This Week at PETA Prime

Why This Feminist Would 'Rather Go Naked'

Is it odd that a feminist champions racy protests featuring women wearing little more than body-paint markings that mimic a butcher's diagram? Some might raise an eyebrow, but let me explain why I believe that supporting women's rights and stripping for a cause go together like Gloria Steinem and miniskirts.

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For Healthy Bones, Go Nuts

Studies left and right are proving that the milk mustaches in those "Got Milk?" ads are covering up more than upper lips. The desperate dairy industry is using a massive advertising campaign to promote its product as healthy. But it seems that the answer to healthy bones may lie in beans, nuts, and grains.

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Where Can I Find Native Plants for My Garden?

Where do we begin if we want to grow a creature-friendly garden? What are some resources at our disposal? Read on for tips on seed-collecting, gardening resources, and more.

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What's Wrong With Pig Island?

World of Vegan founder Michelle Taylor Cehn and her husband booked a honeymoon trip to the Bahamas to swim with pigs on Pig Island. As someone who has long admired these smart, sensitive animals, Michelle was excited to see happy pigs living freely in a beautiful island paradise. However, upon her arrival, she realized that this was not an idyllic situation after all.

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Urge Orthodontists to Stop Supporting SeaWorld!

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) is holding an event in Orlando, Florida, in April, and the opening ceremonies are being held at SeaWorld Orlando, despite the fact that at least 38 orcas have died on SeaWorld's watch. In addition, nearly all the orcas stuck at SeaWorld are suffering from advanced dental trauma as a result of biting the metal gates and concrete sides of their tiny tanks in frustration. Please tell the AAO that if its members can move teeth, it can move its event.

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