Deal done, as Guild, PSA and the Federal Government sign 7CPA.

The Federal Government, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) have released the details of the long-awaited Seventh Community Pharmacy Agreement (7CPA) this morning.

The new five-year deal, signed last night - just 19 days before the 6CPA was due to expire - will see dispensing remuneration increased and indexed to underpin the dispensing of more than 200 million subsidised prescriptions a year, a doubling of the cap on Dose Administration Aids and an increase in the Rural Pharmacy Maintenance Allowance.

Patient access to Dose Administration Aids is set to be boosted under the 7CPA, with a doubling of the base cap for pharmacies providing the service, and while Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples will have uncapped access to the program.

The deal also includes a commitment to maintaining investment in medication management programs to support older Australians.

See today's edition of Pharmacy Daily for more.


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