In this issue, June 13, 2023 View it in your browser.

PaLM 2, eBay Platform, Bazel Distroless Plugin, Azure OpenTelemetry, JBang, Avalonia UI, ETTrace Profiler, Mediator Topology, Carbon Neutrality, Social Impact

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More Wood & Less Arrows: How to Build an Efficient Cloud Application Architecture

While the cloud has given us tremendous power, it has also created a staggering amount of complexity. In this webinar we'll talk through the challenges of cloud app architecture with a focus on selecting powerful tools and strategies that allow you to eliminate some of the noisy complexity. Live Webinar, June 22nd, 2023 - Save your Seat.

The Evolution of Evolutionary Architecture with Rebecca Parsons

In Evolutionary Architectures, the book she co-authored, Dr. Rebecca Parsons described the principles and practices that allow architecture to evolve. In this episode of the podcast, we talk about those principles, how they’ve changed between the first and second editions of the book, and what changes we might see in the next few years. (Podcast)

Exploring Staff-Plus Engineering Roles with Fabiane Nardon

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Fabiane Nardon about the Staff Plus career pathway and what it takes to become a data engineer. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Google Announces State-of-the-Art PaLM 2 Language Model Powering Bard

JunoDB: PayPal Open Sources Key-Value Store Powering 350 Billion Daily Requests

PayPal recently open-sourced JunoDB, a distributed key-value store that uses RocksDB as the underlying storage engine. A highly available and security-focused database, JunoDB serves daily 350 billion requests at PayPal. (News)


  1. Automating Platform Upgrades at eBay

  2. AWS Open-Sources Policy-Based Access Control Language Cedar

  3. Google Open Sources Bazel Plugin to Automate Secure Distroless Image Creation

If You Want to Deliver Fast, Your Tests Have the Last Word

A good testing strategy is critical for safe code changes, fast delivery, reduced MTTR, and improved developer experience. Shifting the concept of “unit” can reduce the time needed for changes. (Article)


  1. Amazon Security Lake for Centralized Security Data Management Now GA

  2. Google Cloud Expands Cloud Interconnect Portfolio and Enhances Networking Capabilities

Introducing Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro

At the end of May, Microsoft introduced the Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro. Azure Monitor and all Azure SDKs support OpenTelemetry, integrating with APM systems such as Prometheus and Grafana. Microsoft Azure provides the Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro, facilitating the deployment of this technology and increasing the observability of applications. (News)


  1. Streamlining Java with JEP 443: Ushering in a New Era of Java Code Readability

  2. Structured Concurrency in JDK 21: A Leap Forward in Concurrent Programming

  3. JBang 0.107.0 Delivers Java 21 Preview, OpenAI Integration, and More

  4. Java News Roundup: JEPs for JDK 21, Hibernate Reactive 2.0, Payara Named CVE Numbering Authority

How to Manage Full-Stack Java Development with Hilla

This article explores Hilla, an open-source framework that offers an approach to web application development by integrating a Spring Boot Java backend with a reactive TypeScript frontend. It uses either Lit or React, combined with Vaadin’s 40+ open-source UI web components for interface creation. It also generates REST APIs and client access codes, a secure, stateless backend architecture. (Article)


  1. Uno Platform 4.9: Media Player Element, WebView2 and Native Host Support for Skia

  2. Windows Dev Drive - Storage Volume Customized for Developers with Improved Performance

Avalonia UI for .NET: Project Overview from Mike James

Avalonia UI is an open-source and cross-platform UI framework for .NET developers, designed to facilitate the development of desktop applications that can run on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and WebAssembly. InfoQ interviewed Mike James, CEO of Avalonia UI, in order to understand more about this UI framework and its features. (News)


  1. GitHub Announces Code Scanning and Security Advisory Support for Swift

ETTrace is an Open-Source Profiler for iOS Aiming to Simplify Performance Optimization

Recently open-sourced by Emerge Tools, maker of several analysis tools for iOS apps, ETTrace aims to simplify iOS performance profiling by providing intuitive visualizations and straightforward operation. (News)

A Case for Event-Driven Architecture with Mediator Topology

This article tells the story about a business case using Event-Driven Architecture with Mediator topology and an implementation that provided elastic scalability, reliability, and durable workflows. All were built using Kubernetes, KEDA, AWS, and .NET technologies. (Article)

From Zero to a Hundred Billion: Building Scalable Real-Time Event Processing at DoorDash

Allen Wang discusses the design of the event system including major components of event producing, event processing with Flink and streaming SQL, event format and schema validation. (Presentation with transcript included)
Level-up on key topics like this at QCon. Attend QCon San Francisco software development conference (Oct 2-6, 2023) and uncover emerging software trends & practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Embracing Complexity by Asking Questions, Listening, and Building a Shared Understanding

  2. What Carbon Neutral Really Means and How Net-Zero Is Different

Debugging outside Your Comfort Zone: Diving beneath a Trusted Abstraction

This article takes a deep dive through a complex outage in the main database cluster of a payments company. We’ll focus on the aftermath of the incident - the process of understanding what went wrong, recreating the outage in a test cluster, and coming up with a way to stop it from happening again, and dive deep into the internals of Postgres, and learn about how it stores data on disk. (Article)

Harnessing Technology for Good — Transformation and Social Impact

Lisa Gelobter explores how to use technology to make the change affecting societal and systemic level changes. (Presentation with transcript included)

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