Plus: Dev Patel, brothy beans and a list of films so bad they were made but never released
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Discourse bombs
Why BeReal when you can BeAsleep?

– Steph Harmon, Alyx Gorman and Michael Sun
We can't stop talking about...
or ... not
Being real / or ... not
Our resident geriatric Gen-Z road tests anti-Instagram app BeReal, for a week of posting authentically. Spoiler: the road is rocky.
Hoax compensation / In a win for sanity, fake news purveyor Alex Jones has been ordered to pay $4.1m over his claims that the Sandy Hook shootings never happened.
Fake ostentation / Meanwhile, in a vintage Brigid Delaney column, she writes she's "the opposite of Pretty Woman. People think I'm obscenely wealthy."
True altercation / Dev Patel broke up a knife fight in Adelaide? Sounds made up. But his statement about the incident is equally real.
Extremely online
Extremely online
Take cover, the discourse bombs detonated: here’s an explainer so you can understand these jokes. Meanwhile the primary source for the last ripe peach thinks you should eat it. Also a peach? Jennifer Coolidge.

On the planet: it is spinning faster and being pelted by junk. Off the planet: these people

Console yourself with good reads on scrambled celebrities, insatiable car-munching rats and a whole package unpacking ten years of Tinder.
Cook this
with brothy beans
One tray roast fish / with brothy beans
Even seafood sooks will find something to like about Tom Walton's simple one-pan pesco dishes.
The funniest things on the internet
of her tabs
Lou Wall's guided tour / of her tabs
Among the Australian comedian's favourite links is one which will take you to a Facebook group where everyone pretends to be rehearsing for the same amateur musical. You have been warned.
Top of the lists
A list - of books / At the beginning of each month we round up all the best new releases in Australia. We're too good to you. First up: new Australian books we loved, including an extra juicy one we're all yelling at each other about.
At the beginning of each month we round up all the best new releases in Australia. We're too good to you. First up: new Australian books we loved, including an extra juicy one we're all yelling at each other about.
A list - of shows and films / Here's Luke Buckmaster's monthly column of new things to stream in Australia. The Bear is finally almost here! Also A League of Their Own, Bad Sisters, and new Reservation Dogs.
Here's Luke Buckmaster's monthly column of new things to stream in Australia. The Bear is finally almost here! Also A League of Their Own, Bad Sisters, and new Reservation Dogs.
A list - of tunes / And here's a playlist of the best new Australian singles - featuring Paul Kelly's song about Byron, an extremely good Genesis Owusu track, and one from Obama's favourite (!) Sampa the Great.
And here's a playlist of the best new Australian singles - featuring Paul Kelly's song about Byron, an extremely good Genesis Owusu track, and one from Obama's favourite (!) Sampa the Great.
A list - of bad films / The new Batgirl cost $90m to make – and is apparently so terrible it is never coming out. It's not the only movie to have suffered this fate: we almost got "CobraGator" and a Louis CK film whose title will make you gag.
The new Batgirl cost $90m to make – and is apparently so terrible it is never coming out. It's not the only movie to have suffered this fate: we almost got
This week's weirdest story
fly the coop
Racing pigeons / fly the coop
“It’s an emotional drama, a financial drama," Belgian pigeon prez says over thousands of waylaid birds.
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