Please donate to OCW today.

Dear John, 
With 2,416 course published on the OCW site, there are as many reasons to give to OCW. Here are a few simple ones we hope will inspire you to donate to OCW today.
  1. 2416 reasons to give to OCWAll 2,416 courses are freely available to access on OCW and cover all 33 academic departments at MIT, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
  2. You can learn whatever, however, and whenever you want.
  3. You can download any of these course materials and work offline.
  4. We serve about 1.2 million learners from just about every country in the world who use our website every month.
  5. Students can use OCW’s free resources to help them study or explore new subjects.
  6. Teachers can quickly find teaching materials and insights from MIT instructors through OCW Educator.
  7. Video captioning, interactive transcripts, and screen readable PDF files make our courses accessible to people with disabilities.
  8. Our 5,290 videos on YouTube have been viewed more than 130 million times.
  9. 377 mirror sites (a complete copy of our website) exist and serve our content locally in areas that lack of connectivity.
  10. Once you donate, we won’t ask you for another gift until a whole year later (unless you choose to donate on a monthly basis — then you’ll only receive heartfelt thank you notes)!
Please donate to OCW so that we can continue to provide MIT educational materials that help so many people improve their lives and their communities.
If you’ve already donated, then thank you for supporting OCW.
Joseph Pickett
Publication Director
MIT OpenCourseWare
P.S. We are grateful to do what we do and hear about our impact in people’s lives. Yliza, an educator from the United States, sent us this moving email.
“I would love to thank your school for OpenCourseWare. You have no idea how much this means to me. How much it means to my community. It brings tears to my eyes to watch my peers learn what they may not had been able to because of where we live. How we grow up and the people around us. You are giving us an opportunity we may not have otherwise. And I AM TRULY GRATEFUL.
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