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Just Before | oil on panel | 24" x 24" | 2020
Contact Marianne for Purchase Information

Just Before

We are just before the dawning of a new age... in Aquarius!

Seriously, scientists and astrologers, philosophers and news pundits and everyone in between are talking about the "Grand Conjunction" between Jupiter and Saturn.

Tonight, December 21, the Winter Solstice, just after sunset... Jupiter and Saturn get very up close and personal as they move into the Aquarius part of the sky, a happening that last happened about 800 years ago. 

Many things are being attributed to this celestial rarity with the common conclusion that it is a definite shift in the cosmos that will affect humanity. 

This degree (Jupiter Saturn Conjunction) carries the message that completely opposite ideas can peacefully co-exist, and actually have the potential to enhance and clarify each other. - Pam Younghans, Northpoint Astrology


Basically It's Going to be Cool! - Sandra E. GarciaNew York Times

Correspondence | oil on panel | 24" x 24" | 2020
Contact Marianne for Purchase Information


Art school was out of the question. I had to make a living. And with that realization a little piece of me died.

40 years later and retired, the ache from artistic dormancy was palpable for this Artist Mastery client, yet the fear of "how to begin?" was paralyzing. As she got more comfortable using color and making marks in total reckless abandon mode, her inner barriers gave way to a newly discovered sense of authenticity.

With the end of the first year her artistic "self" is in tact. Year two is focused on building the skills that convey her truth while sustaining the hard won confidence she has gained in being an artist. Once again.

I am so grateful for your help in finding this part of me that I thought was completely lost. 

LEARN ABOUT individual Whole Artist Mastery programs for your artistic journey

Shapeshifting | oil on panel | 24" x 24" | 2020


"Oh my gosh it was so much easier to make sense of this incomprehensible information, make it mean something, and reach a decision about the best way to move forward.

This statement opened the beginning of a zoom session with one of my Artist Mastery clients, a lawyer and writer who makes her living by weaving these skills together. And, she's a painter.

The big surprise was how using visual language to make abstract art taught her to accept uncertainty in a situation, employ an open mind to work through confusion, and have the fluency to reach the most effective outcome in a work project.

WOW... making abstract art can be a thought-tool for other professions!

LEARN ABOUT The Grammar of Visual Language Online Workshop in January 2021

When our head, heart and hands are fully in sync an energy of wholeness is generated, 
helping to heal the fractures within ourselves, humanity, and nature.
May we all work towards wholeness in the coming years...
Copyright © 2020 Marianne Mitchell, All rights reserved.
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Philadelphia, PA 19144
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Marianne Mitchell · Schleier Mansion/MM studio · 1665 Grant Street · Denver, CO 80203 · USA