáceres' Daughter: U.S. Military Aid Has Fueled Repression & Violence in Honduras

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

Another indigenous environmentalist has been murdered in Honduras, less than two weeks after the assassination of renowned activist Berta Cáceres. READ MORE»

Coming Soon: A Bra That Can Detect Breast Cancer

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet

Could a bra outfitted with temperature-detecting technology help detect cancer before it’s too late? READ MORE»

5 Time-Honored Practices to Expand Mindfulness and Merge With the Universe

By Eileen Campbell, Conari Press

“To know that you are a prisoner of your mind is the dawn of wisdom,” claimed the Indian sage, Nisar­gadatta Maharaj. READ MORE»

Tech CEO Threatens to Pull 15,000 Person Convention out of Georgia if Governor Signs Anti-LGBT Law

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

The bill would allow groups to deny service to members of the LGBT community due to “sincerely held religious beliefs.” READ MORE»

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