This Week at PETA Prime

Living Your Best Vegan Life: 5 Tips for Finding Beauty and Joy in Every Day

In such a fast-paced world, it seems like everyone's always busy. Here are five ideas to help you slow down and inject health, energy, joy, and beauty into your life.

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A Fruit Smoothie a Day May Keep Diabetes Away

A smoothie a day really can keep the doctor away, especially if you're diabetic or concerned about developing the disease. A new study suggests that eating fruit and other plant-based foods every day can reduce a person's risk for diabetes.

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Reduce the Suffering in Your Portfolio: Part 2

As more and more vegans look for better ways to invest for the future, the humane options continue to grow. Read Part 2 to learn more about investing your money without supporting cruelty to animals.

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Bringing Baby Home to Your Other 'Baby'

There are endless parenting blogs and books chock-full of advice and tips on introducing a young child to a newborn sibling. But how about introducing the real baby—your dog—to a new infant? Here are a few tips that might help all dogs with the arrival of a new baby.

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How Do You Picture the Life of a Happy Pig?

Pigs are considered among the most intelligent of mammals. They’re self-aware and even smarter than dogs. But more importantly, just like us, they feel pain, fear, and grief. PETA Germany blew the whistle on seven farms that were taking part in the Initiative for Animal Welfare because of documented violations of the Animal Welfare Act and the Animal Welfare for Farmed Animals Act (Tierschutznutztierhaltungsverordnung). You Can Help!

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