Time is of the essence

Free Press Action

Tell Senate leadership: Protect our Fourth Amendment right to privacy!

Friend, as you read this email, government officials are buying our data from private companies that gather and sell unprecedented amounts of sensitive information about us — everything from our location data to our medical conditions.

The Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act (FAINFSA) would right this wrong by restricting law-enforcement and intelligence agencies from simply buying data on people in the United States without a warrant.

A bipartisan coalition of Democratic and Republican members of the U.S. House passed this important bill in April.1Now it’s the Senate’s turn — and we’re turning up the heat on Senate leadership to advance these vital and popular protections without further delay.

Tell Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin: Do everything in your power to pass the Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act.

As states across the country continue to criminalize abortion and reproductive health care, we have to stop private companies from selling information to law enforcement — like the location data of people visiting abortion clinics.

No government entity should be able to buy its way around the Fourth Amendment. Requiring a warrant to access our private information would protect our right to privacy — and our freedoms of association, religion and belief.

Public opinion is on our side. A new Free Press poll, "Americans’ Opinions on Media, Technology and Democracy,"2 revealed that overwhelming percentages of people across demographic lines worry about data privacy. Specifically, 83% are concerned that state and federal governments can access our data to determine our location — and use it against us.

It's past time for the Senate to get FAINFSA across the finish line and send this critical legislation to President Biden’s desk. Will you join us in pressuring Senate leadership to advance these necessary privacy protections? With the congressional summer recess and elections coming up, time is of the essence.

Thank you for being in the fight to protect your privacy,

Jenna and the rest of the Free Press Action team

1. “Free Press Action Praises House Passage of Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act, Which Would Limit Authorities from Buying Away Americans' Privacy Rights,” Free Press Action, April 17, 2024

2. “New Public Poll Finds Hunger for Tech and Media Reform in Advance of U.S. Elections,” Free Press, May 30, 2024

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