Putting ChatGPT to Work in Business; Necessary Skill for IT Decision Makers; ChatGPT and Cybersecurity

InformationWeek Leadership careers
February 22, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Pairing AI with Tech Pros: A Roadmap to Successful Implementation
The main challenge for experienced developers and other IT pros is to integrate artificial intelligence tools in their workflow to improve the quality and the performance of their work.

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8 Ways to Put ChatGPT to Work for Your Business

Welcome your new business partner. Here are some ways ChatGPT can help your organization become more competitive.
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This Skill Brings IT Decision Makers to the Front of the Office

As the IT profession evolves, so do the skills we need to be successful. Be it with employees, vendors, or customers, here is how IT leaders are using the soft, but more than necessary skill, of communicating to succeed in their roles.
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Is ChatGPT More ‘Star Wars’ or ‘Black Mirror’ in Cybersecurity?

Discussion at CPX 360 New York 2023 on the potential for ChatGPT and other AI to bolster defenses or ramp up cyberattacks.
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  • How Firewalls Fit With Modern Enterprise Security

    With all the focus on the newest security technologies, it is easy to forget that the firewall is still an important part of the enterprise security strategy. In this webinar, experts offer a look at some of the most common ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
CTOs Should Lead Software Dev Upskilling Efforts
Software developers need an environment in which they can expand their experience and breadth of skills to be a productive -- and evolving -- member of a developer team. Read More
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Elements of an Effective Software Supply Chain Strategy
Get a handle on your organization's software supply chain not only to comply with federal regulations but also to tighten security throughout that supply chain. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Understanding Zero-Day Vulnerabilities and the Clop Ransomware Fallout
Clop ransomware gang was able to exploit a zero-day vulnerability in a secure file transfer tool, allowing it to steal data from more than 100 organizations. How much risk do zero-day vulnerabilities pose going forward? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
NYC’s Founder Fellowship Returns with a Deeper Roster of Startups
Program to support more diversity and inclusivity in the innovation scene scales up to offer resources to 100 startups largely led by women and minorities. Read More
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