This Week at PETA Prime

Bird Brain? Why, That's a Compliment!

Who are the smartest animals you interact with on a daily basis? If you're tempted to say dogs or cats, look out the window and say hello to the crows watching you from the deck railing. Corvids are generally considered to be the brainiacs of the bird world, and a new study reveals that, like humans and great apes, ravens can plan ahead.

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When 'Cute' Is Condescending

How often do we perceive animals as "cute," no matter what they're doing, instead of reflecting on their experience? Usually, animals are acting in thoughtful and clever ways—not just being cute. If we wish to call ourselves "thinking animals," it's time to move beyond "cute" and consider animals in terms indicative of our empathy and respect for them.

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Fish Are Friends, Not Food—Part 2

If you read part 1, you know that fish are intelligent, social animals who feel pain every bit as much as other animals, including humans, do. But that's not the only reason you shouldn't eat fish or other sea animals: Eating fish flesh under the misguided notion that it's a healthy alternative to other meat is like smoking low-tar cigarettes.

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Former President Clinton's Reason for Going Vegan Is Sure to Warm Your Heart

There are plenty of reasons to go vegan—for the animals and for the environment, for example—but some people, such as former President Bill Clinton, just want to live longer.

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Hey, Hot Stuff! The 'Sexiest Vegan Over 50' Contest Is Back

Could you be 2017's Sexiest Vegan Over 50? Contest entry opens August 14, so get those headshots ready, and "like" the PETA Prime Facebook page to be the first to get details on entering, voting, prizes, finalists, and more.

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Urge Century 21 Department Stores to Drop Fur

Most of the world's fur comes from animals on fur farms, who spend their lives confined to filthy, cramped cages with barely enough room to take a few steps in any direction. Fur farmers kill them using the cheapest and crudest methods available, including neck-breaking, suffocation, poisoning, and electrocution. Despite knowing this, Century 21 continues selling products made with real fur.

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