Best Tips (April 16, 2019)
If you are feeling crafty this spring, check out these two easy projects in today's newsletter. They are both contest winners from past months. If you haven't won one of our contests yet, we still have a couple of weeks to accept entries. Send something in today and you might be in the next group to win $50!

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Thrifty Tip Contest

Send in your favorite tip on thrifty and frugal living. Tips selected for publication are entered in our Thrifty Tip contest which awards $50 to the best tip.

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My Frugal Life

We would like to hear your frugal living story! Share your essay and you could win $50.00.

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Today's Featured Post

Pampering Lemon Peppermint Bath Bombs

By Victoria T.

Pampering Lemon Peppermint Bath Bombs - SuppliesThese bath bombs combine the refreshing scent of lemon with the relaxing scent of peppermint to create a bath bomb that will knock the socks off the ones you buy at the mall. With an infusion of oil and sea salt in them, your skin will feel like it has spent the day at the spa.

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Today's Guides
Cocker Spaniel Breed Information and Photos
Cocker Spaniel
Tips for Expecting Moms
Photo of a pregnant woman's belly.
Cleaning Stains on Crocheted Items
Crocheted Item
Watering Houseplants
Watering Houseplants
Pork Tenderloin Recipes
Cooked Pork Tenderloin
Saving Money on Easter
Easter Basket
Using Stencils to Decorate Your Walls
Using Stencils to Decorate Your Walls
Uses for Cupcake Liners
Stack of Cupcake Liners
Today's Posts

Crocheted Flower

Crocheted FlowerThis is a beautiful crocheted flower. Add it to any of your crochet projects to add a little flare.

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Answer Questions and Earn!

We are giving away $200 in Amazon gift cards (US only) for people who answer recent questions on ThriftyFun this month! Gift cards will be awarded to the top ten users who answer the most questions this month. Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st - $50, 2nd - $40, 3rd - $30, 4th - $20, and 5th to 10th - $10.

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ThriftyFun Contests!

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