Our aim is to win the election outright, as an Independent candidate, on November 5, 2024
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RFK Jr. News Headline
Dear John,
While we appreciate the headline news, the reality is our campaign is not counting on winning the Presidential election via vote taken by the U.S. House of Representatives.
Our aim is to win the election outright, as an Independent candidate, on November 5, 2024—in just over 9 months.
Winning on Election Day, and being declared the winner on Election Day, should be the goal of every candidate.
Sadly, our current election process mirrors that of a banana republic, in some instances, rather than that of the United States Republic.
Often we don’t know who won an election until months after our votes have been cast and the winner is declared only after multiple recounts and court orders.
Bottom line: Our campaign, despite the odds, seeks to win the election on Election Day.
But the key to winning is you.
Your actions today are crucial to protecting the “republic for which it stands.”
Your actions today will help secure a prosperous and free future for your children and grandchildren.
And you know as well as we do that no one is coming to save us.
That’s why we’re writing to you.
Without you, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will not appear on the ballot in 50 states.
With your support, he will.
Without you, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will not be on the debate stage.
With your support, he will.
So we must move beyond the wild speculations of canceling the election or hoping the House of Representatives will decide who our next President is—and embrace the reality that our real opportunity to win lies with you.
You are our path to victory on Election Day. Your support will help to ensure Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. receives more votes than either Biden or Trump.
Your maximum gift of $6,600 will propel this campaign into the mainstream news cycle, onto the debate stage, on to your state ballot, and into the White House in 2025.
Your gift of $5, $10, $15, or even $24 a month will help us in our historic effort.
Any amount you can give will help us achieve the 100% participation we need to sustain the incredible momentum we’ve built together!
CONTRIBUTE $24 a Month >>
Thank you for standing with us in this pivotal moment. Together, we can achieve greatness and usher in a new era of leadership.
Team Kennedy

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Donate today to put a Kennedy back in the White House — Elect Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as President to unite America in 2024!
Make sure to join us on Social Media to help spread our campaign's message and put Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in the White House!

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