Photography now Logo  

Highlights New Institutional Solo Shows

Paul Huf » foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam


Trent Parke » The Martin Parr Foundation Bristol


Ray K. Metzker » Fondation A Stichting Brussels


Daidō Moriyama » Center for Photo Carmel


Pol Pierart » ... Musée de la Photo Charleroi


Joel Meyerowitz » NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale


Kurt TONG » INN SITU Innsbruck


Mike Kelley » Tate Modern London


Sammy Baloji » Goldsmiths CCA London


Rika Noguchi » Japan House London


Letizia Battaglia » Deborah Turbeville »
Photographers' Gallery London


Santiago Sierra » CA2M Madrid


Paulo Nazareth » Museo Tamayo Arte Mexico City


Baldwin Lee » Ogden Museum New Orleans


Raymond Meeks » Mame-Diarra Niang »
Fondation Cartier-Bresson Paris


Sophie Thun » Museum der Moderne Salzburg


Diego Marcon » Kunsthalle Wien


T3 Photo Festival Tokyo »



Atlanta Art Fair  » 3 – 6 Oct


Fine Art Asia  » Hong Kong 4 – 7 Oct


ARTVILNIUS Art Fair  » 4 – 6 Oct


Frieze London  » 9 – 13 Oct





Bonhams Auction Photographs  » 10 Oct



Phot'Aix  » Aix-en-Provence 3 Oct – 30 Nov


Photo Fringe  » Brighton 4 – 30 Oct


InCadaqués  » Cadaques 3 – 13 Oct


Fotograf Festival #14  » Prague 3 Oct – 3 Nov


Zoom Photo Festival  » Québec 9 Oct – 3 Nov


T3 Photo Festival Tokyo » 5 – 27 Oct

Frieze London  »


arrow Exhibitions (Openings Selection)
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  Amsterdam NL foam Fotografiemuseum  
Golden Years
Closeup of a woman in black and white, wearing a headpiece that covers her hair. Mode voor Avenue, 1966
© Paul Huf / MAI.

Paul Huf » Golden Years

4 October 2024 – 2 February 2025
Opening: Thursday 3 October 18:30

foam Fotografiemuseum

Keizersgracht 609, 1017 DS Amsterdam
Foam celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of renowned Dutch photographer Paul Huf with a retrospective, Golden Years. Huf emerged as a leading figure in the fields of advertising, fashion, and portrait photography during the 1950s, and was innovative with his use of colour. Notably, Paul Huf played a crucial role in the establishment of Foam Photography Museum Amsterdam, co-founding the institution in 2001.

This exhibition showcases over 100 works that provide deep insights into Huf's diverse oeuvre. Known for his theatrical and colourful aesthetics, as well as his ability to create unique compositions, Huf became one of the most prominent photographers of his time. He played a crucial role in professionalising commissioned photography in the Netherlands and is celebrated as a pioneer who elevated Dutch (advertising) photography as an art form.

Golden Years features iconic campaigns such as ‘Vakmanschap is Meesterschap’ (‘Craftsmanship is Mastery’) for Grolsch Brewery, fashion shoots for magazines such as Margriet and Avenue, and the famous portrait of Ajax legends Klaas Nuninga, Sjaak Swart, Piet Keizer, and Johan Cruijff. A personal highlight of his career was photographing the Dutch Royal Family in 1952, an honour that led to numerous subsequent commissions from the Royal House. Huf was the first official court photographer, paving the way for renowned successors such as Koos Breukel, Anton Corbijn, and Rineke Dijkstra.

Huf's impact on commissioned photography is further demonstrated by the album covers he designed in 1954 for Philips' classical music collection, a bold departure from the plain brown sleeves that were typically used for records at the time. British model Ann Pickford appeared on all covers, as there were few professional models in the Netherlands during that period. These covers even went on to inspire the song ‘Hoezepoes’ (‘Covergirl’) by famed Dutch writer Annie M.G. Schmidt.

Huf's artistic versatility extended beyond photography, as shown through his work as a filmmaker. His documentary on painter Carel Willink from 1975 was awarded with several prizes and will be screened in the exhibition at Foam for the first time.

Paul Huf (1924-2002, Amsterdam) was a self-taught artist who began photographing during his teenage years, inspired by his father's hobby. By experimenting in a self-made darkroom, he mastered the techniques of developing and printing photos. Throughout his career, Huf garnered numerous awards and exhibited his work internationally. He had a special connection with Foam, having played a role in the museum’s establishment. In recognition of his contributions, the Foam Paul Huf Award has been presented annually since 2007, supporting and promoting emerging photographers on a global scale.
Phosphor: Art & Photography
Adidas X Pharrell, 2017
© Viviane Sassen and Stevenson (Johannesburg / Cape Town / Amsterdam).

Viviane Sassen » Phosphor: Art & Photography

... until 12 January 2025

foam Fotografiemuseum

Keizersgracht 609, 1017 DS Amsterdam
Foam is thrilled to present the first large-scale retrospective of the Dutch fashion photographer and artist Viviane Sassen in the Netherlands. The exhibition PHOSPHOR: Art & Fashion, which comprises more than 200 works, reveals over thirty years of her multifaceted career bringing together photography, collage, painting and video. The exhibition serves a significant homecoming for Sassen, following her first museum showcase at Foam in 2008 titled Flamboya.

The Dutch contemporary artist Viviane Sassen rapidly gained worldwide recognition, both in the fashion industry and in the photography world. Her distinctive and eclectic visual oeuvre will fill almost the entire building of Foam. This exhibition will shed light on Sassen’s creative process by focusing on two main themes: the incessant search for new photographic forms and the importance of intimacy in her work.

The exhibition features iconic series, including Flamboya (2008), Umbra (2014) and Parasomnia (2011), along with unseen archives, mixed-media works that blend photography, painting, collage and video.

Sassen's fashion photography for brands such as Louis Vuitton and Dior will be presented in a monumental installation. Early experiments with objects from her personal archives, her initial self-portraits, and her final photo project from her studies illustrate the beginnings of Sassen's visual language. These images are being showcased for the first time in the exhibition PHOSPHOR: Art & Fashion.

Sassen's oeuvre explores both the depths of human emotion and the boundaries of artistic expression. Death, sexuality, desire and connection with others are all motifs that structure her work. Renowned for her adept u…
  Avignon FR Le Grenier à Sel  
  Le Futur Est Déjà La

  Thierry Cohen » Matthieu Gafsou » Esmeralda Kosmatopoulos » Maxime Matthys » Julien Pr&eacut;vieux »  

Fri 4 Oct

5 Oct – 31 Dec 2024

  Birmingham GB Ikon Gallery  
  Friends in Love and War – L’Éloge des meilleur·es ennemi·es

Works from the British Council Collection and macLYON

  Sonia Boyce » Tereza Bušková » Pogus Caesar » Jimmie Durham » Tracey Emin » Lola Gonzàlez » Emma Hart » Markéta Luskaçova » Rachel Maclean » Goshka Macuga » Madame Yevonde » Gordon Matta-Clark » Hetain Patel » Gillian Wearing » Bedwyr Williams »  

Tue 1 Oct 17:00

2 Oct 2024 – 23 Feb 2025

  Bristol GB The Martin Parr Foundation  
  Trent Parke »      

Bristol Photo Festival 2024


3 Oct – 22 Dec 2024

  Brussels BE Fondation A Stichting  
  Ray K. Metzker »      
  City Lux


3 Oct – 22 Dec 2024

  Brussels BE A.galerie  
  André Soupart »      


Tue 1 Oct 18:00

2 Oct – 9 Nov 2024

  Buenos Aires AR Rolf Art  
  Francisco Medail »      


Fri 4 Oct 19:00

4 Oct – 29 Nov 2024

  Cardiff GB Ffotogallery  
  Marian Delyth »      
  Darnau | Fragments


4 Oct – 14 Dec 2024

  Carmel US Center for Photographic Art  
  Daidō Moriyama »      
  Five Decades


5 Oct – 17 Nov 2024

  Charleroi BE Musée de la Photographie  
  Surréalisme, pour ainsi dire... Le Surréalisme dans les collections du Musée

  Manuel Álvarez Bravo » Eugène Atget » Marcel Bascoulard » André Breton » Marcel Lefrancq » Man Ray  » Marcel Mariën » Pierre Molinier » Paul Nougé » Jindrich Styrsky » Raoul Ubac »  

Sat 5 Oct 18:30

5 Oct 2024 – 26 Jan 2025

  Jérôme Cortie »      


Sat 5 Oct 18:30

5 Oct 2024 – 26 Jan 2025

  Hongsuk Ahn »      
  Till the humming sleeps


Sat 5 Oct 18:30

5 Oct 2024 – 26 Jan 2025

  Pol Pierart »      
  De progrès ou de force


Sat 5 Oct 18:30

5 Oct 2024 – 26 Jan 2025

  Cherbourg FR Le Point du Jour  
  Jean Painlevé »      
  Les pieds dans l’eau


6 Oct 2024 – 2 Feb 2025

  Clervaux LU CITÉ DE L'IMAGE  
Saison 2024 – 2025: NOVUM ASPECTUM
Jörg Auzinger, DESTINESIA

Saison 2024 – 2025: NOVUM ASPECTUM


Jörg Auzinger » DESTINESIA
Raoul Ries » CÒRREC SEC
Letizia Romanini » SUNOUSIA
Luisa Maria Stagno » COUPABLE?
Emilie Vialet » THE ETHERNAL

8 October 2024 – 7 September 2025


9710 Clervaux Luxembourg
Clervaux has always seen itself as a "city of the picture" (Cité de l'image). The perception and public visibility of the image in all its facets, with a particular focus on photography, characterises the cultural vision of the town and its inhabitants.

With the mission statement "Clervaux - Cité de l'image", the town is positioning itself very specifically in the field of photography, in particular with public exhibitions. One of the central concerns is to open up to all forms and sensibilities of contemporary photography, in terms of genres, territories or the working methods of the medium. The focus is on building and constantly expanding a wide-ranging network that gives artists access to the local art scene. Promoting young artists and supporting them in their professional development is one of the main concerns of Clervaux - Cité de l'image.

100% PHOTOGRAPHY In the museum & in open space
"Clervaux - cité de l'image" & "The Family of Man"
The collection "The Family of Man" comprises 503 photographs by 273 artists from 68 countries and was created in 1955 by Edward Steichen for the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA). Since 1994, it has been installed as a permanent exhibition in Clervaux Castle and has been listed on the UNESCO Memory of the World register since 2003.
  Clervaux LU Steichen Collections  
Installation de l’exposition “The Family of Man” au Château de Clervaux © CNA/Romain Girtgen, 2021


UNESCO Memory of the World

Ansel Adams » Manuel Álvarez Bravo » Lola Alvarez Bravo » Erich Andres » Emmy Andriesse » Diane Arbus » Allen Arbus » Eve Arnold » Richard Avedon » Ruth-Marion Baruch » Lou Bernstein » Eva Besnyö » Werner Bischof » Édouart Boubat » Margaret Bourke-White » Mathew B. Brady » Bill Brandt » Brassaï » Josef Breitenbach » David Brooks » Esther Bubley » Wynn Bullock » Harry Callahan » Cornell Capa » Robert Capa » Lewis Carroll » Henri Cartier-Bresson » Hermann Claasen » Edward Clark » Jerry Cooke  » Gordon Coster » Loomis Dean » Roy DeCarava » Jack Delano » Robert Doisneau » Nora Dumas » David Douglas Duncan » Alfred Eisenstaedt » Pat English » Elliott Erwitt » J. R. Eyerman » Louis Faurer » Andreas Feininger » Vito Fiorenza » Robert Frank » William A. Garnett » Burt Glinn » Allan Grant » René Groebli » Ernst Haas » Otto Hagel » Hiroshi Hamaya » Bert Hardy » Richard Harrington » Eugene Harris » Paul Himmel » Frank Horvat » Yasuhiro Ishimoto » Izis » Raymond Jacobs » Nico Jesse » Henk Jonker » Clemens Kalischer » Simpson Kalisher » Consuelo Kanaga » Ihei (Ihee) Kimura » Dorothea Lange » Harry Lapow » Lisa Larsen » Alma Lavenson » Arthur Lavine » Russell Lee » Nina Leen » Arthur Leipzig » Charles Leirens » Gita Lenz » Leon Levinstein » Helen Levitt » Sol Libsohn » Herbert List » Hans Malmberg » Jean Marquis » Leonard McCombe » Gjon Mili » ...

1 March 2024 – 1 January 2025
open Wednesday to Sunday from 12 to 6 p.m.

Steichen Collections

Château de Clervaux, 9712 Clervaux
The Family of Man comprises 503 photographs by 273 artists from 68 countries and was created by Edward Steichen for the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA).

Presented for the first time in 1955, the exhibition was meant as a manifesto for peace and the fundamental equality of mankind, expressed through the humanist photography of the post-war years. Images by artists such as Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Dorothea Lange, Robert Doisneau, August Sander and Ansel Adams were staged in a modernist and spectacular manner.

Having toured the globe and been displayed in over 150 museums worldwide, the last, complete version of the exhibition was permanently installed in Clervaux Castle in 1994. Since its creation, The Family of Man has attracted over 10 million visitors and entered the history of photography as a legendary exhibition. In 2003, the collection was inscribed in the UNESCO Memory of the World register.

Today, the restored collection is accessible to the public as a permanent exhibition at Clervaux Castle.
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  Fort Lauderdale US NSU Art Museum  
  Joel Meyerowitz »      
  Temporal Aspects


5 Oct 2024 – 16 Mar 2025

  Frankfurt (Main) DE Galerie—Peter—Sillem  
Barbara Klemm
Bryce Canyon, USA, 1984
Silbergelatineabzug von eigener Hand
30 x 40 cm
© Barbara Klemm

Barbara Klemm » Landschaften

... until 19 October 2024


Dreieichstr. 2, 60594 Frankfurt (Main)
To inaugurate the autumn 2024 gallery season, Peter Sillem Gallery is pleased to present a new exhibition by Barbara Klemm. Known for her mastery across various genres, Klemm also excels in landscape photography.

This exhibition features around thirty of her landscape portraits from Germany and around the world — from the Allgäu to Lake Plön, from the Mongolian steppe to the Iguazú waterfalls. Each photograph, printed by the artist as a silver gelatin print, showcases her skillful composition and deep connection to the landscapes she captures.

"Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Caspar David Friedrich, Georg Friedrich Kersting (...) gaze upon us from Barbara Klemm's landscape images. The German Romanticism, with its painting and graphics, and its solace, gravity, and abysses, reappears here in a new aesthetic quality." Péter Nádas

Barbara Klemm is considered one of the most important photographers in contemporary Germany. She was born in 1939 in Münster, Westphalia, and grew up in Karlsruhe. Since 1959, she worked for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and from 1970 onwards, she served as an editorial photographer with a focus on politics and culture. Her work has received numerous awards, including the Dr.-Erich-Salomon-Preis from the German Society for Photography (1989), the Hugo-Erfurth-Preis from the city of Leverkusen (1989), the Maria Sibylla Merian Prize for female visual artists in Hesse (1998), the Hessian Culture Prize (2000), and the Max Beckmann Prize from the city of Frankfurt am Main (2009). Barbara Klemm is the only woman to have been honored with the Leica Hall of Fame Award (2012). Since 1992, she has been a member of the Academy of Arts Berlin, and in 2010, she was elected to the Order Pour le Mérite. Barb…
  Göteborg SE Göteborgs Konsthall  
  Larissa Sansour »      
  Indigo is the Colour of Grief


4 Oct 2024 – 12 Jan 2025

  Genève CH Centre Photo Geneve  

  Sarah Carp » Matthieu Gafsou » Aude Mayer »  

Wed 2 Oct 17:00

2 Oct – 30 Oct 2024

  Genova IT VisionQuesT gallery  
  Patrick Willocq »      


Thu 3 Oct 18:00

3 Oct – 1 Nov 2024

  Genova IT Galleria Guidi&Schoen  
  Giacomo Costa »      
  Infinitely delicate landscapes


Thu 3 Oct 18:00

3 Oct – 5 Nov 2024

  Helsinki FI Photographic Gallery  
  Mikko Kuorinki »      
  O O


4 Oct – 27 Oct 2024

  Appu Jasu »      
  When Andromeda and Milky Way Embrace


4 Oct – 27 Oct 2024

  Johannesburg ZA JAG Johannesburg Art Gallery  
Umkhondo: Going Deeper
Intombi zakwaNala eMtyamde, 2021
Inkjet on Baryta
Frame: 40 x 50 cm
Edition of 7
© Lindokuhle Sobekwa, Courtesy Goodman Gallery

Lindokuhle Sobekwa » Umkhondo: Going Deeper

... until 23 March 2025

JAG Johannesburg Art Gallery

King George Street, Joubert Park, Johannesburg
The Johannesburg Art Gallery, in collaboration with Goodman Gallery, is proud to present 'Umkhondo: Going Deeper', Lindokuhle Sobekwa's first solo exhibition at the museum, following his 2023 FNB Art Prize Award.

'Umkhondo: Going Deeper' unites two significant and interconnected bodies of work — 'I carry Her photo with Me' and 'Ezilalini (The Country)' — seen together for the first time. The exhibition showcases Sobekwa's journey of introspection and discovery as he wrestles with absence, loss and belonging.

It reflects his deep interest in (re)enactments of memory, personal histories and lived realities while also drawing attention to broader societal issues through a lens-based practice that spans over a decade. In 'Umkhondo: Going Deeper' Sobekwa critically examines the enduring legacies of historical injustices and their effects on personal and collective identities, work he describes as "confronting the deep scars left by apartheid and colonialism...exploring the fragmentation and poverty that continue to reverberate through South African society."

The exhibition title follows Sobekwa's first museum show in 2022 at Huis Marseille in the Netherlands — 'Umkhondo. Tracing memory' —where he participated in the 'The Beauty of the World So Heavy' summer programme. Translated as a "clue", "trail" or "trace", Umkhondo is a gesture to subtle imprints left behind — the fleeting memories etched into the fabric of time. The narrative thread of the exhibition is woven together by ideas of physical and spiritual journeys. The horizon line cuts into the sky, as a way to trace place, and trees as anchors, which like ancestors, connect both above ground and below.
  Innsbruck AT INN SITU  
  Kurt TONG »      


Tue 1 Oct 19:00

2 Oct 2024 – 18 Jan 2025

  Köln DE Michael Horbach Stiftung  
© Anja Schlamann

Anja Schlamann »


(Shop counters)


90 Works from five continents Syria, Cuba, Spain, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Zanzibar, Peru and Bolivia


Sun 6 Oct 11:00
6 Oct – 24 Nov 2024



  London GB Tate Modern  
  Mike Kelley »      
  Ghost and Spirit


3 Oct 2024 – 9 Mar 2025

  London GB Gasworks  
  Riar Rizaldi »      


3 Oct – 22 Dec 2024

  London GB Project Native Informant  
  Juliana Huxtable »      
  Heads and Tails in the Struggle for Iconicity


Wed 2 Oct 18:00

2 Oct – 2 Nov 2024

  London GB Goldsmiths CCA  
Sammy Baloji, Aequare. The Future that never was, 2023. Still. Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Imane Farès.

Sammy Baloji »




Thu 3 Oct 18:00
4 Oct 2024 – 12 Jan 2025



  London GB Matt's Gallery  
  Willie Doherty »      


Sun 6 Oct 14:00

9 Oct – 10 Nov 2024

  London GB October Gallery  
  Alexis Peskine »      
  Forest Figures


Fri 11 Oct 18:00

3 Oct – 9 Nov 2024

  London GB Daiwa Foundation Japan House  
  Rika Noguchi »      
  Life on Planet


9 Oct 2024 – 24 Jan 2025

  London GB Photographers' Gallery  
  Letizia Battaglia »      
  Life, Love and Death in Sicily


9 Oct 2024 – 23 Feb 2025

  Deborah Turbeville »      


9 Oct 2024 – 23 Feb 2025

  London GB Large Glass  
In Plain View
Gerry Johansson New York, 1962
© Gerry Johansson

Gerry Johansson » In Plain View

... until 2 November 2024

Large Glass

392 Caledonian Road, N1 1DN London
There are several common denominators found throughout Gerry Johansson’s work that become apparent with even casual viewing. Some of those shared characteristics are obvious at first glance, for instance; the physicality of several of Johansson's books and exhibition print sizes, the apparent use of traditional analog materials; while other traits like the sense of stillness, the seeming perpetual daylight, and the camera's steady almost drone-like orientation to the world set an underlying commonality. Perhaps a trait most recognizable is his choice of working primarily in black and white.

The "America" photographs began when Johansson's parents sent him to New York after finishing his schooling in Varberg Sweden. Those early pictures inspired by the energies of the city (and the pulse of jazz!) might appear as an artist finding their voice through exploring a loosened documentary style tangential to Garry Winogrand, or perhaps more closely Ray K. Metzger, yet the year 1962 places Johansson right in their midst, not successor. The few examples included here taken with a small-format 35mm camera, are characterized by a tonal scale that allows shadows to swallow some detail and highlights to succumb to atmospheric fog: a grouping of men riding a ferry on New York's Hudson River are reduced to simple silhouettes against a fading Manhattan skyline; a maintenance worker on a ladder contrasted with New York's most famous landmark, the Empire State Building, emphasizing the dizzying verticality of the city through a patchwork of shadow and light. Though authentic and drawn directly from the real world, there is a dreamlike quality to these works that evolved into the "translucid clearness" that signifies Johansson's practice today.

What I find refreshing about Johansson's work is the sense one feels of his enjoyment of moving through an unfamiliar landscape and simply taking in what is before him. The work seems formed not in the mind first, but through the physical footsteps he takes and directness at which he looks.
- Text by Jeffrey Ladd

Gerry Johansson, born 1945 in Örebro, lives in Höganäs, Sweden. Johansson studied graphic design in Gothenburg in the late 1960s. His work has been exhibited at distinguished museums and institutions internationally, including the Kunsthalle Rostock in Germany; Museum of Modern Art in Bogota, Colombia; Hasselblad Center in Göteborg and the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Sweden. Johansson has produced a large number of books including the recently published "Spanish Summer" and "American Winter", both MACK and was awarded the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s Award and the prestigious Lars Tunbjörk Prize.
  Lugano CH MASI Lugano  
  Johanna Kotlaris »      


Thu 3 Oct 18:00

4 Oct 2024 – 6 Jan 2025

  Lyon FR le bleu du ciel  
  Ebru Ceylan »      
  Inner world


Fri 11 Oct 18:00

5 Oct – 28 Dec 2024

  Madrid ES CA2M  
  Santiago Sierra »      


3 Oct 2024 – 2 Feb 2025

  Mexico City MX Museo Tamayo Arte  
  Paulo Nazareth »      


3 Oct 2024 – 9 Feb 2025

  Milano IT Galleria Raffaella Cortese  
  Yael Bartana »      
  utopia now!


4 Oct – 23 Dec 2024

  Simone Forti »      
  Simone Forti


4 Oct – 23 Dec 2024

  New Orleans US Ogden Museum of Southern Art  
  Baldwin Lee »      
  Baldwin Lee


5 Oct 2024 – 16 Feb 2025

  New York US Keith de Lellis Gallery  


  Pierre Adam » David Attie » Cecil Beaton » Gordon Coster » Louise Dahl-Wolfe » Loomis Dean » Fernand Fonssagrives » Philippe Halsman » Man Ray  » Herbert Matter » Angus McBean » NASA  » PaJaMa » Norman Parkinson » George Platt-Lynes » … (4)  

3 Oct – 15 Nov 2024

  New York US Whitney Museum Art  
Mark Armijo McKnight, Somnia, 2023. Gelatin silver print, 48 x 60in. (121.9 x 152.4 cm). Courtesy the artist. © Mark Armijo McKnight

Mark Armijo McKnight » Decreation

... until 5 January 2025

Whitney Museum Art

99 Gansevoort Street, NY 10014 New York
Mark Armijo McKnight: Decreation features new and recent black-and-white photographs by Mark Armijo McKnight (b. 1984, Los Angeles, California; lives in New York, New York) and focuses on his ongoing body of work, “Decreation.” The concept, originated by the French philosopher, activist, and mystic Simone Weil (1909–1943), describes an intentional undoing of the self, a process Armijo McKnight explores in images of bodies and landscapes in intermediate states, such as anonymous nude figures engaged in erotic play amidst harsh environments. These photographs convey a sense of both ecstasy and affliction. A new 16mm film in the gallery plays a cacophonous symphony of gradually unwinding metronomes set within the dramatic geological formations of the Bisti Badlands/De-Na-Zin Wilderness in New Mexico. Two large limestone sculptures, which double as seating, suggest the forms of a pair of ancient sundials. As a whole, Decreation simultaneously evokes tumult and quietude, darkness and light, isolation and togetherness.

This exhibition is on view in the Lobby gallery, accessible to the public free of charge as part of the Whitney Museum’s enduring commitment to supporting and showcasing emerging artists’ most recent work.

Mark Armijo McKnight: Decreation is organized by Drew Sawyer, Sondra Gilman Curator of Photography, with Nakai Falcón, Curatorial Assistant.
  New York US Throckmorton Fine Art, Inc.  
  Flor Garduño »      


Thu 3 Oct 17:00

3 Oct 2024 – 22 Jan 2025

  New York US David Zwirner  
  Sara Cwynar »      
  Baby Blue Benzo


Fri 4 Oct 18:00

4 Oct – 21 Dec 2024

  Osaka JP The Third Gallery Aya  
  Yoshio Hata »      
  Miracle Forest EXPO ’70


5 Oct – 2 Nov 2024

  Paris FR Centre Pompidou  
  Chine, une nouvelle génération d’artistes

  Zhang Ding » YU Ji » LI Ming » Yao Qingmei » CHEN Wei » Sun Xun » Miao Ying »  

9 Oct 2024 – 3 Feb 2025

  Paris FR Centre Pompidou  
  Apichatpong Weerasethakul »      
  Des lumières et des ombres


2 Oct – 9 Nov 2024

  Paris FR galerie Sit Down  
  Matt Wilson »      
  Cette route mène sûrement quelque part, peut-être


Thu 3 Oct 18:00

4 Oct – 30 Nov 2024

  Paris FR Galerie David Guiraud  
Keith Haring
Keith Haring, Body Painting, Paris, 1985 © Patrick Sarfati

Patrick Sarfati » Keith Haring

4 October – 2 November, 2024
Opening: Thursday, 3 October, 2024

Galerie David Guiraud

5, rue du Perche, 75003 Paris
The David Guiraud Gallery is pleased to present an exceptional series of photographs taken by Patrick Sarfati in 1985, showing the American artist Keith Haring creating a body painting on a young Parisian model.

This is most certainly the only reportage showing Keith Haring in the process of creating a body painting. From Ludovic's bare chest, the images show the painter moving around his model, brush in hand, gradually completing the body painting with each stroke.

Images of body paintings by Keith Haring are familiar but rare; only a few photographers have immortalized these ephemeral works: dancer Bill T. Jones photographed by Tseng Kwong Chi in 1983, Grace Jones photographed by Robert Mapplethorpe in 1984, and the artist painted by himself and photographed by Annie Leibovitz in 1986.

Andy Warhol took a few pictures while Keith Haring was painting Grace Jones, but the series presented here is the most complete known collection, providing a true reportage of the artist’s performance.

The gallery has selected eight images to create a series documenting Keith Haring performing a body painting.

The exhibition also showcases a set of portraits of the artist, captured by Patrick Sarfati at the time of this happening. For the exhibition, the artist also produced a large print (100 x 70 cm) of his two contact sheets, showing the entire session.
  Paris FR Galerie Gilles Peyroulet & Cie  
  La Photographie Surréaliste

ou l’aboutissement d’un médium 1929-1939

  Hans Bellmer » Erwin Blumenfeld » Jacques-André Boiffard » Brassaï » André Kertész » Eli Lotar » Dora Maar » Man Ray  » Pierre Molinier » Jean Painlevé » Roger Parry » Maurice Tabard » Raoul Ubac »  

Thu 3 Oct 18:00

3 Oct – 14 Dec 2024

  Paris FR Fondation Cartier-Bresson  
  Mame-Diarra Niang »      
  Remember to Forget


Tue 8 Oct

9 Oct 2024 – 5 Jan 2025

  Raymond Meeks »      
  The Inhabitants


Tue 8 Oct

9 Oct 2024 – 5 Jan 2025

  Portland US Blue Sky Gallery  
  Ryan Frigillana »      

2023 En Foco Fellowship Exhibition


Thu 3 Oct 17:00

3 Oct – 2 Nov 2024

  Ashley McLean »      
  Seeking you in other bodies..

2023 En Foco Fellowship Exhibition


Thu 3 Oct 17:00

3 Oct – 2 Nov 2024

  Praha CZ Fotograf Gallery  
  Make Voices Be Heard: Chapter One

  Paul Chaney » Genti Korini »  

Thu 3 Oct

4 Oct – 8 Nov 2024

  Ravenna IT Fondazione Sabe per l’arte  

Storie e immagini dalla Collezione Donata Pizzi

  Liliana Barchiesi » Tomaso Binga » Lisetta Carmi » Martina della Valle » Lucia Marcucci » Paola Mattioli » Moira Ricci » Alessandra Spranzi » Alba Zari »  

Sat 5 Oct 11:00

5 Oct – 15 Dec 2024

  Richmond US Virginia Museum of Fine Arts  
  American, born Hungary

The Hungarian American Photographic Legacy

  Robert Capa » Arnold Eagle » György Kepes » André Kertész » László Moholy-Nagy » Martin Munkácsi »  

5 Oct 2024 – 26 Jan 2025

  A Long Arc

Photography and the American South since 1845

  Bob Adelman » George N. Barnard » Dawoud Bey » Sheila Pree Bright » William Christenberry » Bruce Davidson » Doris Adelaide Derby » William Eggleston » Walker Evans » Alexander Gardner » Lewis Hine » William Henry Jackson » An-My Lê » Dorothea Lange » Clarence John Laughlin » … (16)  

5 Oct 2024 – 26 Jan 2025

  Rochester US George Eastman Museum  
  Life with Photographs

75 Years of the Eastman Museum

  George N. Barnard » Betty Hahn » Abelardo Morell » Ming Smith »  

5 Oct 2024 – 31 Aug 2025

  Roma IT MACRO Testaccio  
  Post Scriptum. A museum forgotten by heart

  Absalon » Vincenzo Agnetti » Thea Djordjadze » Luciano Fabro » Simone Forti » Heike Gallmeier » Felix Gonzalez-Torres » Sohrab Hura » Sandra Mujinga » Charlemagne Palestine » Lukas Wassmann » Gillian Wearing »  

4 Oct 2024 – 16 Feb 2025

  Salzburg AT Museum der Moderne  
  Sophie Thun »      
  Between Light and Wall / Zwischen Licht und Wand


Thu 3 Oct 19:00

4 Oct 2024 – 23 Feb 2025

  Salzburg AT FOTOHOF  
Werner Feiersinger: ohne Titel, 2022

Werner Feiersinger »




Sat 5 Oct 18:00
8 Oct – 29 Nov 2024



Lea Sonderegger: ohne Titel (norm), 2022

Lea Sonderegger »




Sat 5 Oct 18:00
8 Oct – 29 Nov 2024



Joachim Brohm
aus der Serie "STONED, 1989–94/2024", archival inkjet print, 50×40 cm

Joachim Brohm »




Sat 5 Oct 18:00
8 Oct – 29 Nov 2024



  Santa Fe US Monroe Gallery  
  The Best Of Us

  Bill Eppridge » Ashley Gilbertson » Sonia Handelman Meyer » Carl Mydans » Kai Regan » Steve Schapiro » Ida Wyman »  

4 Oct – 17 Nov 2024

  Singapore SG DECK  
  Garden City: Remix Edition

Singapore International Photography Festival 2024

  Kim Sunik » Marvin Tang » Woong Soak Teng »  

Fri 4 Oct 19:30

4 Oct – 3 Nov 2024

  Southend-on-Sea GB Focal Point Gallery  
  Adham Faramawy »      
  And these deceitful waters


2 Oct 2024 – 4 Jan 2025

  Stockholm SE Cecilia Hillström  
  Mats Hjelm »      
  Memories of Lakes Lost


3 Oct – 1 Nov 2024

  Strasbourg FR Stimultania  
  Anne Immele »      
  melita, מלט −mlṭ, refuge


Fri 4 Oct 18:00

4 Oct 2024 – 11 Jan 2025

  Tokyo JP Akio Nagasawa  
  Daidō Moriyama »      
  Record No.58


3 Oct – 30 Nov 2024

  Tokyo JP Gallery Tosei  
  Izuru Takeya »      
  Eyes on the Move 1990-2023


4 Oct – 26 Oct 2024

  Tokyo JP Tokyo Institut of Photography  
New Japanese Photography in New Light
Ryoji Akiyama. T.V. Frame Left in a Reclamation Area, Tokyo. 1969

New Japanese Photography in New Light

T3 Photo Festival Tokyo 2024

Ryoji Akiyama » Ken Domon » Masahisa Fukase » Eikoh Hosoe » Tetsuya Ichimura » Yasuhiro Ishimoto » Bishin Jumonji » Kikuji Kawada » Daidō Moriyama » Masatoshi Naito » Ikkō Narahara » Ken Ohara » Shômei Tômatsu » Akihide Tamura » Hiromi Tsuchida »

5 – 27 October 2024

Tokyo Institut of Photography

1-4-16 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, 103-8285 Tokyo
The exhibition “New Japanese Photography” was held at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York in 1974, co-curated by John Szarkowski, director of the MoMA Department of Photography, and Shoji Yamagishi, editor of Camera Mainichi. Regarded as “the first attempt to present an extensive survey of contemporary Japanese photography outside Japan,” this exhibition has had a major and long-lasting impact on the study and understanding of Japanese photography overseas to this very day.

Fifty years have passed since that groundbreaking exhibition. To mark this anniversary, we have planned 3 shows curated by SHIRABE Bunmei, KOBAYASHI Mika, and Marc FEUSTEL that reflect on the legacy of “New Japanese Photography” from a contemporary perspective. In addition, Sandra Phillips, curator emeritus of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, reflects back on that exhibition from a new angle. Through the festival, we hope to shine a new light on photography in Japan and highlight the transformation that has taken place in this field over the last fifty years.

"New Japanese Photography in New Light" is a selection of photographs from the works of 1974 introduced by 15 photographers by Sandra Phillips, Honorary Curator of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, after 50 years.
Afterimage © Fukushima Kohei


T3 Photo Festival Tokyo 2024


Kohei Fukushima » Mayumi Hosokura » Shingo Kanagwa » Gang Misun » Kuroda Natsuki » Uehara Sayaka » Motoyuki Shitamichi »


5 – 27 Oct 2024



Where did that ‘masculinity’ come from?
甲斐 啓二郎|Kai Keijiro

Where did that ‘masculinity’ come from?

T3 Photo Festival Tokyo 2024


Takata Fuyuhiko » Kai Keijiro »


5 – 27 Oct 2024



Alternative Visions: A Female Perspective / The Wall vs the Page
Abstraction: Blue and Red 1960
Courtesy of The Third Gallery Aya

Alternative Visions: A Female Perspective / The Wall vs the Page

T3 Photo Festival Tokyo 2024


Yamazawa Eiko » Hisae Imai » Tamiko Nishimura » Toshiko Okanoue » Toyoko Tokiwa » Hitomi Watanabe »


5 – 27 Oct 2024



  Tokyo JP Gallery Koyanagi  
  Tabaimo »      


5 Oct – 16 Nov 2024

  Tokyo JP Zeit Foto kunitachi  
  Ryudai Takano »      


5 Oct – 16 Nov 2024

  Turku FI Turku Art Museum  
  Sini Pelkki »      
  Evolving Window


4 Oct – 24 Nov 2024

  Turku FI Photographic Centre Peri  
  Suzanne Mooney »      
  Shatter, Scatter


Thu 3 Oct 17:00

4 Oct – 3 Nov 2024

  Ulm DE Stadthaus Ulm  
M L Casteel
aus der Serie "American Interiors", 2014
© M L Casteel


Migration | Zuhause | Erinnerung


ML Casteel » Hannah Darabi » Göran Gnaudschun » Andy Heller » Ulrike Kolb » Oliver Krebs » Eva Leitolf » Wiebke Loeper » Werner Mahler » Ute Mahler » Minna Rainio & Mark Roberts » Jana Sophia Nolle » Ingmar Björn Nolting » Peter Piller » Elena Subach »


Sun 6 Oct 11:30
6 Oct 2024 – 12 Jan 2025



  Washington US National Gallery of Art  
  The ’70s Lens

Reimagining Documentary Photography

  Lewis Baltz » Anthony Barboza » Thomas Barrow » Lynne Cohen » Joe Deal » William Eggleston » Mitch Epstein » Mikki Ferrill » Larry Fink » Nan Goldin » Sunil Gupta » Anthony Hernandez » Susan Hiller » Michael Jang » Joan Jonas » … (9)  

6 Oct 2024 – 6 Apr 2025

  Wellington NZ {Suite} Gallery  
  Ans Westra »      
  Viliami of the Friendly Islands (1963)


3 Oct – 10 Oct 2024

  Wien AT Kunsthalle Wien  
  Diego Marcon »      
  La Gola


Thu 3 Oct 19:00

4 Oct 2024 – 2 Feb 2025

arrow Fairs
  Hong Kong CN Fine Art Asia  
Fine Art Asia 2024

Fine Art Asia 2024


4 – 7 Oct 2024



  London GB Frieze art fair  
Frieze London 2024

Frieze London 2024


Ignasi Aballí » Bani Abidi » Marina Abramović » Lawrence Abu Hamdan » Ghada Amer » Vanessa Beecroft » Isaac Chong Wai » Isaac Chong Wai » Hannah Collins » Sara Cwynar » Jose Dávila » Awol Erizku » Hal Fischer » Luke Fowler » Simryn Gill » Gauri Gill » David Goldblatt » David Goldblatt » Gabrielle Goliath » Noémie Goudal » Ayesha Hameed » Sarah Jones » Annette Kelm » William Kentridge » Bohnchang Koo » Richard Learoyd » Jen Liu » Laila Majid » Ana Mendieta » Richard Mosse » Ugo Mulas » Katja Novitskova  » Erin O'Keefe » Catherine Opie » Frida Orupabo » Joanna Piotrowska  » Ashfika Rahman » Nick Relph » John Riddy » Martha Rosler » Martha Rosler » Thomas Ruff » Viviane Sassen » Jacolby Satterwhite » Eva Schlegel » Dayanita Singh » Penny Siopis » Angela Su » Mikhael Subotzky » Wolfgang Tillmans » Wang Tuo » Mark Wallinger » Carrie Mae Weems » CHEN Wei » CHEN Wei » Sue Williamson » Trevor YEUNG » ...


9 – 13 Oct 2024



  New York US AMP  
Atlanta Art Fair 2024

Atlanta Art Fair 2024


Sheila Pree Bright » Elizabeth Chiles » Brian Day » Saidou Dicko » Rineke Dijkstra » Shanequa Gay » Nan Goldin » Max Steven Grossman » Sally Mann » Alex Prager » Meghann Riepenhoff » Steve Schapiro » Mark Steinmetz » Mickalene Thomas » Isabelle Van Zeijl » ...


3 – 6 Oct 2024



  Vilnius LT ARTVILNIUS Art Fair  
ARTVILNIUS Art Fair 2024

ARTVILNIUS Art Fair 2024


Roma Auškalnytė » Arunas Baltenas » Evaldas Butkevičius » Dovilė Dagienė » Rimantas Dichavičius » Dan Hermouet » Alvydas Lukys » Ignas Maldžiūnas » Sergejus Michalenko » Romualdas Pozerskis » Tania Serket » Marija Sileikaite-Cici » Antanas Sutkus » Helle Ly Tomberg » Virgilijus Usinavičius-Augulis » ...


4 – 6 Oct 2024






Nobuyoshi Araki » Günter Brus » Heinz Cibulka » Sabine Dehnel » Inge Dick » Brigitte Kowanz » Maria Lassnig » Rudolf Schwarzkogler » Erwin Wurm » ...


5 – 13 Oct 2024



arrow Auctions
  New York US Bonhams New York  

  Ansel Adams » Nick Brandt » Edward Burtynsky » Edward S. Curtis » William Eggleston » Pieter Hugo » Steve McCurry » ...  

30 Sep – 10 Oct 2024

arrow Festivals
arrow Upcoming
  Aix-en-Provence FR Phot'Aix  
Phot'Aix 2024

Phot'Aix 2024

L'album de Famille des Aixois 2ième Edition


Anonymous » Chaza Charafeddine »


3 Oct – 30 Nov 2024


This exhibition crosses two photographic sources:
  • those from the archives of the Aix family album collected by Fontaine Obscure and
  • those from the archives of Lebanese families collected in Tyre (Lebanon) by the artist Chaza CHARAFEDDINE (Athar Collection).

The chosen subject is that of portraits of women from the 50s and 70s, just before the civil war in Lebanon.  

  Brighton GB Photo Fringe  
Photo Fringe 2024

Photo Fringe 2024


Rhiannon Adam » Murray Ballard » Alejandra Carles-Tolra » Laura El-Tantawy » Alan Gignoux » Adam Isler » Asa Johannessen » Sam Laughlin » Anthony Luvera » Tish Murtha » Jim Naughten » Martin Seeds » Arpita Shah » ...


Fri 4 Oct
4 – 30 Oct 2024



  Cadaques ES InCadaqués  
InCadaqués 2024

InCadaqués 2024



Laia Abril » Bebe Blanco Agterberg » Kristoffer Axén » Christopher Barraja » Ilse Bing » Margherita Chiarva » Gianni Cipriano » Paul Cupido » Nicola Di Giorgio » Joan Fontcuberta » Esther Friedman » Stephen Kelly » Eloïse Labarbe Lafon » Julia Lê » Pedro Madueño » Oriol Maspons » Élie Monferier » Sasha Mongin » Anna Muller » Kriss Munsya » Lee-Ann Olwage » Pietro Paolini » Martin Parr » Gareth Phillips » Lia Rochas-Pàris » Tokyo Rumando » Rima Samman » Philippine Schaefer » Chieko Shiraishi » Yang Su » The Anonymous Project / Lee Shulman » Julie Van der Vaart » Alexey Yurenev » ...


3 – 13 Oct 2024



  Praha CZ Fotograf 07 z.s.  
Fotograf Festival #14

Fotograf Festival #14

Make Voices Be Heard


Yevgenia Belorusets » Alina Bliumis » Paul Chaney » Soso Dumbadze » Meiro Koizumi » Jeanna Kolesova » Genti Korini » Marta Popivoda » Karol Radziszewski » Emília Rigová » Minh Thang Pham » ...


3 Oct – 3 Nov 2024



  Québec CA Zoom Photo  
Zoom Photo Festival 2024

Zoom Photo Festival 2024


Arlette Bashizi » Sarah Blesener » Ferhat Bouda » Aline Deschamps » Bastien Doudaine » Mahé Elipe » Pat Kane » Stacy Kranitz » Bénédicte Kurzen » Olivier Laban-Mattei » Mathieu Langevin » Frédéric Noy » Renaud Philippe » Ed Ram » Greta Rico » Gaia Squarci » Victor Zea » ...


9 Oct – 3 Nov 2024



  Tokyo JP Tokyo Institut of Photography  
T3 Photo Festival Tokyo 2024

T3 Photo Festival Tokyo 2024


Ryoji Akiyama » Ken Domon » Yamazawa Eiko » Masahisa Fukase » Kohei Fukushima » Takata Fuyuhiko » Eikoh Hosoe » Mayumi Hosokura » Tetsuya Ichimura » Hisae Imai » Yasuhiro Ishimoto » Bishin Jumonji » Shingo Kanagwa » Kikuji Kawada » Kai Keijiro » Gang Misun » Daidō Moriyama » Masatoshi Naito » Ikkō Narahara » Kuroda Natsuki » Tamiko Nishimura » Ken Ohara » Toshiko Okanoue » Uehara Sayaka » Motoyuki Shitamichi » Shômei Tômatsu » Akihide Tamura » Toyoko Tokiwa » Hiromi Tsuchida » Hitomi Watanabe » ...


5 – 27 Oct 2024



arrow Current
  Baden AT Festival La Gacilly-Baden  
Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo 2024

Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo 2024


Nazli Abbaspour » Evgenia Arbugaeva » Luigi Caputo » Yasuyoshi Chiba » Joana Choumali » David Doubilet » Nadia Ferroukhi » Sacha Goldberger » Jennifer Hayes » Richard Ladkani » Lucas Lenci » Luca Locatelli » Pascal Maitre » Markus Eisl & Gerald Mansberger » Beth Moon » Martin Parr » Maxime Riché » Sebastião Salgado » Alain Schroeder » Norbert Span » Vee Speers » Brent Stirton » Lorraine Turci » Peter Turnley » David Turnley » Cássio Vasconcellos » ...


Baden near Vienna:
The largest outdoor photography festival in Europe will take place
from 13 June until 13 October 2024.

Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo

Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo

Dumbagasse 9 . AT-2500 Baden
T +43 2252-42269
Opening hours: daily 24hrs
Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo
WORLD.NATURE.HERITAGE – "Humanity has opened the gates to hell", warned Secretary- General António Guterres in an impassioned speech on the margins of the UN General Assembly in September 2023. UN General Assembly in September 2023 to politicians, entrepreneurs and activists, he warned of the terrible consequences of increasingly extreme weather events. "Our concern is that all climate action will be dwarfed by the scale of the challenge”, as humanity is heading for a temperature rise of 2.8°C.

An appeal to the world that has long been inscribed at the heart of our festival. It is our duty to preserve the poetry of creation for our children. On the fundamental issues of urbanisation, biodiversity, natural resources, environmental pollution and global warming, we will try to use images to provide, if not solutions, then at least food for thought. Therefore, in our seventh festival year, we will be showing the work of the great masters of environmental photography: Nazli Abbaspour, Evgenia Arbugaeva, Yasuhoshi Chiba, Joana Choumali, David Doubilet and Jennifer Hayes, Nadia Ferroukhi, Sacha Goldberger, Richard Ladkani, Lucas Lenci, Luca Locatelli, Pascal Maitre, Beth Moon, Maxime Riché, Sebastião Salgado, Alain Schroeder, Vee Speers, Brent Stirton, Lorraine Turci, David Turnley, Peter Turnley and Cássio Vasconcellos.

"We all need Eden as a horizon," writes Cyril Drouhet in his essay in the festival catalogue. "There was a time when we had a rainbow in our heads: We believed in the future, in progress, our dreams were full of utopias. In the third millennium, this colour has turned grey. But life needs radiant colours like in photography to enchant the world again. That is the cha…
  Barcelona ES Manifesta 15  
Manifesta 15

Manifesta 15

the European Nomadic Biennial


Korakrit Arunanondchai » Félix Blume » Jonathas de Andrade » Kiluanji Kia Henda » Masbedo (Nicolò Massazza / Jacopo Bedogni) » Diana Scherer » Maya Watanabe »


– 24 Nov 2024



  Braga PT Encontros da Imagem  
Encontros da Imagem 2024

Encontros da Imagem 2024


Sammy Baloji » Ofir Berman » Omar Victor Diop » Imane Djamil » Filipa Frois Almeida » Marja Helander » Ayrson Heraclito » Amina Kadous » Tito Mouraz » Amilton Neves Cuna » Maria Pia Oliveira » Gloria Oyarzabal » Miguel Rio Branco » Luca Rotondo » George Selley » Ousmane Sembene » Aaryan Sinha » Paweł Starzec  » D.M. Terblanche » Martin Tscholl » Margot Wallard » Glorianna Ximendaz » Sofia Yala » Sofia Yala » ...


– 3 Nov 2024



  Breda NL Breda Photo  
BredaPhoto International Photo Festival

BredaPhoto International Photo Festival



Shaima Al Tamimi » Mónica Alcázar-Duarte » Ioana Cîrlig » Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons » Santanu Dey » Omar Victor Diop » Tina Farifteh » Thana Faroq » Claudia Gordillo » Abdul Halik Azeez » Sayuri Ichida » Andrew Jackson » Sakir Khader » Anaïs López » Hira Nabi » Persijn Broersen & Margit Lukács » Mounir Raji » Rosângela Rennó » Selma Selman » Aimilia Theofilopoulos » Daryna Tyshchenko » Leendert Vooijce » ...


– 3 Nov 2024



  Brione (Verzasca) CH Verzasca FOTO  
Verzasca FOTO Festival 2024

Verzasca FOTO Festival 2024


Tiziana Amico » Mattia Balsamini » Akshay Mahajan » Thi My Lien Nguyen » Andrei Pungovschi » ...


– 6 Oct 2024



  Cardiff GB Cardiff Festival Photography  
Ffoto Cymru: Wales International Festival of Photography

Ffoto Cymru: Wales International Festival of Photography


Mohammed "Mo" Amin » Julieta Anaut » Ian Beesley » Chloe Davies » Marian Delyth » Adeola Dewis » Jessie Edwards-Thomas » Bruce Eesly » Natela Grigalashvili » Mohamed Hassan » Luiza Kons » Lorena Marchetti » Ada Marino » ...


– 31 Oct 2024



  Cincinnati US FotoFocus Cincinnati  
2024 FOTOFOCUS BIENNIAL: backstories

2024 FOTOFOCUS BIENNIAL: backstories


Ansel Adams » Michael Almereyda » Rachael Banks » Rose Marie Cromwell » Dawn DeDeaux » William Eggleston » Rotimi Fani-Kayode » Albert Moser » Barbara Probst » Ming Smith » Chip Thomas » ...


– 30 Oct 2024



  Cortona IT Cortona On The Move  
Cortona On The Move

Cortona On The Move


Gabriele Basilico » Myriam Boulos » Charles Fréger » Ken Graves » Herbert Hoffmann » Cloé Jaffé » Eva Lipman » Philip Montgomery  » Klaus Pichler » Denis Rouvre » Carmen Winant » ...


– 3 Nov 2024



  Gwangju KR The Gwangju Biennale  
15th Gwangju Biennale

15th Gwangju Biennale

PANSORI: A Soundscape of the 21st Century


Kevin Beasley » Angela Bulloch » Gaëlle Choisne » Liam Gillick » Loris Gréaud » Agnieszka Kurant » Netta Laufer » Cinthia Marcelle » David Noonan » Josèfa Ntjam » Frida Orupabo » Philippe Parreno » Tabita Rezaire »


– 1 Dec 2024



  Istanbul TR 212 Photography Istanbul  
212 Photography Istanbul 2024

212 Photography Istanbul 2024


Orhan Cem Çetin » Roberta Bayley » Janette Beckman » Patty Carroll » Wang Chen » Jill Furmanovsky » Bob Gruen » Gül Ilgaz » Ali Kazma » HUNG Keung » Thomas Mayer » Clay Patrick McBride » Frank Ockenfels 3 » Sebastião Salgado » Viviane Sassen » Philip Toledano » Carla van de Puttelaar » Dune Varela » Véronique Vial » YANG Yongliang » ...


– 13 Oct 2024



  La Gacilly FR Festival photo  
Festival photo La Gacilly 2024

Festival photo La Gacilly 2024

open air festival - Australie & Autres Regards


Matthew Abbott » Narelle Autio » Alessandro Cinque » Viviane Dalles » Tamara Dean » Mitch Dobrowner » Adam Ferguson » Louise Johns » Ulla Lohmann » Joel Meyerowitz » Alice Pallot » Trent Parke » Bernard Plossu » George Steinmetz » Gaël Turine » Sophie Zénon » Anne Zahalka » ...


– 3 Nov 2024



  Lisboa PT Imago Lisboa  
Imago Lisboa Photo Festival 2024

Imago Lisboa Photo Festival 2024


Ragnar Axelsson » Claudia Fischer » Martina Hoogland Ivanow » Ciril Jazbec » Erle M. Kyllingmark » Gideon Mendel » Heidi Morstang » Zed Nelson » Saleta Rosón » Manuel Sendón » ...


– 30 Oct 2024



  Lodi IT Fotografico Progetto Immagine  
Festival of Ethical Photography - 15th edition

Festival of Ethical Photography - 15th edition



Supratim Bhattacharjee » Gabriele Cecconi » Alejandro Cegarra » Giles Clarke » Terra Fondriest » Amnon Gutman » Patryk Jaracz » Julia Kochetova » Ingmar Björn Nolting » Nyani Quarmyne » Mohammed Salem » Alain Schroeder » Vittorio Sella » Kasia Strek » Laetitia Vancon » ...


– 27 Oct 2024



  Lyon FR Biennale de Lyon  
17th Biennale de Lyon

17th Biennale de Lyon


Chantal Akerman » Pilar Albarracin » Iván Argote » Pavel Büchler » Taysir Batniji » Oliver Beer » Christian Boltanski » Aglaë Bory » Nathan Coley » LUO Dan » Jérémie Danon » Michel de Broin » Jeremy Deller » Hélène Delprat » Julien Discrit » Latifa Echakhch » Elsa & Johanna » Omer Fast » Jesper Just » Nadav Kander » Ange Leccia » Annette Messager » Myriam Mihindou » Deimantas Narkevicius » Grace Ndiritu » Otobong Nkanga » Mathieu Pernot » Hans Schabus » Stéphane Thidet » ...


– 5 Jan 2025



  Mexico City MX Centro de la Imagen  
Festival Internacional de Fotografía de México 2024

Festival Internacional de Fotografía de México 2024


Ana Casas Broda » Ira Lombardía » Francisco Mata Rosas » Elsa Medina » Ana Teresa Ortega » Espe Pons » ...


– 30 Oct 2024



  Montreuil sur Breche FR Les Photaumnales  
Photaumnales 2024

Photaumnales 2024


Guillaume Blot » Romain Cavallin » Gintaras Cesonis » Daniel Challe » Chow & Lin » Olivier Culmann » Dovilė Dagienė » Rimantas Dichavičius » Olivia Gay » Thierry Girard » Algis Griskevicius » Hiền Hoàng » Jean-François Joly » Karl Joseph » François Kollar » Elena Krukonytė » Stéphanie Lacombe » Manon Lanjouère » Mériol Lehmann » Katherine Longly » Robin Lopvet » Sophie Loubaton » Aleksandras Macijauskas » Émile Muller » Matthieu Paley » Alice Pallot » Pierre & Florent » Jean Pottier » Romualdas Pozerskis » Willy Ronis » Jean Roubier » Henry Rox » Jean & Albert Séeberger » Margaux Senlis » Hortense Soichet » Vytautas V. Stanionis » Donatas Stankevičius » Fred Stucin » Daniel Szalai » Simone Tramonte » ...


– 31 Dec 2024



  Monopoli IT PhEST – Festival  
PhEST – International Photography Festival 2022

PhEST – International Photography Festival 2022

See beyound the sea


Cesar Dezfuli » Antone Dolezal » Bruce Eesly » Ismail Ferdous  » Gauri Gill » Maen Hammad » Matthias Jung » Michalina Kacperak » Man Ray  » Peter Menzel » Adam Rouhana » Lisa Sorgini » Valentina Vannicola » Paolo Ventura » Guillem Vidal » Jan von Holleben » ...


– 3 Nov 2024



  Monza IT Diorama Progetti Fotografici  



Maurizio Galimberti » Elio Luxardo » Etienne-Jules Marey » Francesca Meloni » Eadweard J. Muybridge » Nicola Quirico » Heinz Schattner » ...


– 11 Nov 2024



  Mulhouse FR Biennale Mulhouse  
Mulhouse Biennial of Photography 2024
crédits : Andrej Polukord

Mulhouse Biennial of Photography 2024

Mondes impossibles / Impossible Worlds


Pascal Amoyel » Janine Bächle » Nigel Baldacchino » Bénédicte Blondeau » Christophe Bourguedieu » Céline Clanet » Michel François » Paul Gaffney » Matthew Genitempo » Geert Goiris » Léa Habourdin » Karin Jobst » Laurence Kubski » Raymond Meeks » Bernard Plossu » Andrej Polukord » Rebecca Topakian » Awoiska van der Molen » Terri Weifenbach » Ingrid Weyland » Paul Wolff » ...


– 13 Oct 2024



  Raleigh US CLICK Photography Festival  
The CLICK! Triangle Photography Festival

The CLICK! Triangle Photography Festival


Edward Burtynsky » Derrick Davis » Dan Estabrook » Gadisse Lee » Gideon Mendel » Zanele Muholi » Willie Osterman » Leah Sobsey » ...


– 30 Oct 2024



  Zagreb HR Photography association Organ Vida  
International Photography Festival Organ Vida

International Photography Festival Organ Vida

13th ORGAN VIDA: Creeps and Butterflies


Anna Ansone » Myriam Boulos » Ivan Buvinić » Sasha Chaika » Dev Dhunsi » Jan Durina » Clémence Elman » Julie Folly » Jakob Ganslmeier » Valerie Geissbühler » Annemarija Gulbe » Ihar Hancharuk » Stacy Kranitz » Marianna Nardini » Donja Nasseri » Angyvir Padilla » Zhao Qian » Milena Soporowska » Zoe Williams » Sheung Yiu » Ana Zibelnik » ...


– 3 Nov 2024



  Zürich CH Swiss Photomonth  
Swiss Photomonth 2024
Ina Jang Three, 2008; Christophe Guye Galerie

Swiss Photomonth 2024


Marwan Bassiouni » Emidio Battipaglia » Werner Bischof » Nathalie Boutté » Emilio Cafiero » Alberto Flammer » Luigi Ghirri » Yann Gross » Laura Henno » Sabine Hess » William Klein » Henry Leutwyler » Augustin Lignier » Daniel Jack Lyons » Caroline Minjolle » Daidō Moriyama » Laurence Rasti » Iwan Schumacher » Una Szeemann » The Anonymous Project / Lee Shulman » Bernard Voita » Sabine Weiss » ...

Festival until 6 October 2024
Schweizer Monat der Fotografie
Mois suisse de la photographie
Mese svizzero della fotografia Swiss
Swiss Photomonth

Swiss Photomonth
This autumn, the Swiss art scene will live to the rhythm of the Swiss Photomonth. The first edition of this Festival (30 August – 6 October 2024) will serve as a catalyst for the country’s abundant cultural offerings, and provide the public the chance to explore no fewer than sixty artistic spaces, ranging from world-renowned institutions to emerging venues. It is a unique opportunity to (re)discover the leading figures in photography, as well as the Swiss and international talents of tomorrow.

  Toronto CA Toronto Biennial of Art  
Toronto Biennial of Art 2024

Toronto Biennial of Art 2024

Precarious Joys


Dineo Seshee Bopape » Sonia Boyce » Sandra Brewster » Gaëlle Choisne » Nicholas Galanin » Abraham Onoriode Oghobase » ...


– 1 Dec 2024



  Venezia IT The Venice Biennale  
A Language of Resistance
From the series Keepers of the Ocean (2019) © Inuuteq Storch
The Danish Pavilion: Rise of the Sunken Sun by the artist Inuuteq Storch

The 60th International Art Exhibition

Stranieri Ovunque - Foreigners Everywhere

Claudia Andujar » Iván Argote » Karimah Ashadu » Zanny Begg » Ursula Biemann » Kudzanai Chiurai » Isaac Chong Wai » River Claure » Liz Collins » Miguel Covarrubias » Marcelo Expösito » Simone Forti » Paolo Gasparini » Gabrielle Goliath » Raphael Grisey » Barbara Hammer » Khaled Jarrar » Rindon Johnson » Bouchra Khalili » Kiluanji Kia Henda » Maria Kourkouta » Anna Maria Maiolino » Teresa Margolles » Angela Melitopoulos » Omar Mismar » Sabelo Mlangeni » Tina Modotti » Carlos Motta » Zanele Muholi » Daniela Ortiz » Lydia Ourahmane » Anand Patwardhan » Oliver Ressler » Miguel Angel Rojas » Dean Sameshima » Tejal Shah » Yinka Shonibare MBE » Hito Steyerl » Superflex (Jakob Fenger, Rasmus Nielsen, Bjørnstjerne Christiansen) » Evelyn Taocheng Wang » Nil Yalter » Želimir Zilnik » ...

– 24 November 2024

The Venice Biennale

Ca' Giustinian San Marco 1364, 30124 Venezia
The 60th International Art Exhibition , titled Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere , will open to the public from Saturday April 20 to Sunday November 24, 2024 , at the Giardini and the Arsenale; it will be curated by Adriano Pedrosa and organised by La Biennale di Venezia . The pre-opening will take place on April 17, 18 and 19 ; the awards ceremony and inauguration will be held on 20 April 2024 .

Since 2021, La Biennale di Venezia launched a plan to reconsider all of its activities in light of recognized and consolidated principles of environmental sustainability. For the year 2024, the goal is to extend the achievement of “carbon neutrality” certification , which was obtained in 2023 for La Biennale’s scheduled activities: the 80th Venice International Film Festival, the Theatre, Music and Dance Festivals and, in particular, the 18th International Architecture Exhibition which was the first major Exhibition in this discipline to test in the field a tangible process for achieving carbon neutrality – while furthermore itself reflecting upon the themes of decolonisation and decarbonisation.

The Exhibition will take place in the Central Pavilion (Giardini) and in the Arsenale, and it will present two sections: the Nucleo Contemporaneo and the Nucleo Storico.

As a guiding principle, the Biennale Arte 2024 has favored artists who have never participated in the International Exhibition—though a number of them may have been featured in a National Pavilion, a Collateral Event, or in a past edition of the International Exhibition. Special attention is being given to outdoor projects, both in the Arsenale and in the Giardini, where a performance program is being planned with events during the pre-opening and closing weekend of the 60th Exhibition.

Stranieri Ovunque - Foreigners Everywhere, the title of the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, is drawn from a series of works started in 2004 by the Paris-born and Palermo-based Claire Fontaine collective. The works consist of neon sculptures in different colours that render in a growing number of languages the words “Foreigners Everywhere”. The phrase comes, in turn, from the name of a Turin collective who fought racism and xenophobia in Italy in the early 2000s.

«The expression Stranieri Ovunque - explains Adriano Pedrosa - has several meanings. First of all, that wherever you go and wherever you are you will always encounter foreigners— they/we are everywhere. Secondly, that no matter where you find yourself, you are always truly, and deep down inside, a foreigner.»

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© 2 October 2024 photography now UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Ziegelstr. 29 . D–10117 Berlin
Editors: Claudia Stein & Michael Steinke . T +49.30.24 34 27 80