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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

News Headlines

Top three reasons to continue mask mandates for patients and staff

The top three reasons to continue to require patients, staff, visitors, and vendors to wear masks.

Physician shortage could be as high as 124,000 by 2034, study finds

By 2034, there will be a shortage of physicians ranging from 37,800 to 124,000, according to a recent report prepared for the Association of American Medical Colleges.rm investment in the healthcare workforce. The time to act is now,” he said.

Coronavirus pandemic drives growth of hospital at home programs

After modest uptake for nearly three decades, hospital at home programs are now growing faster across the country due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Newsletter Articles

Check your state’s pandemic plan to make sure 1135 waivers line up locally

If your healthcare organization has taken advantage of federal 1135 blanket waivers during the national public health emergency (PHE), be sure to review the use of those waivers as you prepare for survey to check if any were inconsistent with requirements under your state emergency or pandemic plan.

A year of COVID-19 data: Lessons learned

If a year of COVID-19 could be said to have any positives, one is the immense amount of data the pandemic has generated for the healthcare industry. That data has been both vast and valuable, and resulted from a wide array of resources, including medication management solutions.


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Product Spotlight

The CMS Conditions of Participation and Interpretive Guidelines

Compliance with the Conditions of Participation (CoP) is required to meet Medicare and Medicaid hospital regulations. While CMS posts updates to the CoPs on its website, they are often difficult to search and lengthy, not to mention tedious to print.

This is where HCPro comes in! We have taken the most recent version of CMS’ CoPs and the corresponding Interpretive Guidelines (IG) and reprinted them in an easy-to-use format to simplify your job. CMS updates the CoPs a few times a year. This new edition contains the most recent CoPs and Survey and Certification memos, which include new requirements on discharge planning, burden reduction, and antibiotic stewardship.

Visit the store now!


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The Accreditation & Quality Compliance Center is your home for all things accreditation and patient safety. Brimming with content for free and premium subscribers alike, this site is your center for hospital excellence. 

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Contact the Editor

Brian Ward, Associate Editor
