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Peak-of-Flight Newsletter #635:

Three Seconds Into the Future

Peak-of-Flight Newsletter

We're thrilled to announce our latest article, "Three Seconds into the Future." It explores staging electronics and makes a comparison between the Apogee Simple Timer and Featherweight Blue Raven altimeter. If you've been curious about the different staging electronic devices available for your model rockets, this article is a must-read!

Why Read This Article?

  • Discover the benefits of the Simple Timer for beginners.
  • Learn about the advanced features of the Blue Raven altimeter.
  • Understand how to set ignition times and maximize altitude safely.
  • Explore the criteria for a successful two-stage rocket flight.


  • Simple Timer: Ideal for beginners due to its straightforward setup. Learn how to set ignition times based on motor burn durations to ensure safe and effective staging.
  • Blue Raven: Perfect for advanced users seeking more flexibility and precision. Discover how its multiple sensors and pyro channels can enhance your launch experiences.
  • Safety and Altitude: Understand the importance of weathercocking, ignition timing, and rocket trajectory in achieving safe and high-altitude flights.

Don't Miss Out!
Whether you're a seasoned rocketeer or just starting out, this article provides valuable insights into the world of multi-stage rocketry. Read it now and elevate your rocket-building skills!

Read the rest of this week's article, either on a downloadable PDF for printing out, or on our website (great for viewing on your phone)!

Previous issues of our newsletter are found at our archive page.


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Newest Products From Apogee Components

Check out the latest products to hit Apogee's shelves!

Featherweight GPS Tracker

Featherweight GPS Tracker

Tired of losing rockets? That is now a thing of the past with the state-of-the-art GPS Tracker from Featherweight Altimeters. It is specifically engineered for high-power model rockets, but small enough to fit into a BT-50 size nose cone (24mm dia). With the ability to track your rocket at altitudes of up to 262,000 feet, this compact device ensures you never lose sight of your investment. Plus, it also records flight data, so you can study the flight later. Get one today!

Featherweight Ground Station

Featherweight Ground Station for the GPS Tracker

This ground station allows you to receive the telemetry data from the Featherweight GPS Tracker (not included). It then transmits the data to your smart phone via blue tooth so you can view the rocket's position in real-time.

One ground station can receive data from any number of trackers, so you don't need to have multiple ground stations, even if you have multiple GPS trackers in the same rocket.


Valkyrie RotoFoil Parachutes

Rotofoil Spinning Parachute

The Rotofoil is a revolutionary 8-sided spinning parachute designed for model rocketry enthusiasts who crave excitement and performance. Made by Valkyrie Recovery Systems and inspired by original patterns published in Apogee Components' Peak-of-Flight Newsletter (issue #194), the Rotofoil is a true game-changer in the world of model rocketry. Crafted in the USA from high-quality thin-mil rip-stop nylon, the Rotofoil features unique cut-outs in each gore, allowing air to flow through and create an exhilarating spinning motion. This isn’t just a parachute; it’s a spectacle that will captivate audiences and elevate your rocket recovery experience! Available in four sizes, there is a rotofoil parachute for nearly every rocket and mission. Get one or two today!

Valkyrie Soft Links

Soft Link

The new Soft Links from Valkyrie Recovery Systems are designed to replace traditional metal quick-links. They have several key advantages over steel links for connecting your rocket parts together:

  • Stronger than Steel Links

  • Lighter Weight

  • Gentle on Other Components: The soft, pliable material of the Soft Link is less likely to damage delicate rocket parts compared to metal quick links, that can rattle around during launch.

  • Adjustable Strength: The strength of the Soft Link can be easily adjusted by creating more or fewer loops when attaching it.

  • Thermal Protection: The Soft Link's fluffy design offers increased heat shielding to help protect sensitive recovery system components, like the parachute.

  • Shock Absorption: The flexibility of the Soft Link allows it to stretch and flex, absorbing some of the force generated when the parachute rapidly deploys.

  • Versatile Attachment: The cord-like design of the Soft Link enables it to be connected to components with smaller attachment points.

Two sizes are available, so check them out today, you won't be disappointed.


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Customer TestimonialCustomer Comments

“I am a science teacher that has taught 23 years in the public school system. This summer, I decided to venture out for the summer and teach elementary and middle school students a rockets course at the NC School of Science and Math. A week prior to the course, beginning, I wanted to add a classroom kit of Avion rockets. I worried that the order would not arrive in due time. The customer service team at Apogee assured me that they would be able to deliver the rockets in time for the course. What I will remember most is the courteous and professional attitude the customer service team member had over the phone. They cared about my order.”

--  Jason Erkman

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