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Support from HMRC
Dear customer,

If you run a payroll that includes directors or employees with expenses or benefits, our live webinars will give you up-to-date help and guidance. 

You can ask questions throughout using the on-screen text box. 

Taxing employees’ benefits and expenses through your payroll
We’ll take you through: 

the advantages of payrolling expenses and benefits
when and how to register for payrolling
how payrolling works 
Register here 

Employer filing obligations 
This webinar covers: 

why, when, and how to send a Full Payment Submission (FPS) and an Employer Payment Summary (EPS)
key dates and payments after leaving 
Register here 

HMRC’s YouTube channel also has a series of short videos for employers, including:
How do I use payroll software to send reports to HMRC?
When and how to pay PAYE

Yours faithfully
Craig Moulden
Head of Digital Engagement and Communication Services 
Stay safe online
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HMRC’s help and support email service
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