Being a new mom is overwhelming. Being a new mom can be overwhelming. Babies don’t come with manuals, and you might not be sure if you’re making mistakes or claiming victories. Enter: single women. As believers, we are called to be in community with friends from different seasons and stages of life. What we bring one another is companionship, conversation and encouragement along the way. In “How Single Women Help New Moms Make It Through,” Courtney Ellis reminds us, “the same bond that brings together single women and young mothers also bridges divides between men and women, adults and children, poor and rich: the common call to the gospel and shared participation in the body of Christ.”
May we reach out to those outside of our immediate circle of experience and welcome them into the messiness as we all venture together through life, raising the next generation to run hard after Jesus, showing them what it looks like to live our faith in every circumstance.