The approval of sodium silver thiosulphate was not supported for GB renewal and has now expired as a pesticide active substance

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Health and Safety Executive

Pesticides ebulletin

Issued: 18 December 2024

This ebulletin contains information relating to plant protection products (PPP) in Great Britain (GB).

Expiry of sodium silver thiosulphate in GB

The approval of sodium silver thiosulphate was not supported for GB renewal and has now expired as a pesticide active substance

The statutory approvals register has been updated to reflect this change.

There are products authorised in GB containing sodium silver thiosulphate, which will expire with grace periods for the sale, distribution, storage, disposal and use of existing stocks.

Details of authorised products and their grace periods, 6 months for sale and distribution, and 12 months for disposal, storage and use of existing stocks, have been updated on the pesticides register.

The expiry of the approval of sodium silver thiosulphate has no immediate impact on the GB maximum residue levels (GB MRLs) which will remain in force unless HSE decides to take specific regulatory action. No such action is currently planned, but GB MRLs will be reviewed and this will be based on the priority of protecting UK consumers.

For more information on MRLs, visit the GB MRL Statutory Register on the HSE website.

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Health and Safety Executive - 2.2 Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Bootle, Merseyside L20 7HS