SA implements emergency dispensing rules. 

Pharmacists in South Australia are now able to dispense full quantities of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) listed Schedule 4 medications to patients impacted by the State’s bushfires without a prescription, under emergency orders announced today. 

The decision follows similar orders issued in NSW, Victoria and the ACT last week, with patients also eligible to receive medications at PBS prices under the Federal Government’s temporary expansion of continue dispensing, which came into force yesterday. 

Prior to this morning’s announcement pharmacists in the state were restricted to dispensing a maximum of three day’s supply to patients without a prescription in an emergency.

Pharmaceutical Society of Australia South Australian Branch President, Robyn Johns, welcomed the Government’s decision to grant pharmacists greater authority to dispense full quantities of prescription medicines. 

“We welcome this morning’s announcement as a sensible move in ensuring people affected by bushfires can get urgent access to their regular medicines,” she said. 

See tomorrow’s edition of Pharmacy Daily for more.


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