September 25, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

We haven't dug into a "tiny junior miner makes you rich" story in a while, so today I'm covering Luke Burgess and his promise of Peak Gold in an ad for Junior Mining Trader... with a tease about an explorer who has released a bunch of high-grade gold results and is about to report the results of the rest of their drilling campaign.  He thinks they've found a million or more ounces, worth more than $2 billion, but it's a tiny little $20 million company... so what's the story?  Just click below to...

His fund returned 4,000%... a record The Wall Street Journal said most money managers “can only dream of having.”

He’s acknowledged as the first analyst to recommend Google... and recommended Amazon, Nvidia, Microsoft, and Apple at pennies on the dollar.

Now he’s sharing his top 3 AI recommendations for free. Get them here.


Last week was tough for the markets as the Fed paused its rate hikes but made sure to still talk tough about inflation... and the 10-year Note, the most important interest rate in the world, got up to almost 4.5% for the first time since 2007.   Still, though, there's always a stock to hype up... and maybe even sometimes a stock to buy.  What's been teased this week?

We started out with a look at Teeka Tiwari's "self-driving Tesla trip to Arizona" and his tease about "Elon's AI supplier"...

And AI is still what most people want to hear about, so the newsletter pitchmen are happy to oblige... the next piece we covered as the "Algo Meds" pitch by Keith Kohl, who says his AI Drug Discovery company will be the "No. 1 Stock of Our Era"

Brad Thomas is pitching some gains driven by politics, as he says big donors are buying up the beneficiary of Biden's "Secret MAGA Deal" -- the political/insiders spiel is mostly just patronizing nonsense, but the stock is real, and it's pretty cheap right now.

And the Irregulars got a long Friday File this week, as I check in on a couple of our battery storage names, add a new "hard to buy" stock to the Real Money Portfolio, and share some updates on a couple REITs that are strugging thanks to interest rates and inflation.  Just click below for the full story...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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