Your personal info is all over the internet - 3 ways to remove it No matter how careful you are, your personal information is floating around the internet. Your online accounts, social media profiles and even publicly available records leak details about you online. But not all is lost! There are steps you can take to reduce your digital footprint. We'll show you three ways to do this right now. The simple but dangerous mistake you make with your phone every day Bluetooth is a standard tech tool that lets you pair your phone to various devices. It works similarly to a network connection but has simpler functions and only works at short distances. As practical as it is, Bluetooth can expose you to scammers and hackers. Here's how to use Bluetooth safely and responsibly. This copycat Zoom download is hiding malware Programs like Zoom were saviors during the pandemic. Sadly, its popularity with the masses has made it a huge target for cybercriminals. Now there's an imposter app targeting your bank accounts that you need to know about. We've got details on how dangerous malware is spreading and safety precautions to protect your gadgets and bank accounts. |