Save 25-50% on all audiobooks
OverDrive’s Audiobook Month Sale is on now
OverDrive’s Audiobook Month Sale is underway with savings you have to hear to believe – 25-50% off the SRP of all audiobook content!
And now is the best time to build up your collection, because audiobooks are the perfect companion to all kinds of summer activities – gardening, listening at the beach, travelling, and more.
But don’t wait – sale ends June 30.
Learn more
Start shopping
And don’t miss our Kanopy offer
From now through June 30, add Kanopy’s Pay-Per-Use streaming model and get the first full month free! Offer valid for new customers and PLUS only customers in the United States and Canada.
Let us know you're interested
Happy shopping,
The OverDrive Team
Audiobook Month Sale
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