Graham calls them “Apex Stocks”
For the last few months, Graham Lindman has been urging investors to ignore virtually every stock on the exchange and only focus on the handful of stocks that produce all the wealth.

Here’s why…

Over the last 100 years, just a tiny percent of top stocks have always been responsible for pulling the stock market up.

He calls them “Apex Stocks”.

And by focusing on a small set of these “Apex Stocks”...

He’s been able to close out some pretty cool wins like those you see in the picture below.

Now, there were smaller gains and those that did not work out too… which is why he always advises not to risk more than you can afford to lose.

That said, he just got a new buy signal on a new Apex Stock…

The ticker in question is an underrated chip stock (It’s not NVDA or SMCI)...

But he’s seeing an 89.66% confidence rating on the ticker right now… which is why it’s the stock he’s targeting next.

While he cannot promise future returns or against losses. If you’d like to see the name of the ticker… plus the exact details on how he’s trading it - completely free…

Join him live this Friday at 10AM eastern, he’ll be sharing all the details then.

Just use this link to sign up for FREE and he’ll see you on Friday.
All the best,