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Peak of Flight Newsletter #427:

Pushing Rocketry To the Extreme - The World Spacemodeling Championships 2016

Peak-of-Flight Newsletter Cover image

Very few people fly competition rocketry, probably because it takes a high level of dedication. I understand, as most modelers just do rocketry for fun. But this past month we took our family to Ukraine to compete at the intense “World Space Modeling Championships” where I got to see some of the most advanced rockets in the world. In this article, I thought I’d share some of my experiences and what I learned.

Read this week's article.

Previous issues of our newsletter are found at our archive page.

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Check out the latest products to hit Apogee's shelves!

BT-70 Egg Protector
Foam Padding for BT-70 Tubes

Here is another foam protector for the launching of raw eggs to prevent them from cracking. This custom-molded soft-foam nest snugly nestles the egg and provides superior protection. Fits the 2.2" diameter tubes (BT-70 size and 54mm). This is our "Short version" that saves space and weight in the rocket.

Galactic Wave
Galactic Wave Rocket kit

The Galactic Wave from Sunward Aerospace is a unique kit with a ton of neat and challenging features.  

A big thing you'll notice is the fins and pods on the kit are all attached to the tube fin, which serves as the primary building base.  The long, main body almost acts as an extension from this sturdy lower construction instead of being the main body tube. Note that this rocket needs a high-thrust motor like a D21 to get it up to flight speed.

TARC Success Packs
Bulk Supplies for TARC rockets

This success pack of parts is a great way to get your designs "off the ground". It contains the most commonly requested components to build TARC Style rockets, including the transition section that is a requirement for this year's Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) event. We have two versions of the Success Packs: one based around the 2.2" diameter (BT-70) body tube, and the other for the 2.6" diameter (BT-80) tube. There are no instructio ns included (you know the TARC rules, you have to design it yourself...), but there are enough parts to assemble two rockets. Now you can test different configurations to create your winning rocket!   Save money, save time, and prevent frustration because you forgot something important. Let Apogee be your TARC success supplier.

North Hawk Boost Glider
Plastic Transitions for TARC rockets

North Coast Rocketry just released their long-awaited North Hawk, a radio control boost glider kit, designed to fly on B and C engines. We only have the bare bones info up on our web site so if you want one, you can order it online now. But Apogee cannot assist with any technical questions at this time. The rocket's price is $49.99, which does not include any transmitter or receiver/servos (which are required to fly). We'll put up more details of the rocket kit when we have a chance to open up a box and peek inside. 

Clear Vac-Formed Camera Hoods
Clear Camera Hoods

These clear versions of our camera hoods allow you to see into the shroud to tell if the camera lights are on.  The shroud protects the camera from the high forces while reducing drag on the rocket itself.

Patch Batch - Eggstorminator
Patch Batch Sticker Set

The fourth sticker in the collection features the EggStorminator rocket kit. This kit was created in 2015 and was designed for the NAR's Fragile Precision Payload contest. The contest goal is to launch an egg to 300m altitude, and return it to the ground in exactly 60 seconds. This egglofter gives maximum protection to the egg with molded foam protectors. Great for teachers and rocketry mentors.

This is a vinyl sticker that has a background that makes it look like a cloth patch. But since it is a sticker, you can attach it easily to anything smooth, like your range-box, or your cabinet in your workshop. The sticker is approximately 1.8-inches wide by 3.8-inches tall. 

Rocketober Banner


#Rocketober Photo Challenge!

During the month of October, we invite you to share your passion for rocketry on your social media accounts (Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, Google+, etc) by posting a photo from your collection every day.  Make sure to use the hashtag #Rocketober so we can find them!

Check out the full photo list!

Photos range along anything involving rockets - your stash, kids, cool paint jobs, and more!

There is no prize from Apogee Components for this, just the satisfaction and joy of sharing your hobby with your friends. Who knows… maybe they’ll catch the rocketry bug too, and join you in the challenge!

Customer Comments

"I would like to thank customer service for fast and professional service on this order. I have not had any trouble or miss orders from your company as I have had from other companies in the past. I have completely turned to your company for my rocketry needs..."

– Robert Messner

Write a Testimonial!
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I need help with generating the biweekly newsletter articles, since it takes a lot of effort to put them together. And I'm willing to pay big bucks for your help.

So ask yourself, are you looking to earn some extra money?

I'm now actively seeking writers for articles to appear in this newsletter. And I want unique and cutting-edge articles because that is what you want to read, right? I realize this, so to get articles from outside writers that have the same level of quality, I'm going to have to pay a lot of cash to make it worth it for them. So I've come up with a compensation package where I'll pay up to $350 for good how-to articles.

Are you a writer, and does that interest you? That is a lot of cash! Far more than you'll get by writing for other magazines. And with over 23,000 worldwide subscribers, if you write for the Peak-of-Flight Newsletter, you'll gain a lot of notoriety. Writing for the Peak-of-Flight Newsletter is a great way to show off your rocketry projects and your technical expertise, at the same time as helping out other rocketeers. Imagine how great you'll feel knowing that you made a difference to the hobby.

If you're interested in writing, see the guidelines on our site.


Join Us On Facebook

Join UsWe're up to something nearly every day of the week on Facebook, and we'd love it you could join us. Facebook is where you can interact with other Apogee fans. Here is what we do on our Facebook page:

Monday: Question of the week - send us your answers.

Have you been following our #Rocketober photos?

Tuesday is "Staff Day" - Check out what's going on behind the scenes with our office staff.

Wednesday is "Newsletter day" - We'll announce our newsletter for those who haven't subscribed like you, and we'd love to hear your feedback on the video or newsletter. Join the conversation and share your rocketry knowledge.

Thursday is "Humor Day" - We're scouring the web for little cartoons or jokes related to rocketry or the space program. Rocketry is fun and entertaining!

Friday is "Feature Friday" - This is the one day where we pick a product and tell a little bit more about it. It may be when we started selling it, or some other little-known fact about the product.

Saturday is "Launch Day" - We're out to launch... and we'd love to see a great photo of an Apogee product from one of your personal launches!