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Enjoy your bi-weekly dose of all things medical – welcome to our English newsletter!
  Palliative Care: What Can Cannabis Actually Do?  
  Inappetence, pain, spasticity – these can all be indications for medicinal cannabis. A palliative care physician explains when he uses the substance and in which cases he even uses the psychotropic effect. more  
PTSD: Students In Turmoil
Studying is not only exhausting – for some, the stress can even lead to PTSD. The number of affected students is increasing. What is the cause? more
The Silent Killer Among Athletes
A substantial portion of young athletes are at risk of hypertension. Study results show: Early high blood pressure screening is important. Read here why. more
Feeling Of Fullness In The Right Ear: Cause?
„48-year-old woman, with ringing in the right ear, hearing loss in the left ear (previous hearing loss), with pain on the right side of the face, probably trigeminal neuralgia. Different CT scans were performed and look normal. What could the cause be?“ more

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