Good morning, Marketer, and a personal touch can go a long way.

Marketers depend on personally identifiable information (PII) to build those close relationships with customers and remain relevant in their journey.

There are some basic data points for PII, but there is also a gray area. A major challenge is that the gray area keeps changing. Today, our contributor Ken Zachmann provides some guidance on how marketers can hit this moving target.

Chris Wood,

The moving target of permissible PII

New rules for collecting and using personally identifiable information are emerging, shifting the balance in favor of the consumer.

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Marketo’s October releases: A manager’s guide

The latest Marketo release includes several enhancements to Dynamic Chat features that will improve user experience.

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How to guarantee your marketing wins every time

Ensure every campaign you launch has the highest chance of success by making one simple shift in how you approach your marketing.

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6 email metrics to help reach marketing goals and make business decisions

Here are the valuable metrics beyond opens and clicks that can impact your business.

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The new identity landscape: A marketer’s guide

What marketers can do now to navigate the big privacy reset.

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Who likes ads? TikTok users, that's who.

TikTok users are highly engaged with the platform and they are overwhelmingly receptive to advertising. This report explores how users interact with TikTok and what this means for brands who want to reach them.

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24 questions to ask identity resolution vendors during a demo

As the linchpin to a customer-centric strategy, identity resolution allows marketers to more accurately target and personalize brand messages to create better customer experiences.

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Explore the fall season of MarTech

More than 60 free sessions showcasing tools, technologies, and solutions — plus data-rich case studies from world-class brands like Coca-Cola and Atlassian… the complete fall edition of MarTech is here!

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