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Health, Wealth, and Happiness

March 13, 2024

“It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on.”

- Satoshi Nakamoto

Howdy, investors!

  • Who's driving the run-up in bitcoin? While many say it's driven by retail investors, another hot take is that retail traders have been sitting it out so far, meaning we may see bitcoin continue to go higher.

  • Liquid staking gained the spotlight in 2024—first to increase investor yields, and now as a danger to centralizing the Ethereum ecosystem. Find out why below.

  • The intersection of AI and blockchain continues to capture the imagination of investors, with some industry experts predicting AI will revolutionize the already revolutionary digital economy.

Read on!

The Best Proof of Stake (PoS) Coins

by Preetam Kaushik

Ethereum's adoption of the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) transaction verification model is widely considered a seismic shift in the crypto world. 

On the technical side, it's generally more scalable, with lower transaction fees and better energy efficiency.

On the investing side, PoS coins also allow you to earn "interest"—sometimes called "yield"—through staking.

In our updated guide for 2024, we dig into the best-performing staking coins you can add to your crypto portfolio (i.e, the ones with the highest historical yields).

Jump in and find the best staking tokens >>

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New Risk Scorecard: Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR)

Hedera Hashgraph is a distributed ledger technology platform that aims to provide a faster, cheaper, and more secure way of conducting decentralized online transactions. Its native token, HBAR, serves as the utility token for the network, used to secure it and pay transaction fees.

But how risky is an investment in HBAR?

Our analysts put HBAR through our industry-leading Blockchain Risk Scorecard assessment to determine what risks investors in the token might face.

Premium members can download the Hedera Risk Scorecard here.

Not yet a Premium member? Sign up now and get access to all our investor scorecards, along with other great benefits like monthly BMJ token airdrops, exclusive crypto merch, and more.

Must Read

Today's most important stories for crypto investors.

Retail Investors Are Cautiously Returning To Crypto (The Defiant)

Retail interest in the cryptocurrency market is gradually returning, but it has not yet reached the peak levels seen in the summer of 2022. Analyzing Google searches like "how to buy bitcoin" show positive momentum, but there's still room to grow before we hit the frothy levels of the last bull market.

Market Dynamics and Risks of Liquid Staking Derivatives (Coin Metrics)

The Ethereum network has seen significant growth in staking, with roughly 26% of ETH supply (about $120 billion) staked. Lido dominates the market with a 31% share, and this piece unpacks why excessive centralization in one Liquid Staking Token could pose a danger to Ethereum as a whole.

The Internet of Agents (Davide Crapis on Notion)

Integrating blockchain and AI creates an "Internet of Agents," enhancing interconnectivity with incentives, cryptography, and collaboration for a secure, efficient AI-driven economy. If you think that AI and blockchain are just two tech buzzwords that don't belong together, this piece could change your mind.

Chart of the Day

Blockchain AI Projects are exploding

As bitcoin reaches new all-time highs, several sectors have also seen explosive growth. One of these is the intersection of AI and blockchain, where some projects have seen their market cap double or even triple in 2024.

The chart above highlights the growth of Injective, Render, and The Graph. Some other projects worth watching include, Bittensor, and The last is particularly interesting, combining the AI/blockchain narrative with an equally compelling DePIN use case.

These projects are worth watching going forward, as AI and blockchain will likely remain a theme throughout the coming cycle.

In Case You Missed It

Top 10 Crypto Staking Platforms for 2024

See where you can best earn staking rewards.

It’s Congress, Not the SEC

Time to turn up the heat on Capitol Hill.

Modern Portfolio Theory

+ finding the ideal crypto portfolio

Bitcoin rocketing toward new all-time highs

+ our 2024 guide to the Best Crypto Tax Software.

The Uniswap Buying Opportunity

The vote is happening now.

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