This Week at PETA Prime

What Will You Do if You See a Dog in a Hot Car This Summer?

Picture this: It's a warm summer day, and you're on your way to a party. You've left yourself just enough time to stop at the mall to pick up a last-minute gift. But as you're walking to the nearest entrance, you hear a stomach-turning sound—the muffled, frantic barks of a dog trapped inside a hot car. What do you do?

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Would You Trust a Meat Company to Sell You a New Heart?

Recently, Smithfield Foods—the world's largest purveyor of sausages, bacon, hot dogs, and other artery-clogging pig flesh—announced a new venture: It wants to sell organs (such as hearts) from the pigs it raises and kills for use in pig-to-human transplants. Oh, the irony!

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Icon Cloris Leachman Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

This woman can't be stopped. At 91 years old, she's an acclaimed Emmy- and Oscar-winning actor, she's been vegetarian for more than 50 of those years, and she's also teamed up with PETA on just about every animal issue out there. In an intimate gathering held at the home of Jillian Michaels, producer Bryan Fuller presented Leachman with PETA's Lifetime Achievement Award.

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The New Vegan Cookbook You Need in Your Kitchen

With nearly 500 recipes from 150 countries, this comprehensive book by internationally acclaimed chef Jean-Christian Jury showcases the diversity—and deliciousness—of vegan cuisine. With everything from burgers, stews, and casseroles to stir-fries, curries, and pasta dishes galore, there's something here for everyone.

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Help Bears Suffering in the Heat at Wilson’s Wild Animal Park

Bears at Wilson's Wild Animal Park—a roadside zoo in Winchester, Virginia—are confined to a concrete-floored cage, and their water trough is typically empty, leaving them with no means of cooling off during sweltering weather. We need your help to protect these bears from rising temperatures.

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