This Week at PETA Prime

Why These Dog Advocates Support PETA's Doghouse Program

Who treats their dog like a forgotten bicycle, left out in the rain? Unfortunately, lots of people do. PETA's doghouse program makes a life-changing difference for thousands of dogs every year in the areas surrounding PETA's headquarters in Southeastern Virginia, and giving them that comfort is only possible with the support of generous people like these.

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PETA Science Consortium Brings Innovation to Saving Lives

Millions of mice, rabbits, primates, cats, and other animals are languishing in laboratories around the world, where they will eventually be cut up, burned, blinded, or poisoned and then killed. PETA International Science Consortium was established to promote and fund sophisticated non-animal testing strategies and methods and to help government regulators understand why animal tests are not helpful or humane.

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Cold? Reach for Wool-Free Warmth

Sheep are gentle individuals who experience pain, fear, and loneliness. But the wool industry treats them as nothing more than wool-producing machines and offers little in the way of respect or compassion. PETA exposs of wool suppliers for some companies that have claimed to have animal-welfare standards and/or buy wool from sustainable suppliers have revealed shocking cruelty.

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Go Native! The Importance of Using Native Plants in Your Landscape

Without native plants, wildlife cannot be sustained. In an overly simplified nutshell, the lovely cultivars that originate from Asia and Europe and can be purchased at your local nursery or big box store to beautify your landscape are not palatable to our little insect friends. "So what?" you might ask, as you scratch your head.

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Animals Beaten and Have Heads Torn Off During Mexican Festival

Each year in a city in Izamal, Yucatn, the Kots Kaal Pato festival occurs. According to news sources, children snatch up unsuspecting animals and stuff them alive into piatas, which are then bashed with rods. Those who survive the beatings are allegedly trampled by the frantic crowd. Please urge authorities to ban this animal abuse, and also let the secretary of tourism know that you won't travel to Mexico until this horrific tradition is brought to an end.

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