Plus, meet a lesbian university president changing the game

Hi there,

Earlier this week, Donald Trump Jr. took to social media — you already know this isn't leading anywhere good — and decided to go after the name "Beryl." He commented that the name "Beryl" is too genderless for a hurricane. I kid you not. 🫠

🎓 The Advocate spoke to George Washington University's queer president Ellen Granberg recently. The university leader isn't shy to be out and proud on campus, and wants students to be their authentic selves too, she says. "I discovered that I could bring my identity with me, and I was always treated fairly. It’s important to me to be able to bring my identity with me and to be able to progress in my career as an out person,” Granberg said. 🎓

🕯️ We also take a moment to remember and honor Liara Kaylee Tsai, a trans woman and volunteer with the Trevor Project, who was killed in Minnesota.

The end of Pride Month was just the beginning of Pride season. Check out these gorgeous photos of NYC Pride to find some queer joy in what's admittedly been a few hard days. 🌈🌈🌈

Onward and upward,

Alex Cooper

Look, queer trivia!

Each week, The Advocate newsletter has a little bit of LGBTQ+ trivia. Today, you'll get the question. Thursday, you'll get a hint. Saturday, you'll get the answer. Last week we had a glitch, so we are repeating our question.

This week’s question is: When was the Stonewall Uprising?

Reply to this email with the answer and you may get a shout-out in a future newsletter!

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The Advocate is part of equalpride, a proudly LGBTQ-owned and operated media company that serves as a leading voice on equality with LGBTQ, women and people of color.

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