Pet Tips (April 01, 2019)

Don't you just love photos of cats and dogs together? I do. This one is quite fun, as the two pals nap together. We also have a good tip for pet owners who feed their pets outside, a bit about ferrets as pets, and two more helpful tips. Share your pets, pet food recipes, and advice with the members.

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Today's Featured Post

Pick Up Leftover Outside Pet Food

By likekinds

possum in a trapI have a neighbor who was country born and country bred. His cat is never allowed in the house. He feeds the cat outside, near his back door. I don't think he realizes that the food the cat leaves behind attracts flies, mice, rats, and other pests, including possums.

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Today's Guides
Flavoring Old Dog Bones
Rawhide dog bone on white background
Using Advantage for Dogs on Cats
Cat getting flea medication applied.
Mother Cat Ignoring Her Kittens
Adult cat walking away from newborn kitten
Determining the Gender of Lovebirds
Two peach face love birds standing beak to beak. One is more green in color the other more yellow.
Using a Dog Crate as Furniture
Dog Crate
Dog's Stool is Green
Dog Stool
Today's Posts

Unexpected Best Friends (Nala and Gwen)

By myojiherbinabongogirl

Unexpected Best Friends (Nala and Gwen) - sleeping cat and dogNala has been with us for over 8 years and Gwen for 3 1/2 years. They both love playing with us and cuddling with us and the rest of our fur family. Gwen loves alerting us to noises, and giving kisses and hugs. (None of them are much into toys as they prefer human interaction.)

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Ferrets: What Kind of Pets Do They Make?

By Robyn

A white ferret being held by a girlI wrote this for my Facebook for people who wonder about what kind of pets ferrets make.

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Treating Arthritis in Dogs
For a dog's arthritis, treat with weight control, warm, dry, soft bedding, and exercise.
Mark Cat Carriers with Pet Information
I took three cats in to the vet today to be altered. I taped a card to each carrier with the cat's name, color, temperament, and my name and phone number. One of them is quite feral, and it is important that the staff know that before opening the carrier.

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We are giving away $200 in Amazon gift cards (US only) for people who answer recent questions on ThriftyFun this month! Gift cards will be awarded to the top ten users who answer the most questions this month. Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st - $50, 2nd - $40, 3rd - $30, 4th - $20, and 5th to 10th - $10.

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Today's Questions
New Rescue Dog Won't Go to the Bathroom
We brought home a new shelter dog earlier today, and he's been very good for us. He hasn't barked or bitten or scratched anyone and he is very affectionate and loving. He seems tired so we tried our best to let him sleep throughout the day. He hasn't drank any water, eaten any food, or eliminated at all since he got to our house.
Litter Box Used by Male Kitten Has Strong Smell
A week ago I brought in a new kitty. I was introducing him to my old female cat, and I am very thankful for all the responses on my post on how to introduce my male kitty to my resident cat. Though they are not yet comfortable with each other I am sure as I am following all your advice it would soon get better. Now, my question is, why is my new male kitty's litter box stink so much.
Getting a Cat to Stop Peeing on the Couch
My cat used to pee on a specific couch and it would have the whole house stinking. We realized that it was because we weren't cleaning his litter box frequently. We cleaned his box, took the couch outside to clean it, and left it outside for a few days. We have brought the couch back inside and he's started urinating on it again, even though we have been up to date on cleaning his litter box.
Introducing a New Female Kitten to the Resident Female Cat
I just brought home a six week old female kitten. I have a four-year-old cat, who is also female, who is not impressed. I've kept them separated for a little over a week and offer visits only through the crate, I don't see much on here talking about two female cats getting along. Can somebody help me out?
Dog Started Peeing When Lying Down or Sleeping
My dog is 9 years old and has started wetting when she is lying down comfortably/sleeping. I am unsure if it's pee or what, it is clear. She has never done this before.
Remedy for Dog with Itchy Ears
I just got my baby Dachshund from a guy who was running a puppy mill in TN. Since I have had him he's been treated for worms and kennel cough. I finally got him over both of those and now he's scratching his ears and shaking his head enough to wake me up every night. I cleaned his ears out 3 times and I see a lot of brown; I'm assuming is wax.
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