Good morning, Marketer, it’s all about breaking out of your comfort zone.

One way to do that? Partner with other team members. Today, agile expert Stacey Ackerman walks us through the partnering process made possible by the Agile Marketing Navigator.

Roles can get very specialized in organizations, especially on creative teams. But it can be a real time saver. Also, below, you can get caught up on the latest developments in Customer Journey Analytics and creating communities, reported from Inbound 2022 in Boston.

And don’t forget to register free for The MarTech Conference, which will be here before you know it, on September 28 & 29.

Chris Wood,

Partnering: Getting Started with the Agile Marketing Navigator 

Learn about the benefits of the key practice of Partnering.

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The crisis for disconnected B2B marketers

At HubSpot's Inbound 2022, the buzz is around creating communities and the company's new Customer Journey Analytics offering.

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ActionIQ and Slalom bring consulting to customer experience with new partnership

Slalom will offer specialized services geared to ActionIQ CX Hub customers.

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Webinar: Harness Your First-Party Data For Customer Acquisition & Conversion

Learn the tools and technology that enable the growth and activation of first-party customer data to improve content and commerce experiences

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How marketers embrace agile ways of working

At the end of the day, an agile team is responsible for delivering value to customers, not to internal stakeholders.

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Marketing analytics: What it is and why marketers should care

We unpack marketing analytics: what it is, why it’s important, and how it can help marketers achieve brand success.

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2022 trends in email marketing

With email being so essential and critical, it’s important for email marketers and email designers to stay up to date. Identify–and evolve with–what’s trending in the world of email design and marketing.

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20 questions to ask during an email marketing platform demo

Don't forget to ask vendors about project methodologies, reporting, and support before moving on to the negotiations and purchasing stages.

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Join us online at MarTech, September 28-29, for FREE to discover dozens of cutting-edge solutions — and hear how world-class brands are using them to power organizational success.

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