This Week at PETA Prime

What It's Like to Go Behind the Scenes in a Laboratory

In order to protect her identity, we aren’t printing B’s full name. She is an extremely valued member of the PETA team, although most of our staff have never met her. She goes into animal-abusing facilities, and when she finds cruelty, she takes video footage and uses her own eyewitness accounts to get something done about it. Following is an interview with her, in which she discusses the obstacles that she encounters and explains how she overcomes them in order to expose animal abuse that is intentionally and carefully hidden from the public.

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PETA Prime Book Club: The Heartbreak of 'Project Animal Farm'

When investment banker Sonia Faruqi lost her Wall Street job during the recession, she thought that volunteering for an organic dairy farm would be a good way to spend a break while she reassessed her life. She imagined a bucolic farm, with cows frolicking in fields and farmers gently milking happy animals. Instead, what she found changed her life.

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Activism in the Classroom

Last year, I decided it was time for me to learn something new. So at 61 years old, I enrolled in my local community college and took Spanish lessons. I also decided that while I was educating myself, I would try to educate the teacher and the other students in the class as well.

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Just Say No to Pesticides

Of course, it goes without saying, do not use pesticides in your garden! Use a variety of plants, and you will attract your own pest control. If something is eating your favorite specimen and you have a variety of flowers in your beds and a little patience and tolerance, you’ll find something else will be along to eat the offending creature sooner or later.

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Urge Fashion Retailer Simons to Halt Fur and Angora Sales

Why would anyone want to wear clothing or accessorize a home with products containing wool or fur that has been ripped from animals' skin? Yet Simons continues to sell clothing and home accessories made of fur and angora wool, despite hearing from PETA about how animals are abused to obtain them. By doing so, Simons is complicit in the abuse of these intelligent, sensitive, gentle beings. Make sure Simons knows it by sending a letter via the form and pledging not to shop at the retailer until it stops selling fur and angora wool.

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