Good morning, Marketer, does your data have a destination?
In my coverage over the last few years of the CDP space, a lot has been made of the need for organizations to streamline and unify their customer data. Is some of it locked in an old CRM or DMP, or languishing on ancient sales spreadsheets?
CDPs have been critical in the movement to break down data silos, but just as important is to have a good idea of how the data will be used once it’s all in order. So, if you’re in the process of transforming your data management, it’s a good opportunity (or more like a necessity) to also line up your strategy for personalization.
As Apoorv Durga from The Real Story tells us, in a sweeping feature about personalization (some of which you’ll find below): “Personalization works best when you have ready access to authoritative customer data.” Keeping personalization in mind, whether across email or in a broader omnichannel campaign, will help guide better decisions about finding the right data solution for your business.
Chris Wood,