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Overmoulded Superseal Connector series provides optimum protection in harsh environments February 2017
Dear Sir or Madam,
CONEC has extended its range of valve connectors by a moulded variant of the Superseal connector series. The Superseal housings – with single wire seal and rubber boot - are originally used in the automotive industry.

To ensure a continuous protection from housing to cable CONEC developed the overmoulded Superseal valve connectors.
Pressebild Superseal mit Applikationen

Due to the TPU overmould the connectors provides optimum protection against external influences in harsh environments and is also tamper-proof.

The CONEC series of overmoulded Superseal valve connectors includes 2 -, 3 -, 4 -, 5 - and 6-pos. versions. The connectors are all "in-house" wired, assembled, overmoulded and electrically tested.

The overmould is made in the typical CONEC design and provides the possibility to attach a protective hose, for example by using a cable tie. The moulded Superseal connector comes with a PUR cable and a wire cross-section of 0.75 mm² in lengths of 2.5 and 10 m. Other lengths, cross-sections and cable qualities are also available upon request.

Optionally, a version with overmoulded PVC single strands is also available for the 2-pos version (female and male connector). In this case, the standard lengths of the line are 0.5, 2, and 5 m.

Already existing mounting options that are plugged into the connector housing can still be used with the overmould

The Superseal connector series is designed as cable to cable connection and latched / locked securely with the mating connector by a latch. This latch must be lifted to be unlocked. This way, a fast and safely tight connection is established. Due to the CONEC overmould, the protection degree IP67 / IP69K is complied with for the entire connector in mated condition.

For information and application specific questions, please contact us!

Your Sales Team
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH
to the product area


.• Compact Design
.• Continous protection from housing to cable
.• Use in harsh environments due to
   IP67 / IP69K  protection class
.• Tamper proof
.• Certified finish

.Fields of application:
.• Emergency vehicles
.• Agricultural and construction machines
.• Transport industry
.• Process control

Pressebild Superseal
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CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH
Ostenfeldmark 16
59557 Lippstadt
Tel.: +49 2941 765-0
Fax: +49 2941 765-65
Raimund Carl, Dolphy Schwarz,
Sven Holtgrewe
Amtsgericht Paderborn
HRB 5515