I am over the moon inspired by...here we go...colors, textures, art museums, vintage wallpaper, tapestries, Asian art, Moorish architecture, African batik, Art Nouveau, costume design, antique jewelry, vintage books and fashion magazines, Portuguese and Italian tiles, yarn, paint tools, salvage yards, hardware stores, birds, nature, fairies, forests, fantasy, unicorns, feathers, outer space, bohemia, and the list could go on and on and on. But you get the idea! I do not restrict my sources of inspiration. I let inspiration flow in and through me to influence my art. It's all a grand massive experiment anyway, right!
I am currently creating with acrylic paint and mixed media in most of my paintings. Mixed media includes collage with hand-painted paper, oil and chalk pastel, charcoal, paint marker, spray paint and oil stick. It's a wonderful eclectic stash of mediums to create all manner of effects!