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Supply Chain Insights

 Supply Chain Insights 

In The Spotlight

Managing strained supply chains was the most intransigent business challenge of 2021, and many fear snarls will continue in 2022.

Outlook 2022: Overcoming Supply Chain Bottlenecks

Clogging shipping lanes, component delays and empty store shelves were the dominant stories of 2021, forcing industry leaders to rethink how they handle supply chains.


Top Stories

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There is also evidence to suggest that companies that score highly on environmental metrics perform well financially, according to the CDP.


A Shift Is Underway in Electronics Manufacturing

With intelligent devices and sustainability on everyone’s minds, the CEO of Flex sees stronger partnerships with OEMs as a competitive advantage.


Warehouse Management System Bianco Blue

The biggest investment in WMS is from logistics service providers with over $636 million last year.

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Rethinking the Norm: 5 Ways Manufacturing Will Innovate in 2021

What's ahead for the digital tools that proved their worth during the pandemic.


A huge increase in imports in November allowed stores to restock shelves, but shortages of some products persisted.

Inventory Levels Improve, Trade Deficit Soars

Rising imports allow stores and manufacturers to refill depleted stocks, but a drop in exports balloons the deficit.


Editor's Choice

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Over the past year, these are the articles that most captured the attention of our MH&L community.


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