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Peninsula-area hospitals stretch IV pain medications to weather nationwide shortage

Monday, Apr 16

Virginia Peninsula-area hospitals are struggling to stretch supplies of IV narcotic pain medications after a nationwide shortage has left many pharmacy shelves bare.

Peninsula parents examine how horses can help children with autism

A York County family is in the early stages of learning about the potential benefits that horses can have for children with autism. They hope to eventually be able to help others in the area.

Annual 'Hogs 4 Hokies' ride will raise funds for Virginia Tech memorial scholarships

For the 11th year, motorcyclists from around the state will ride later this month to Blacksburg as a fundraising drive for the memorial scholarship fund honoring the 32 shooting victims from the April 2007 tragedy on the Virginia Tech campus.

Hampton University's First Lady of 40 years honored

Hampton University wouldn't be the same without the contributions of First Lady Norma B. Harvey over the past 40 years.

Two dogs rescued from Korean dog meat farm still finding their way

After a life of confinement and fear, two white Korean jindo mixes are still adjusting to life in the United States.

Norfolk-based vessels brought firepower to Syria strikes

President Donald Trump said the U.S., France and Britain launched military strikes in Syria to punish President Bashar Assad for a suspected chemical attack.