Dear John,

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care...ABOUT THEM.” Zig Ziglar

For far too long this quote has only had “lip service” in the business world. Now this quote not only has TEETH, it has SHARP TEETH!

The Great Resignation is a great term to describe the fallout from ignoring this quote. People are leaving their jobs by the millions. Why? Low pay is the easy answer but it is not the right answer. They are leaving because the place they have been working doesn’t care about them. Oh, they care about the lost productivity, but not about THEM.

Remember that THEM is a person who wants balanced success in all areas of their life. If you are a leader worried about the Great Resignation and hiring and keeping Top Performers, then a good plan would be to start really demonstrating how you care.

Choose To Win!


P.s. Need a game plan on how to show you care? I have a new book coming out that covers this and you can get the first chapter for free right here:

P.p.s. In case you haven’t heard yet… there is an amazing opportunity happening… Find out More.


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306