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Patent Filing Reveals Apple’s Interest in Shrinking a Mac to Fit in a Keyboard

By Chandraveer Mathur on Feb 25, 2022 03:36 pm
Apple has pioneered several innovative product designs over the years. The company has now filed a patent for a “Computer in an input device” that could completely transform how we perceive Macs if it comes to fruition. Continue reading

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Your iCloud Data Is ‘Phenomenal’ for Law Enforcement Agencies

By Chandraveer Mathur on Feb 25, 2022 12:52 pm
A secret recording of a presentation delivered by a surveillance firm has revealed how Apple has assisted law enforcement agencies and state-sponsored surveillance programs by providing iCloud data. The presentation also revealed that with data from the likes of Facebook and Google, unsuspecting targets could be tracked within a three-foot radius. Continue reading

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Apple Accounted for 44 Percent of Global Smartphone Revenue in 2021

By Chandraveer Mathur on Feb 25, 2022 10:03 am
The global smartphone market grew in 2021, and Apple rode the wave with a large share of the revenue. Data gathered by market intelligence firm Counterpoint Research shows that the Cupertino giant’s revenue grew 14 percent year-on-year (YoY), primarily thanks to the iPhone 13’s popularity. Continue reading

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Report: iPhone Users Spent More Than Twice on Subscriptions Than Android Users in 2021

By Anu Joy on Feb 25, 2022 02:51 am
Mobile users appear to be spending more than ever on subscription apps, with consumer purchases scaling an all-time high in 2021. App Store users spent more than twice the amount of money on subscription services than Google Play users, according to data analytics firm Sensor Tower. Continue reading

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