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Out now: 'Food and Climate Change'

A quarter of our carbon emissions comes from food. This accessible description of how food and climate change are connected, inspired by the author's former mentor David MacKay (Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air), steers clear of emotive words to focus on facts. From breakfast to lunch, snacks to supper, Professor Sarah Bridle outlines the climate impact of the food we eat, how food production contributes to climate change and how climate change impacts food production.

Get the hardcopy here or order the ebook.

The 'Food and Climate Change' launch

Watch the recording of the virtual FACCWTHA launch
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Sarah was joined by Professor Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal and former President of the Royal Society, and panelists Dave Reay, Professor of Carbon Management & Education at the University of Edinburgh, and James Hand, co-founder of the app Giki, to discuss the book and answer questions from the audience.
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