Photography now Logo  

Highlights institutional solo shows

Mary Ellen Mark » Debi Cornwall » Cristina De Middel » Stephen Dock » Nicolas Floc'h » Miyako Ishiuchi » Sophie Calle » Coline Jourdan » Bruce Eesly » Marine Lanier » Mustapha Azeroual » Tshepiso Mazibuko » Michel Medinger » Randa Mirza » Laurent Montaron » Tania Mouraud » Marilou Poncin » Rajesh Vora » Nhu Xuan Hua » MO Yi » Vasantha Yogananthan » ...
Rencontres d'Arles 2024


Masahisa Fukase » Three Shadows Photography Beijing


Renate von Mangoldt » Museum für Fotografie Berlin


André Kertész » Capa Center Budapest


Thomas Demand » The Museum of Fine Arts Houston


Francis Alÿs » Barbican Art Gallery London


Grzegorz Przyborek » Centre Photographique Marseille


Stephen Shames » Mougins Center of Photography


Sable Elyse Smith » MoMA Museum Modern Art


Anouk Kruithof » Image/Imatge Orthez


Tuan Andrew Nguyen » Nevada Museum of Art Reno


Garry Winogrand » San Diego Museum of Art


Anouk Kruithof » Centraal Museum Utrecht

Rencontres d'Arles 2024



Rencontres d'Arles 2024  » 1 July - 29 Sept


Every summer since 1970, over the course of more than forty exhibitions the Rencontres d'Arles has been a major influence in dissiminating the best of world photograph.


Throughout the city day and night,during the Opening week photographers and curators of the program meet from 1 — 7 July the public at evening projections, exhibition tours, debates, lectures...


At the invitation of the Rencontres d’Arles, France PhotoBook holds the 2024 Arles Books Fair in the heart of the festival.


Gmunden.Photo 2024  » 30 Jun – 28 Jul 2024

Krakow Photomonth 2024  » 27 Jun – 25 Jul 2024

Rencontres d'Arles 2024


arrow Exhibitions (Openings Selection)
  all » US » DE » GB » FR » ES » IT » CH » AT » NL » AU » JP » RU » CA » BE » SE » NO » DK » FI »
  Alcobendas ES Centro de Arte Alcobendas  
  Manuel Esclusa »      
  LEGADO DE LUZ (1970/2024)


27 Jun – 29 Sep 2024

REFLECTION – 11/03/11
Kanno Jun. Cousins, Fukushima Prefecture, 2021. Courtesy of the artist.

REFLECTION – 11/03/11

Japanese Photographers Facing the Cataclysm

Takashi Arai » Hikaru Fujii » Ai Iwane » Jun Kanno » Kazuma Obara » Tadashi Ono » Keiko Sasaoka » Lieko Shiga » Mayumi Suzuki »

1 July – 29 September 2024


Pl. Félix Rey, 13200 Arles
On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter Scale struck the Northeast coast of Japan and the Tōhoku region, marking one of the most powerful tremors ever recorded. The seismic event caused the Pacific floor to rupture along a stretch over 500km long and 200km wide, triggering a tsunami of up to 30m in height in some areas. The tsunami wreaked havoc, reaching up to a 5 kilometers inland, devastating everything in its path. The aftermath led to a series of catastrophic events at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, including four explosions and three core meltdowns. This resulted in a nuclear accident that released overwhelming levels of radioactivity into the air, land, and sea. Thirteen years later, the true impact on affected populations remains difficult to measure. 19,765 people died. 2,553 were reported missing and 20,000 are still displaced.
  Mary Ellen Mark »      


1 Jul – 29 Sep 2024

Ishiuchi Miyako. Mother’s #35,
Mother’s series.
Courtesy of the artist / The Third Gallery Aya.

Miyako Ishiuchi »





1 Jul – 29 Sep 2024



  Vasantha Yogananthan »      


1 Jul – 29 Sep 2024

  Mustapha Azeroual »      

Marjolaine Lévy


1 Jul – 29 Sep 2024

  Arles FR The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz  
Diego Moreno, Red days,
from the series "Malign Influences", 2021
© Diego Moreno

Diego Moreno » FOTOHAUS ARLES, 2024

1 July – 29 September 2024
Tuesday 2 July 11:30 Artist talk with Diego Moreno [Esp./ Engl.]

The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz

18 rue de la Calade, 13200 Arles
Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation
As a non-profit foundation, The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation support young artists who work with the medium of photography in the form of awards, scholarships and exhibitions, often in cooperation with other institutions. Since 2019, The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation have been cooperating with the "Fotohaus ParisBerlin" and present changing works by international artists every year as part of the largest international photography festivals "Les Rencontres de la photographie d'Arles".

At this festival The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation is presenting works by Mexican artist Diego Moreno at the Fondation Manuel Rivera-Ortiz. On view are works from his series Malign Influences and In My Mind There Is Never Silence.
  Arles FR The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz  

  Anas Aremeyaw Anas » Thaddé Comar » Chiara Dazi » Guido Gazzilli » Bénédicte Kurzen » Diego Moreno » Philippine Schaefer »  

1 Jul – 29 Sep 2024

  Arles FR The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz  
Ghana: Following our E-waste
Timber Market, Accra, Ghana, February 16, 2023.
Ali, a scrap worker, uses a subwoofer magnet to recover metal debris buried under the soil.
© Muntaka Chasant for Fondation Carmignac

Ghana: Following our E-waste


Anas Aremeyaw Anas » Muntaka Chasant » Bénédicte Kurzen »

1 July – 29 September 2024

The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz

18 rue de la Calade, 13200 Arles
This summer, the report by the laureates of the 13th edition of the Carmignac Photojournalism Award dedicated to the ecological and human challenges of e-waste in Ghana is on display in two exhibitions at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and at the Fondation MRO in Arles.

With the support of the Fondation Carmignac, investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas, and photojournalists Muntaka Chasant and Bénédicte Kurzen, spent a year documenting the transboundary flow of e-waste between Ghana and Europe. Their collaborative report highlights the complexities of this global issue, revealing both its economic importance for thousands in Ghana and its significant human and environmental impacts.

Kurzen documented e-waste flows and communities involved, challenging stereotypes and shedding light on the inefficiencies within European e-waste management systems. In Accra, Chasant studied e-waste workers' social structures and migration. And Anas went undercover to expose corruption and illegal e-waste flows re-entering global markets. This exhibition offers a nuanced perspective on the challenges and issues related to e-waste management on a global scale.
  Arles FR Anne Clergue Galerie  
  Le monde flottant

  Michael Ackerman » Maciej Markowicz »  

Tue 2 Jul 18:00

27 Jun – 29 Sep 2024

  Arles FR galerie Écho 119  

Écho 119 à Arles

  Kawori Inbe » Chloé Jafé » Michiko Kon » Sakiko Nomura » Tokyo Rumando » Chieko Shiraishi » Hitomi Watanabe »  

Tue 2 Jul 18:00

1 Jul – 31 Jul 2024

  Arles FR DGPh  
  DGPh x FREELENS Showroom

  Daniel Chatard » Victoria Jung » Aliona Kardash » Nina Röder » Nikita Teryoshin »  

Tue 2 Jul 18:00

1 Jul – 5 Jul 2024

  Arles FR Musée départemental Arles Antique  
Jeux Olympiques Tokyo 2020, Plongeon, haut vol 10m Femmes - Qualifications, Nikita HAINS (AUS)
© 2021 / Comité International Olympique (CIO) / HUET, John


Collections of the Olympic Museum and Photo Elysée, Lausanne

Anonymous » René Burri » John Huet » Lothar Jeck » Hélène Tobler » ...

1 July – 29 September 2024

Musée départemental Arles Antique

Presqu'île du Cirque Romain, 13200 Arles
On the occasion of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, one of the major international events of the summer, the Rencontres d'Arles is partnering with Photo Elysée and the Olympic Museum to produce an exhibition dedicated to sports photography.

For over a century, major sporting events have been accompanied by images. With the rise of amateur photography in the late 19th century, coinciding with the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, photography and sports have, in many ways, evolved together. The visibility given to sports events necessarily involves photographic imagery. Pursuing performance, combining effort with gesture, the practice of sports follows precise rules and is showcased when performed for competition. The staging of sports is relayed by photographers who position themselves around the stadium.

For more than a hundred years, sports spectacles have been carried by the media. The images that broadcast achievements and promote champions attract ever larger crowds and gain an increasingly global audience. Sporting performance, captured by cameras, becomes a demonstration of a societal model. Watched and practiced everywhere, whether in the most industrialized or remote areas of the globe, sports spectacle is propelled into a media, economic, and political world. Undoubtedly, photography has played an essential role in this process, mobilizing a mass audience.

"The Sport on Trial" exhibition unveils the extensive photographic collections of the Olympic Museum and the Photo Elysée museum in Lausanne. During major competitions, photographs are designed to draw attention to athletes' performances. By exploring a largely unpublished photographic heritage, the exhibition reveals the visual grammar of sports photography through several theme…
  Arles FR Le lac gelé  
  Boris Eldagsen »      


Thu 4 Jul 18:00

1 Jul – 5 Jul 2024

  Barcelona ES angels barcelona  
  Paula Artés »      
  Submerged energy (Art Nou)


Wed 26 Jun 19:00

26 Jun – 3 Sep 2024

  Beijing CN Three Shadows Photo  
Private Scenes
Masahisa Fukase, Looking for myself!, 1970.
© Masahisa Fukase Archives

Masahisa Fukase »


Private Scenes

Masahisa Fukase Photography Exhibition


27 Jun – 8 Sep 2024



  Berlin DE Galerie Thomas Schulte  
  Robert Mapplethorpe »      
  Behold the Lowly Vessel


Fri 28 Jun 19:00

29 Jun – 24 Aug 2024

  Berlin DE Museum für Fotografie  
Berlin Revisited
Renate von Mangoldt: Einflugschneise Flughafen Tempelhof, September 1973
© Renate von Mangoldt

Renate von Mangoldt » Berlin Revisited

Leaps in Time, 1972–87 / 2021–23
28 June – 1 September 2024
Opening: Thursday, 27 June, 7pm

A special exhibition of the Kunstbibliothek – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
in cooperation with Literarisches Colloquium Berlin

Museum für Fotografie

Jebensstr. 2, 10623 Berlin
The exhibition assembles photographic leaps in time in exciting pairings full of wit and melancholy. Black-and-white photographs of West Berlin in the 1970s and 1980s are juxtaposed with colour photographs of the reunited city from 2021 to 2023: It is street photography at its best, fleeting moments and imagery captured amidst a crowd of passers-by.

Sometimes the very same place is photographed anew, most of the time the new photograph freely improvises on a theme stemming from its black and white counterpart. And yet, people are always in focus of Renate von Mangoldt, who has made a name for herself primarily as a portrait photographer of writers.

The photos refer to each other in various ways - not just in terms of content and location but also formally. It is only together that they unleash their power. They tell of a specific time and also narrate a history. How the world has changed, how time has changed, how the city has changed, how people have changed!

Renate von Mangoldt (b.1940 in Berlin) lived in Erlangen during the 1950s. From 1961 to 1963 she attended the Bayerische Staatslehranstalt für Photographie in Munich. From 1964 she worked as a photographer at the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin and has been based in Berlin ever since. Von Mangoldt’s works have been widely published, shown in exhibitions and included in numerous public and private collections.

Accompanying the exhibition, the book "Berlin Revisited" which includes an essay by poet and political scientist Brigitte Oleschinski, will be published by Steidl in Göttingen.

Curator of the exhibition is Berlin photographer, author and gallerist André Kirchner.
  Bonn DE Parrotta  
  Paul Kooiker »      


Sat 29 Jun 17:00

29 Jun – 17 Aug 2024

  Bordeaux FR CAPC Bordeaux  
  Simon Dybbroe Møller »      
  Animate V


2 Jul – 1 Sep 2024

  Boston US Robert Klein Gallery  
  Danny Lyon »      
  The Bikeriders


28 Jun – 31 Aug 2024

  Braunschweig DE Museum für Photographie  
Back to where we have started from
Hartmut Neumann
"Blütenbaum 1", 2023
© Hartmut Neumann und VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

Back to where we have started from


Gosbert Adler » Tim Berresheim » Anna & Bernhard Blume » Carina Brandes » Johannes Brus » Charlotte Maria Kätzl/Conrad Veit » Michael Ciecimirski » Natalie Czech » Barbara Dörffler » Dörte Eißfeldt » Eli Cortiñas/Hyejeong Yun » Jan Paul Evers » Caroline Hake » Jette Held » Samuel Henne » Birte Hennig » Timo Hoheisel » Mia Kleier » Franziska Nast » Hartmut Neumann » Inka Nowoitnick » Miran Özpapazyan » Marcello Ragone » Christian Retschlag » Martin Salzer » Corinna Schnitt » Gundel Scholz » Christine Schulz » Iris Selke » Johanna von Monkiewitsch » Sascha Weidner »


Thu 27 Jun 19:00
28 Jun – 18 Aug 2024



  Brisbane AU IMA - Institute of Modern Art  
  Duty of Care

Part One

  Joshua Citarella » Martin Creed » Mike Kelley » Leigh Ledare » Teresa Margolles » Dani Martí » Dane Mitchell » Michael Parekowhai » Tabita Rezaire » Michael Stevenson » Oliviero Toscani » Artur Zmijewski »  

29 Jun – 22 Sep 2024

  Budapest HU Capa Center  
  André Kertész »      
  His Photographs Donated to Szigetbecse


2 Jul – 31 Dec 2024

  Cajarc FR Maison des arts Georges Pompidou  
  Charlotte Dumas »      


Sat 29 Jun 15:30

30 Jun – 17 Nov 2024

  Cannes FR Echo Fine Arts  
  Vee Speers »      
  Fashioned from Nature


29 Jun – 14 Sep 2024

  Chalon-sur-Saone FR Musée Nicéphore  
  Tomorrow is another day

Grand commande pour le photojournalisme

  Ed Alcock » Jean-Michel André » Aurore Bagarry » Sylvie Bonnot » Julie Bourges » Céline Clanet » William Daniels » Hélène David » Pierre Faure » Marine Lanier » Olivier Monge » Sandra Reinflet » Sarah Ritter » Bertrand Stofleth  »  

Sat 29 Jun 11:00

29 Jun – 29 Sep 2024


Pinhole photography for all


Sat 29 Jun 11:00

29 Jun – 29 Sep 2024

  Clervaux LU CITÉ DE L'IMAGE  
Prix de la Photographie 2024 - Clervaux Cité de l'image
Nazanin Hafez: from the series "Discrete"

Prix de la Photographie 2024 - Clervaux Cité de l'image


Award winner: Nazanin Hafez » selected with the photography series "Discrete"


Marie Capesius » Christina Dias de Magalhães » Krystyna Dul » Willy Filz » Nazanin Hafez » Filip Markiewicz » Pierre Metzinger » Lukas Ratius » Margit Schäfer » Olivier Schillen » Neckel Scholtus » Giulia Thinnes » Jeannine Unsen » Mohammed Zanboa »

Exhibition until 30 June 2024
Finissage and award ceremony of 'Prix du Public': Saturday 29 June, 11am

Until June 27, visitors are invited to vote anonymously on site for one of the artists participating in the exhibition to win the the Prix du Public, endowed with 2,500 euros. The award will be awarded during the exhibition finissage.

Clervaux Cité de l'image - Brahaus

Montée du Château, 11 . LU-9710 Clervaux
T +352-27 800 283
Mon-Fri 2-5 pm; Sat, Sun 10 am - 6 pm
Following the success of the first edition of the prize, the organisers Clervaux - Cité de l'image and the Cercle Artistique de Luxembourg (CAL) are pleased to continue this joint project, which aims to promote the art of photography in Luxembourg and the Greater Region.

From a total of 106 submissions, 14 talented artists have been selected for the exhibition, who have captured the jury's attention through their recent contemporary photographic works, presenting a wide range of styles, research, innovation and originality.

The 14 finalists are: Marie Capesius, Cristina Dias de Magalhaes, Krystyna Dul, Willi Filz, Nazanin Hafez, Filip Markiewicz, Pierre Metzinger, Lukas Ratius, Margit Schäfer, Olivier Schillen, Neckel Scholtus, Giulia Thinnes, Jeannine Unsen and Mohammed Zanboa.

The Prix de la Photographie 2024 - Clervaux Cité de l'image goes to Nazanin Hafez, whose impressive photography series "Discrete" was selected from the finalists.

This year's jury, consisting of leading national and international experts from the art and culture scene, was particularly impressed by the presentation and realisation, both in terms of content and concept. There are several aspects of Nazanin Hafez's work that can be appreciated and admired. In particular, the very precise approach to the subject and the decision to limit herself to refreshingly small formats that nevertheless achieve a great visual impact. The overall presentation of the work, which is both skilful and integral to the immersive aesthetic - and which, above all, brings out the strengths of the images themselves.
  Cleveland US MOCA Cleveland  
  Message from Our Planet

Digital Art from the Thoma Collection

  HONG Hao » Claudia Hart » Jenny Holzer » Christian Marclay » Paul Pfeiffer » Tabita Rezaire » Michal Rovner » Jason Salavon » Penelope Umbrico » Robert Wilson »  

28 Jun – 29 Dec 2024

  Frankfurt (Main) DE Kunststiftung DZ BANK  
Der Sammlung zugeneigt – Konstellation 2
Frida Orupabo, Weather Girl, 2021
© Fotomuseum Winterthur

A Show of Affection – Collection Constellation 2

the collection of the Fotomuseum Winterthur


Diane Arbus » Lewis Baltz » Tina Barney » Hannah Collins » Anna Ehrenstein » Matthias Gabi » Nan Goldin » Roc Herms » Roni Horn » Marc Lee » Zoe Leonard » Mark Morrisroe » Frida Orupabo » Cindy Sherman » Lorna Simpson » John Yuyi »


Thu 27 Jun 19:00
28 Jun – 28 Sep 2024



  Genève CH Red Cross Museum  
  Henry Leutwyler »      


3 Jul – 5 Aug 2024

  Hamburg DE HWF  
Stadt Räume
Axel Beyer: aus der Serie "Hamburg 1983-1987"

Axel Beyer »


Stadt Räume

Hamburg 1983-1987


Wed 3 Jul 19:00
3 Jul – 31 Jul 2024




  Laura Bonnefous » Blandine Soulage »  

28 Jun – 23 Aug 2024

  Houston US The Museum of Fine Arts  
  Thomas Demand »      
  The Stutter of History


30 Jun – 15 Sep 2024

  Houston US Catherine Couturier Gallery  
  Jeffrey Becom »      
  Painted Villages of Ecuador


Sat 29 Jun 16:00

29 Jun – 17 Aug 2024

  Köln DE Galerie Julian Sander  
Photographs 1932 – 1938 from the Gerd Sander Collection
Elfriede Stegemeyer
Untitled (self portrait), c. 1933
Gelatin Silver Print on Agfa-Brovira paper
17.9 x 23.5 cm

Elfriede Stegemeyer »
Photographs 1932 – 1938 from the Gerd Sander Collection

... until 6 July 2024

Galerie Julian Sander

Bonner Str. 82, 50677 Köln
"Elfriede Stegemeyer / elde steeg. Photographs 1932 - 1938 from the Gerd Sander Collection", continues the series of exhibitions focused on the collection of the galerist and collector, Gerd Sander.

Elfriede Stegemeyer (1908 - 1988) is one of many female representatives of the photographic avant-garde active during the Weimar Republic. The fact that her name is less well known today than that of other photographers of the style Neues Sehen (New Photography), even within photographic circles, is due to the political circumstances of the time in which she produced the majority of her photographic work.

In 1932, the twenty-four-year-old Stegemeyer discovers photography. Her early photographic work is inspired by the spirit of modernism. In the newly established photography class at the Kölner Werkschulen (Cologne Trade School), she quickly learned the technical basics of working with the camera. From the start she makes confident and imaginative use of the creative methods of Neues Sehen (New Vision) and Neu Objektive Photographie (New Objective Photography). Radical top and bottom views, close-ups, strong contrasts and tightly framed image cropping which abstract the subject, as well as rhythmically structured compositions, are part of her creative repertoire. Stegemeyer experiments with camera-less techniques in the darkroom creating photograms and photo-montages, with which she later creates collages. The new photography of the 1930s has an unmistakable influence on her work.

Stegemeyer cultivated close contacts with the artists group known as the Cologne Progressives. Later she explicitly pointed out the importance of the abstract, geometric compositions of Franz Wilhelm Seiwert and Otto Fre…
  Köln DE Parrotta Contemporary Art  
  Paul Kooiker »      


Fri 28 Jun 17:00

28 Jun – 16 Aug 2024

  Liverpool GB Open Eye Gallery  
  Mattia Balsamini »      
  Protege Noctem

LOOK Photo Biennial 2024: Beyond Sight


Thu 27 Jun 18:00

28 Jun – 1 Sep 2024

  Melanie King »      
  Precious Metals

LOOK Photo Biennial 2024: Beyond Sight


Thu 27 Jun 18:00

28 Jun – 1 Sep 2024

  Jessica Wynne »      

LOOK Photo Biennial 2024: Beyond Sight


Thu 27 Jun 18:00

28 Jun – 1 Sep 2024

  Ljubljana SI photon  
  We Love To See You Fail

  Lucas Bihler » Nicole Brandstaetter » Felix Dürler » Elif Gündüz » Luka Hernet » Rene Ketiš » Aylin Scheer »  

27 Jun – 26 Jul 2024

  Lienz AT Schloss Bruck. Museum  
Das fotografische Werk
Josef Dapra: Nonnen, o.D.
© FOTOHOF Salzburg

Josef Dapra »


Photographic works


22 Jun – 15 Sep 2024



  London GB Lyndsey Ingram  
  KASMIN »      
  Kasmin’s Camera


26 Jun – 23 Aug 2024

  London GB Barbican Art Gallery  
  Francis Alÿs »      


27 Jun – 1 Sep 2024

  London GB Photographers' Gallery - Print  
  By the seaside

  Rob Ball » Anna Fox » John Hinde » Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen » Martin Parr » Simon Roberts » Luke Stephenson »  

28 Jun – 8 Sep 2024

  London GB Richard Saltoun  
  Penelope Slinger »      
  Exorcism Inside Out


Tue 2 Jul 18:00

2 Jul – 7 Sep 2024

  Marseille FR Centre Photographique Marseille  
  Grzegorz Przyborek »      
  Toucher le silence


29 Jun – 21 Sep 2024

  Melbourne AU Centre Cont. Photography  
  2024 Fundraiser Exhibition

  Ying Ang » Odette England » Katrin Koenning » Nikki Lam » Pixy Liao » Georgia Metaxas » Hayley Millar-Baker » Trent Parke » Patrick Pound » James Tylor » Anne Zahalka »  

Fri 28 Jun 18:00

28 Jun – 13 Jul 2024

  Mexico City MX König MX  
  Reine Paradis »      


27 Jun – 26 Jul 2024

  Montpellier FR Le Pavillon Populaire  
  Au début, la photographie

  Gabriele Münter » Eudora Welty »  

Wed 26 Jun 18:30

26 Jun – 29 Sep 2024

  Mougins FR Mougins Center of Photography  
  Stephen Shames »      
  Comrade Sisters / les Panthères noires


Thu 27 Jun 19:00

28 Jun – 6 Oct 2024

  München DE Museum Brandhorst  
  Andy Warhol »      



28 Jun 2024 – 26 Jan 2025

  New York US United Nations Headquarters  
Ghana: Following our E-waste
Ghana, Accra, Zongo Lane, Spring 2023
© Bénédicte Kurzen for Fondation Carmignac / NOOR

Ghana: Following our E-waste


Anas Aremeyaw Anas » Muntaka Chasant » Bénédicte Kurzen »

28 June – 31 August 2024

United Nations Headquarters

Visitors’ Lobby, Gallery A, 1st Avenue at 46th Street
New York NY 10017
This summer, the report by the laureates of the 13th edition of the Carmignac Photojournalism Award dedicated to the ecological and human challenges of e-waste in Ghana is on display in two exhibitions at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and at the Fondation MRO in Arles.

With the support of the Fondation Carmignac, investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas, and photojournalists Muntaka Chasant and Bénédicte Kurzen, spent a year and a half documenting the transboundary flows of e-waste between Ghana, and Europe, and further. Their collaborative report highlights the complexities of this global issue, revealing both its economic importance for thousands in Ghana and its significant human and environmental impacts.

Kurzen travelled to the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany to document e-waste outbound flows and communities involved, challenging stereotypes and shedding light on the inefficiencies within European e-waste management systems. In Accra, Chasant studied e-waste workers' social structures and migration journeys, from the rural North to the capital’s scrapyards. Aremeyaw And Anas went undercover to unveil corruption, dubious working conditions and illegal e-waste flows re-entering global markets. This exhibition offers a nuanced perspective on a critical and complex global issue.

NEW YORK – June 28 - August 31, 2024
in partnership with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

United Nations Headquarters, Visitors’ Lobby, Gallery A, 1st Avenue at 46th Street, New York, NY 10017
Open Monday to Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Free admission
More information on
  New York US Deborah Bell Photographs  
  Fernand Fonssagrives »      
  Summer Review

Highlights from Exhibitions of the Past Year


27 Jun – 26 Jul 2024

  New York US Sean Kelly Gallery  
  James Casebere »      
  Seeds of Time


27 Jun – 2 Aug 2024

  New York US Thomas Erben Gallery  

  Chitra Ganesh » Justine Kurland » Shala Miller » Senga Nengudi » Adrian Piper » Carla Williams »  

Thu 27 Jun 18:00

27 Jun – 26 Jul 2024

  Patrice Aphrodite Helmar »      


Sun 30 Jun 17:00

30 Jun – 18 Aug 2024

  New York US MoMA Museum Modern Art  
  Sable Elyse Smith »      
  Studio Sound


1 Jul – 31 Jul 2024

  Oldenburg DE Edith-Russ-Haus  
  Karolina Bregula »      
  The Waves are Rumbling so Loud


3 Jul – 29 Sep 2024

  Orthez FR Image/Imatge  
  Anouk Kruithof »      
  Vivre Vite

+ Grégory Cuquel


27 Jun – 28 Sep 2024

  Paris FR Les Douches La Galerie  
Le temps irrémédiable
Jean-Claude Gautrand
Le Galet (#1), 1968-1969
Gelatin silver print, vintage. Printed by the artist.
© Estate Jean-Claude Gautrand
Courtesy Les Douches la Galerie, Paris
Jean-Claude Gautrand
Recherches, Cosmonaute, 1961
Gelatin silver print, vintage. Printed by the artist.
© Estate Jean-Claude Gautrand
Courtesy Les Douches la Galerie, Paris

Jean-Claude Gautrand » Le temps irrémédiable

... until 13 July 2024

Les Douches La Galerie

5, rue Legouve, 75010 Paris
Ahead of the retrospective Libres expressions, dedicated to Jean-Claude Gautrand by the Musée Réattu in Arles this summer (June 29-October 6), Les Douches la Galerie is pleased to present, for the first time, a solo show dedicated to French photographer Jean-Claude Gautrand (1932-2019). You are invited to discover his early experiments from the 1960s, with a selection of vintages from his iconic series. The book Recompositions by Jean-Claude Gautrand, published last April by Contrejour editions, accompanies these two exhibitions.

"To photograph is to engage in a race against erasure, disappearance, nothingness. It is a fight against time, a challenge to oblivion. The camera, a magical instrument capable of immortalizing the fleeting, but also the irremediable."1

It is certainly this "irremediable" quality that demands the most attention in the work of Jean-Claude Gautrand, who photographs the disappearance of things, constructions, or places to inscribe them into eternity. Photography witnesses a battle where destructive forces ally with time to erase what was thought to be eternal. The various post-war photographic clubs he frequented hardly inspired him. "Apart from the world of reporting, the photographic field was then reduced to either illustrative or documentary photography of distressing conformity".2 He discovers in volumes I and II (catalogs of the exhibitions Subjektive Fotographie I and II, from 1952 and 1955) organized by German photographer Dr. Otto Steinert, a different photography that struck him as "an atomic bomb in the mire of photography."
  Reno US Nevada Museum of Art  
  Tuan Andrew Nguyen »      
  We Were Lost in Our Country


29 Jun 2024 – 23 Mar 2025

  São Paulo BR Galeria Leme  
  Luiz Braga »      


Sat 29 Jun 11:00

29 Jun – 10 Aug 2024

  San Diego US San Diego Museum of Art  
  Garry Winogrand »      
  Man of the Crowd


29 Jun 2024 – 12 Jan 2025

  Southend-on-Sea GB Focal Point Gallery  
  After the End of History British Working Class Photography 1989 – 2024

  Richard Billingham » Serena Brown » Antony Cairns » Robert Clayton » Joanne Coates » Elaine Constantine » Richard Grassick » Rene Matić » J A Mortram » Kavi Pujara » Chris Shaw » Ewen Spencer » Hannah Starkey » Tom Wood »  

3 Jul – 14 Sep 2024

  Strasbourg FR Galerie La Chambre  
  Julien Coquentin »      
  Oreille coupée


Fri 28 Jun 18:00

29 Jun – 1 Sep 2024

  Torino IT Quartz Studio  
Ingar Krauss
Pastorale, Zechin 2001

Ingar Krauss » PASTORALE

... until July 20, 2024
Part of EXPOSED. Torino Foto Festival

Quartz Studio

via Giulia di Barolo, 18/d, 10124 Torino
Quartz Studio is pleased to present PASTORALE, the second solo show in Turin by the German photographer Ingar Krauss (East Berlin, 1965).

A pastoral, from the Latin pastor (shepherd), is a motif in the visual arts that depicts the life of the shepherds in an idyllic rural landscape scene, as an ideal of rural simplicity and tranquility, as romantic images of closeness or return to nature. This motif of a "place of longing" for simple life in nature, which corresponds to ideas about the Garden of Eden in religious thought and feeling, reappears in the photographs of Ingar Krauss as a dreamlike inner scenery, personal and self-reflexive, referring to the rural as a metaphor.

Krauss lives in a rather remote region of East Germany, near the river Oder, which separates Germany from Poland – a very secluded rural habitat. The peculiar features of his immediate environment are the source for his images, which were all made in a small radius around his house. They reveal the artist as deeply connected with his surrounding nature, particularly interested in a realism which is magical in a natural way, as an embedding of the wonderful and the uncanny in the everyday. The enigma of how this relationship between reality and miracle can be felt through an image leads into the mystery of the transformative forces that make an image a work of art.
  Toronto CA Stephen Bulger Gallery  
  Louie Palu »      
  Distant Early Warning


Thu 27 Jun 17:00

27 Jun – 24 Aug 2024

  Ulm DE Stadthaus Ulm  
Das Petunien-Gemetzel
Klaus Pichler: aus der Serie "Das Petunien-Gemetzel"

Klaus Pichler »


Das Petunien-Gemetzel


Sun 30 Jun 11:30
30 Jun – 22 Sep 2024



  Utrecht NL Centraal Museum  
  Anouk Kruithof »      


Wed 3 Jul 16:00

3 Jul – 8 Sep 2024

  Washington US National Portrait Gallery  
Picturing the Presidents
Inauguration of Barack Obama, 2009
Jerry Spagnoli (born 1956)
Whole-plate daguerreotype, 2009
Gift of Jerry Spagnoli

Picturing the Presidents

Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes from the National Portrait Gallery’s Collection


Albert Sands Southworth & Josiah Johnson Hawes » Anonymous » Mathew B. Brady » James Maguire » Jerry Spagnoli »


28 Jun 2024 – 8 Jun 2025



  Wien AT OstLicht  
  OstLicht Selection



28 Jun – 3 Aug 2024

  Wiesbaden DE Kleinschmidt  
  Rui Manuel Assis Camilo »      


Fri 28 Jun 18:00

28 Jun – 19 Jul 2024

arrow Fairs
  Arles FR Rencontres Arles  




Jean-Christophe Béchet » Sylvie Bonnot » Myriam Boulos » Emmanuelle Bousquet » Anna Breit » Nicolas Comment » Denis Dailleux » Giulio di Sturco » Philippe Dollo » Stéphane Duroy » Arash Fayez » Matthieu Gafsou » Karen Irmer » Uta Kögelsberger » Géraldine Lay » Antoine Lecharny » Sergio Lovati » André Mérian » Natalie Malisse » Andréa Mantovani » Randa Mirza » Alice Pallot » Martin Parr » Mark Pearson » Janne Riikonen » Kourtney Roy » Peter Schreiner » Chris Shaw » Henrike Stahl » Nadine Weixler » Mario Wezel » ...


2 – 6 Jul 2024



arrow Festivals
arrow Upcoming
  Arles FR Rencontres Arles  
Rencontres d'Arles 2024
An Obstacle in the Way [Una Piedra en el Camino],
Journey to the center series, 2021.
Courtesy of the artist/Magnum Photos © Cristina De Middel

Rencontres d'Arles 2024


Mustapha Azeroual » François Bellabas » Sophie Calle » Debi Cornwall » Cristina De Middel » Stephen Dock » Nicolas Floc'h » Cemil Batur Gökçeer » Miyako Ishiuchi » Coline Jourdan » Rinko Kawauchi » Tarrah Krajnak » Lahem » Marine Lanier » Ari Marcopoulos » Mary Ellen Mark » Gordon Matta-Clark » Tshepiso Mazibuko » Michel Medinger » Randa Mirza » Matan Mittwoch » Laurent Montaron » Tania Mouraud » Óscar Muñoz » Yuki Onodera » Marilou Poncin » María Isabel Rueda » Jamel Shabazz » Nanténé Traoré » Kusukazu Uraguchi » Rajesh Vora » Nhu Xuan Hua » MO Yi » Vasantha Yogananthan » ...

1 July – 29 September 2024

Rencontres Arles

34, rue du Docteur Fanton, 13200 Arles
Every summer since 1970, over the course of more than forty exhibitions at various of the city's exceptional heritage sites, the Rencontres d'Arles has been a major influence in dissiminating the best of world photography and playing the role of a springboard for photographic and contemporary creative talents.
  Arles FR Rencontres Arles  
Rencontres d'Arles 2024 - Opening Week

Rencontres d'Arles 2024 - Opening Week


Mustapha Azeroual » Arnis Balčus » Sylvie Bonnot » Mark Boulos » Sophie Calle » Lorenzo Castore » Pierfrancesco Celada » Simon Chang » Frédéric Cornu » Debi Cornwall » Denis Dailleux » Cristina De Middel » Pierre de Vallombreuse » Raymond Depardon » Giulio di Sturco » Stephen Dock » Philippe Dollo » Gabrielle Duplantier » Stéphane Duroy » Jillian Edelstein » Bruce Eesly » Elsa & Johanna » Adam Ferguson » Nicolas Floc'h » Lee Friedlander » Matthieu Gafsou » Julia Gaisbacher » Camille Gharbi » Gauri Gill » Lukas Hoffmann » Miyako Ishiuchi » Simone Kappeler » William Kentridge » Uta Kögelsberger » Géraldine Lay » Mary Ellen Mark » Michel Medinger » Sylvie Meunier » Randa Mirza » Marie Mons » Laurent Montaron » Harri Pälviranta » Martin Parr » Marco Rigamonti » Gilles Roudière » Kourtney Roy » Stephen Shames » Jean-François Spricigo » Kunié Sugiura » Mayumi Suzuki » Yuki Tawada » Larry Towell » Kusukazu Uraguchi » Isabelle Vaillant » MO Yi » Vasantha Yogananthan » ...

1 – 7 July 2024
Opening: Monday 1 July 17:30

Rencontres Arles

34, rue du Docteur Fanton, 13200 Arles
Throughout the city, day and night, photographers and curators of the program meet the public at evening screenings, exhibition tours, debates, lectures…
  Gmunden AT Gmunden.Photo 2024 TERRIBLE BEAUTY 2024 TERRIBLE BEAUTY



Felix Friedmann » Sebastian Fröhlich » Thomas Gaenszler » Julia Gaisbacher » Michael Goldgruber » Birgit Graschopf » Rune Guneriussen » Sophie Mercedes Köchert » Ulrike Königshofer » Mona Kuhn » Christiane Peschek » Agnes Prammer » Barbara Probst » Samira Saidi » Gregor Sailer » Johann Schoiswohl » Paul Spendier » Margherita Spiluttini » Massimo Vitali » YANG Yongliang » ...


30 Jun – 28 Jul 2024



  Krakow PL Photomonth  
Krakow Photomonth 2024

Krakow Photomonth 2024


Mbali Dhlamini » Carlos Idun-Tawiah » Melanie Issaka » Sackitey Tesa Mate-Kodjo » James Muriuki » Maganga Mwagogo » Stephen Tayo » ...


Thu 27 Jun
27 Jun – 25 Jul 2024



arrow Current
  Athens GR Athens Photo Festival  
Athens Photo Festival 2024

Athens Photo Festival 2024


Cristóbal Ascencio » Juno Calypso » Gabriele Cecconi » Laura Chen » Sander Coers » Petros Efstathiadis » Federico Estol » Nadia Ettwein » David Fathi » Ismail Ferdous  » Alexandra Rose Howland » M'hammed Kilito » Seif Kousmate » Christian Lutz » Akshay Mahajan » Emilia Martin » Edgar Martins » Maria Mavropoulou » Daniel Mayrit » Mashid Mohadjerin » Diego Moreno » Thi My Lien Nguyen » Ana Núñez Rodríguez » Margo Ovcharenko » Gloria Oyarzabal » Karoliina Paatos » Giulia Parlato » Peter Pflügler » Luca Santese » Emma Sarpaniemi » Maria Siorba » Yoannis Theodoropoulos » Marinos Tsagkarakis » Marco P. Valli » Amin Yousefi »...


– 28 Jul 2024



  Baden AT Festival La Gacilly-Baden  
Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo 2024

Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo 2024


Nazli Abbaspour » Evgenia Arbugaeva » Luigi Caputo » Yasuyoshi Chiba » Joana Choumali » David Doubilet » Nadia Ferroukhi » Sacha Goldberger » Jennifer Hayes » Richard Ladkani » Lucas Lenci » Luca Locatelli » Pascal Maitre » Markus Eisl & Gerald Mansberger » Beth Moon » Martin Parr » Maxime Riché » Sebastião Salgado » Alain Schroeder » Norbert Span » Vee Speers » Brent Stirton » Lorraine Turci » Peter Turnley » David Turnley » Cássio Vasconcellos » ...


Baden near Vienna:
The largest outdoor photography festival in Europe will take place
from 13 June until 13 October 2024.

Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo

Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo

Dumbagasse 9 . AT-2500 Baden
T +43 2252-42269
Opening hours: daily 24hrs
Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo
WORLD.NATURE.HERITAGE – "Humanity has opened the gates to hell", warned Secretary- General António Guterres in an impassioned speech on the margins of the UN General Assembly in September 2023. UN General Assembly in September 2023 to politicians, entrepreneurs and activists, he warned of the terrible consequences of increasingly extreme weather events. "Our concern is that all climate action will be dwarfed by the scale of the challenge”, as humanity is heading for a temperature rise of 2.8°C.

An appeal to the world that has long been inscribed at the heart of our festival. It is our duty to preserve the poetry of creation for our children. On the fundamental issues of urbanisation, biodiversity, natural resources, environmental pollution and global warming, we will try to use images to provide, if not solutions, then at least food for thought. Therefore, in our seventh festival year, we will be showing the work of the great masters of environmental photography: Nazli Abbaspour, Evgenia Arbugaeva, Yasuhoshi Chiba, Joana Choumali, David Doubilet and Jennifer Hayes, Nadia Ferroukhi, Sacha Goldberger, Richard Ladkani, Lucas Lenci, Luca Locatelli, Pascal Maitre, Beth Moon, Maxime Riché, Sebastião Salgado, Alain Schroeder, Vee Speers, Brent Stirton, Lorraine Turci, David Turnley, Peter Turnley and Cássio Vasconcellos.

"We all need Eden as a horizon," writes Cyril Drouhet in his essay in the festival catalogue. "There was a time when we had a rainbow in our heads: We believed in the future, in progress, our dreams were full of utopias. In the third millennium, this colour has turned grey. But life needs radiant colours like in photography to enchant the world again. That is the cha…
  Belfast GB Belfast Festival  
Belfast Photo Festival 2024

Belfast Photo Festival 2024



Chloé Azzopardi » Juan Brenner » Yvette Monahan » Richard Mosse » Matthias Oostrik » Laura Pannack » Adam Rouhana » Kourtney Roy » Maggie Shannon » Aaryan Sinha » Amin Yousefi » ...


– 30 Jun 2024



  Brescia IT Brescia Photo Festival  



Francesco Cito » Franco Fontana » Maurizio Galimberti » Federico Garolla » Gabriele Micalizzi » Carlo Orsi » Gianni Pezzani » Mauro Raffini » Chiara Samugheo » ...


– 30 Sep 2024



  Derby GB FORMAT Festival  
FORMAT Festival 2024
Arko Datto

FORMAT Festival 2024


Arko Datto » Tanya Habjouqa » Katrin Koenning » Derik Lynch » Zora Murff » Pádraig Spillane » Rana Young » ...


– 30 Jul 2024



  Düsseldorf DE Düsseldorf Photo+  
düsseldorf photo+

düsseldorf photo+

Biennale for Visual and Sonic Media: On Reality

Jan Albers » Sumi Anjuman » ANT!FOTO » Michel Büchsenmann » Evelyn Bencicova » Toby Binder » Astrid Busch » Aurel Dahlgrün » darktaxa-project » Claudia Fährenkemper » Harun Farocki » Forensic Architecture » Albrecht Fuchs » Geocinema » Philipp Goldbach » Kyriaki Goni » Nicolas Grospierre » Lynn Hershman Leeson » Barbara Kasten » Gudrun Kemsa » Jürgen Klauke » Tomas Kleiner » Friedl Kubelka » Paul Kuimet » Andréas Lang » Jill Magid » Katharina Mayer » Milliones de Maneras » Marge Monko » Clara Mosch » Stefanie Pürschler » Pyrolator » Jon Rafman » Johannes Raimann » Sebastian Riemer » Gabriele Rothemann » Thomas Ruff » Natascha Sadr Haghighian » Martina Sauter » Julia Scher » Berit Schneidereit » Helmut Schweizer » Allan Sekula » Beat Streuli » Katja Stuke » Sophie Thun » Markus Vater » Julius von Bismarck » Sinta Werner » Christoph Westermeier » Sebastian Wulff » Lin Zhipeng » ...

... until 14 July 2024
50 participating institutions, galleries and off-spaces

Düsseldorf Photo+

Schinkelstr. 31, 40211 Düsseldorf
The third edition of the Biennial for Visual and Sonic Media düsseldorf photo+ from 17 May to 14 July 2024 is themed "On Reality". In exhibitions and concerts, talks, panels and other events, current and updated photography as well as media-based art in its most diverse facets can be experienced throughout Düsseldorf. The artists will reflect in a wide variety of ways on how media significantly shapes our understanding of reality today and in the past. Computer-generated worlds of images and sounds surround us everywhere, and the Biennale integrates these into the art trail and links analogue-generated audiovisual realities. In total, the Biennale offers over 50 exhibitions and events in museums, collections, galleries, independent exhibition spaces and universities. This year's düsseldorf photo+ is being organised under the artistic direction of Pola Sieverding and Rupert Pfab. Ljiljana Radlovic oversees the project management.

Highlights from our varied exhibition programme:

In photographs, now seen as historic, Allan Sekula critically illuminates social structures operating within the industrial workforce of the USA at Galerie Konrad Fischer. The group exhibition at the gallery boa basedonart, another retrospective show, focuses on social stereotypes in relation to self-portraits. Sumi Anjuman offers a contemporary insight into gender inequality at the private Philara Collection.

Toby Binder also takes a sociological standpoint with a look at crisis-ridden milieux at the gallery Clara Maria Sels. The exhibition at Julia Ritterskamp further investigates this stance in a show of t…
  Frankfurt (Main) DE RAY Triennial of Photography  


5th International Triennial of Photography

Mónica Alcázar-Duarte » Jana Bissdorf » Sophie Calle » Maisie Cousins » Joy Gregory » Jesper Just » Lebohang Kganye » Jürgen Klauke » Anton Kusters » Dinu Li » Jyoti Mistry » Diego Moreno » Nicholas Nixon » Mimi Plumb » Johanna Schlegel » Inuuteq Storch » The Anonymous Project / Lee Shulman / Omar Victor Diop » ...

... until 1 September 2024

RAY – Triennale der Fotografie

Braubachstraße 30–32 . 60311 Frankfurt (Main)
RAYTriennial of Photography
The international Triennial of Photography RAY is celebrating the diversity of photography in Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main region for the fifth time with a focus on "ECHOES". Eleven institutions and exhibition venues in Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main region will be showing works on the theme of "ECHOES" by contemporary photographers and artists. With exhibitions, numerous events, and a three-day festival on the triennial theme of "ECHOES", RAY offers a multifaceted exploration of photography.

How do images contribute to the understanding of our identity, our memories, our emotions, and the ability to grasp and process current social, communal, and political challenges? RAY Echoes offers no answers to these questions, but rather – like a laboratory –  it offers many perspectives and opportunities for individual exploration. 

The artists of the RAY 2024 – Triennial of Photography use photography and related media to explore and reflect on the challenges and tensions of self-perception and human interaction. Their works span the past, present, and future, from the intimate and personal to the collective. By capturing these diverse moments and phenomena, they generate an echo that draws the public’s attention to their themes. Similar to a sound experience, they create reverberation that is perceived as an independent event beyond what is depicted. On this basis, RAY Echoes concentrates on three focal points: identity, memory, and emotion.

In the exhibition RAY Echoes Identity at the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (3 May – 1 September, 2024, opening on 2 May), the artists explore the making and breaking away from identities. Echoes are present in the form of reflections on personal experience…
  Getxo ES Getxophoto Festival  
Getxophoto 2024

Getxophoto 2024



Anna & Bernhard Blume » Alejandra Carles-Tolra » Luisa Dörr » Jean-Marie Donat » Masahisa Fukase » Jason Fulford » Michalina Kacperak » Feng Li » Manuela Lorente » Jana Sophia Nolle » Hayahisa Tomiyasu » Lu Yang » ...


– 30 Jun 2024



  La Gacilly FR Festival photo  
Festival photo La Gacilly 2024

Festival photo La Gacilly 2024

open air festival - Australie & Autres Regards


Matthew Abbott » Narelle Autio » Alessandro Cinque » Viviane Dalles » Tamara Dean » Mitch Dobrowner » Adam Ferguson » Louise Johns » Ulla Lohmann » Joel Meyerowitz » Alice Pallot » Trent Parke » Bernard Plossu » George Steinmetz » Gaël Turine » Sophie Zénon » Anne Zahalka » ...


– 3 Nov 2024



  Le Guilvinec- Quimper FR Le Guilvinec  
Le Festival Photo L’Homme et la Mer 2024

Le Festival Photo L’Homme et la Mer 2024


Nicolas Camoisson » Marine Danaux » Eduardo Leal » Finbarr O’Reilly » Thierry Secretan »


– 30 Sep 2024



  Les Mesnuls FR Mesnographies  
Mesnographies 2024

Mesnographies 2024

Festival de photographie international et gratuit


Chloé Azzopardi » Olgaç Bozalp » Lucas Castel » Floriane de Lassée » Bruce Eesly » Deborah Farnault » Pascal Goet » Karim Ben Khelifa » Sanna Lehto » Fredrik Lerneryd » Anaïs Ondet » Clément Poché » Valery Poshtarov » Donatas Stankevičius » Nikita Teryoshin » Annabelle Tiaffay » Ziyu Wang »


– 14 Jul 2024



  Madrid ES PHotoEspaña  
PHotoEspaña 2024

PHotoEspaña 2024


Bego Antón » Paula Anta » Pilar Aymerich » Iwan Baan » Patricia Bofill » Bárbara Brändli » Soledad Córdoba » Widline Cadet » Javier Campano » Bubi Canal » Ricardo Cases » Jon Cazenave » Nicolás Combarro » Gerardo Custance » Filip Custic » Elliott Erwitt » Joan Fontcuberta » Masahisa Fukase » Germán Gómez » David Goldblatt » Jon Gorospe » Antonio Guerra » Gonzalo Juanes » Consuelo Kanaga » Alvaro Laiz » Ira Lombardía » Alejandro Marote » Albertine Meunier » Linarejos Moreno » Marina Núñez » Paloma Navares » Erwin Olaf » Aitor Ortiz » Ana Palacios » Juanan Requena » Lua Ribeira » Boris Savelev » Miguel Angel Tornero » David Trullo » Javier Vallhonrat » ...


– 29 Sep 2024



  Nottingham GB New Art Exchange  
  NAE OPEN 2024


– 21 Sep 2024

  Boulogne-Billancourt FR Musée Albert-Kahn  
1er Festival photographique 

1er Festival photographique 


Thierry Ardouin » Aurore Bagarry » Maryam Firuzi » Nicolas Floc'h » Antonio Jiménez Saiz » Sanna Kannisto » Daniel Meadows » Yan Morvan » Bertrand Stofleth  » Eric Tabuchi » Anaïs Tondeur »


– 22 Sep 2024



  Toronto CA MOCA Contemporary Art  
Greater Toronto Art 2024

Greater Toronto Art 2024

Triennial Exhibition


Sharlene Bamboat » June Clark » Jean-Paul Kelly » Alexis Kyle Mitchell » Ésery Mondésir » Michael Thompson » Sin Wai Kin » ...


– 28 Jul 2024



  Venezia IT The Venice Biennale  
A Language of Resistance
From the series Keepers of the Ocean (2019) © Inuuteq Storch
The Danish Pavilion: Rise of the Sunken Sun by the artist Inuuteq Storch

The 60th International Art Exhibition

Stranieri Ovunque - Foreigners Everywhere

Claudia Andujar » Iván Argote » Karimah Ashadu » Zanny Begg » Ursula Biemann » Kudzanai Chiurai » Isaac Chong Wai » River Claure » Liz Collins » Miguel Covarrubias » Marcelo Expösito » Simone Forti » Paolo Gasparini » Gabrielle Goliath » Raphael Grisey » Barbara Hammer » Khaled Jarrar » Rindon Johnson » Bouchra Khalili » Kiluanji Kia Henda » Maria Kourkouta » Anna Maria Maiolino » Teresa Margolles » Angela Melitopoulos » Omar Mismar » Sabelo Mlangeni » Tina Modotti » Carlos Motta » Zanele Muholi » Daniela Ortiz » Lydia Ourahmane » Anand Patwardhan » Oliver Ressler » Miguel Angel Rojas » Dean Sameshima » Tejal Shah » Yinka Shonibare MBE » Hito Steyerl » Superflex (Jakob Fenger, Rasmus Nielsen, Bjørnstjerne Christiansen) » Evelyn Taocheng Wang » Nil Yalter » Želimir Zilnik » ...

20 April – 24 November 2024

The Venice Biennale

Ca' Giustinian San Marco 1364, 30124 Venezia
The 60th International Art Exhibition , titled Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere , will open to the public from Saturday April 20 to Sunday November 24, 2024 , at the Giardini and the Arsenale; it will be curated by Adriano Pedrosa and organised by La Biennale di Venezia . The pre-opening will take place on April 17, 18 and 19 ; the awards ceremony and inauguration will be held on 20 April 2024 .

Since 2021, La Biennale di Venezia launched a plan to reconsider all of its activities in light of recognized and consolidated principles of environmental sustainability. For the year 2024, the goal is to extend the achievement of “carbon neutrality” certification , which was obtained in 2023 for La Biennale’s scheduled activities: the 80th Venice International Film Festival, the Theatre, Music and Dance Festivals and, in particular, the 18th International Architecture Exhibition which was the first major Exhibition in this discipline to test in the field a tangible process for achieving carbon neutrality – while furthermore itself reflecting upon the themes of decolonisation and decarbonisation.

The Exhibition will take place in the Central Pavilion (Giardini) and in the Arsenale, and it will present two sections: the Nucleo Contemporaneo and the Nucleo Storico.

As a guiding principle, the Biennale Arte 2024 has favored artists who have never participated in the International Exhibition—though a number of them may have been featured in a National Pavilion, a Collateral Event, or in a past edition of the International Exhibition. Special attention is being given to outdoor projects, both in the Arsenale and in the Giardini, where a performance program is being planned with events during the pre-opening and closing weekend of the 60th Exhibition.

Stranieri Ovunque - Foreigners Everywhere, the title of the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, is drawn from a series of works started in 2004 by the Paris-born and Palermo-based Claire Fontaine collective. The works consist of neon sculptures in different colours that render in a growing number of languages the words “Foreigners Everywhere”. The phrase comes, in turn, from the name of a Turin collective who fought racism and xenophobia in Italy in the early 2000s.

«The expression Stranieri Ovunque - explains Adriano Pedrosa - has several meanings. First of all, that wherever you go and wherever you are you will always encounter foreigners— they/we are everywhere. Secondly, that no matter where you find yourself, you are always truly, and deep down inside, a foreigner.»
  Vichy FR Vichy Festival  
Festival Portrait(s) 2024

Festival Portrait(s) 2024


Christophe Acker » Arielle Bobb-Willis » Christophe Darbelet » Laura Henno » Nadav Kander » Nelli Palomäki » Patrick Tourneboeuf » ...


– 29 Sep 2024




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© 26 June 2024 photography now UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Ziegelstr. 29 . D–10117 Berlin
Editors: Claudia Stein & Michael Steinke . T +49.30.24 34 27 80