
Denis Niedringhaus - Senior intercultural coach


Pétillances is proud to announce a new member in our partner network


Born in the Midwest (St. Louis, Missouri in the US), Denis Niedringhaus has lived in Europe for over 26 years. An experienced expatriation coach, he helps clients adapt to working in multicultural environments.

Based in Luxembourg and Paris, he is trilingual (English, French and Mandarin Chinese). He uses his cultural knowledge and life experience to help clients manage the cultural challenges of their new environment. Denis shares his passion for Chinese culture and coaching by regularly writing articles on LinkedIn.

Trained as a systemic coach (ORSC - Organization Relationships and Systemic Coaching), he takes an active interest in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Mindfulness. He is an active member of SIETAR France and the International Coaching Federation.

Why intercultural training / team building training?

Despite its small size, Luxembourg has developed economically due its strategic location. This geographic crossroads is also home to a variety of cultures which greatly influence how people here do business.

Today, Luxembourg is a patchwork of social communities and subcultures which are not always easy to identify and navigate.

Most companies in Luxembourg employ managers and staff from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Even if it is company policy to speak English, there still be many communication problems due to cultural differences. Does everyone in your company understand each other's work habits and communication style?

There are numerous benefits from a one-day training:

  • Participants develop an appreciation for key values for both Chinese and European culture;
  • Chinese managers feel more integrated with the local corporate culture;
  • Chinese and non-Chinese employees build rapport which improves overall efficiency.

Why Intercultural Coaching?

Twenty hours of coaching, over a period of 6 months, allows the manager time to recognize challenges and develop strategies in his personal and professional life.

Expatriation is a time of transition in one's career and personal life. New employees and their families must quickly learn to manage changes in their daily lives: new home, new schools, new community, new language, etc. This can be very stressful.

Even if a manager gets support within his or her community, culture shock is inevitable.

How does intercultural coaching benefit the company?

Firstly, intercultural coaching provides an ongoing source of support in the first few months of the assignment as the expatriate encounters unexpected challenges and opportunities.

Twenty hours (6 months) of intercultural coaching help managers identify their needs and goals in a new multicultural environment. Working with a coach gives the participant time to reflect on culturally appropriate strategies and periodically review how effective they are.

For growing companies, coaching is a strategic long-term investment in managers. It provides a framework for developing managerial skills. The coaching process takes a top manager from survive into thrive.


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