TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 24, 2017

Paul Krugman: The Entire Trump Administration Suffers from the Same Dangerous Affliction

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

It's not just the president. No one in his cabinet can admit when they're wrong. READ MORE»

Is the Trump Administration Already Carving Up Puerto Rico for Its Cronies?

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

A tiny firm in Ryan Zinke's hometown has mysteriously landed a $300 million contract. READ MORE»

WATCH: Demonstrator Screams 'Trump Is Treason,' Nearly Hits President with Russian Flags

By Eric W. Dolan, Raw Story

The man was quickly detained by police. READ MORE»

White Nationalism Has Infected the U.S. Military: Poll

By Matthew Rozsa, Salon

A whopping 42 percent of non-white troops say it's a growing problem. READ MORE»

Gold Star Mother Claims Bush Was 'No Better' Than Trump After Her Son Was Killed in Iraq

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Cindy Sheehan said she never received so much as a phone call from W. READ MORE»

Donald Trump Stoops to Pathetic New Low in Effort to Erase Obama's Legacy

By Josh Saul, Newsweek

The president is really this obsessed with his predecessor. READ MORE»

Donald Trump Jr. Can't Stop Liking Tweets from a Pizzagate-Pushing Fake News Site

By Alex Kaplan, Media Matters

The president's son has a history of promoting conspiracy theories and Internet trolls. READ MORE»

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