In this issue, December 05, 2017 View it in your browser.

PISA, Apple's Neural Network for LIDAR, AWS re:Invent, CRDTs, MicroProfile, WebAssembly, Event Sourcing, Engineering Inclusion, Epiphanies of a Netflix Leader

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Service Oriented Architecture vs Microservices.
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Changhoon Kim on Programmable Networking Switches with PISA and the P4 DSL

Changhoon Kim explains how P4 and PISA make network switches programmable and shows interesting applications for tracing, caching, and more. (Podcast)

Anders Wallgren on Containerize Your Enthusiasm

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, talks to Anders Wallgren, CTO of Electric Cloud about the adoption of DevOps, containers and microservices, and the dangers of vanity metrics. (Podcast)

InfoQ Call for Articles

InfoQ provides software engineers with the opportunity to share experiences gained using innovator and early adopter stage techniques and technologies with the wider industry. We are always on the lookout for quality articles and we encourage practitioners and domain experts to submit feature-length (2,000 to 3,000 word) papers that are timely, educational and practical. (Announcement)

Data Science Latest Content


The Joy of Stochastic Gradient Descent

Carin Meier takes a look at the joys of Deep Learning, discussing how Deep Learning is changing how people approach programming, communicate with each other, and even what it means to be human. (Presentation)



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DevOps Latest Content


Uwe Friedrichsen on Functional Service Design and Observability

At the microXchg 2017 conference, Uwe Friedrichsen discussed the core concepts of “Resilient Functional Service Design” and how to create observable systems. Friedrichsen believes that microservice developers must: learn about fault tolerant design patterns and caching; understand Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and modularity; and aim to design for replaceability of components rather than reuse. (Article)

Infrastructure as Code: An Introduction to Chef

Craig Tataryn discusses the basics of Chef, what its various components are used for, and demonstrates how Chef _recipe_ and _resource_ development is implemented. (Presentation)

Delve into DevOps: Articles, Case Studies, and More

5 Steps to Building a Successful Private Cloud; Understanding Cloud Native Infrastructure; Top 10 Adages in Continuous Deployment, and more. Learn More.



Performance Testing and APM in the AWS Cloud.
Download this eBook and learn about the cloud’s impact on environment provisioning, APM, and performance testing as well as essential business and technical prerequisites needed for performance testing in AWS, and more. Download Now.

Development Latest Content

Introducing Obevo: Get Your Database SDLC Under Control

With the current explosion of functional programming, the "monad" functional structure is once again striking fear into the hearts of newcomers. In this article, Introduction to Functional Programming course instructor Dr. Barry Burd clarifies this slippery critter. (Article)

Real-Time Collaborative Editing with CRDTs

Christopher Gilbert discusses blockchain, trying to go beyond the hype and explaining what it is and how it can solve real-life problems. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018 . Join us!

How to Make a Spaceship

Julian Guthrie and Dan Kreigh tell the story of the Ansari X-Prize, a competition driven by outsized characters—Burt Rutan, Richard Branson, John Carmack, Paul Allen—and discuss the construction/testing of the bullet-shaped SpaceShipOne. SpaceShipOne was a historic feat of aerospace engineering that produced the first privately built manned reusable spaceship to fly to space twice in two weeks. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Better Engineering via Better Discourse

Theo Schlossnagle discusses being a better engineer through better discourse by improving both as communicator and as listener. (Presentation)

Microsoft and Open Source - A 'Brave New World'

Matt Warren discusses how Microsoft does open source and how new features are designed. (Presentation)

Code Archaeology

David Mitchell shows how to create visualizations out of code: building a map for a large, legacy code base, creating visuals without drawing, and explaining a roadmap to bring code under control. (Presentation)

What’s New in Functional Programming

Adventures in ClojureScript; Scala Typeclasses; Real-Time Financials with Microservices and Functional Programming; Reactive JavaScript, and more. Learn More.



Modern Java EE Design Patterns (By O’Reilly).
Download this report to explore best practices for automation, high availability, data separation, and performance while inspecting design patterns such as aggregator, proxy, pipeline, and shared resources to model service interactions. Download Now.

Java Latest Content


Java 9: Tips on Migration and Upgradability

Julian Guthrie and Dan Kreigh tell the story of the Ansari X-Prize, a competition driven by outsized characters—Burt Rutan, Richard Branson, John Carmack, Paul Allen—and discuss the construction/testing of the bullet-shaped SpaceShipOne. SpaceShipOne was a historic feat of aerospace engineering that produced the first privately built manned reusable spaceship to fly to space twice in two weeks. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!



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Dynamic Languages Latest Content

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

Taming The Wild Frontier - Adventures in ClojureScript

John Stevenson discusses the benefits of using ClojureScript to write web applications. (Presentation)

Share your knowledge with the community and win a QCon ticket

We are always on the lookout for quality articles and we encourage practitioners and domain experts to submit feature-length (2,000 to 3,000 word) papers that are timely, educational and practical. (Announcement)

Mobile Latest Content


Challenges in HoloLens Application Development

The era of cryptocurrency opens new possibilities for game publishers and developers. However, it is not yet a fully-developed market and there are many things that should be taken into account before entering it. This article reviews the main pros and cons of entering this new and highly volatile field. (Article)

Architecture & Design Latest Content

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

Event Sourcing in an Unreliable World

Examples of event sourced systems are often from process-oriented domains, like e-commerce, with incoming commands that generate events. But there are domains without processes that are intrinsically unreliable where we are collecting events from external event sources with transports that are unreliable, Lorenzo Nicora explained at the recent Microservices Conference QCon London 2017. (News)



The Six Essentials for DevOps Team Excellence.
This new ebook from offers six tips to build a framework for DevOps teams embedding security and development best practices into an agile operation. Download now.

Culture & Methods Latest Content

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

Customize Your Agile Approach: What Kinds of Leadership Does Your Project Need?

This is the fourth in a series of articles that will help you think about how you might want to customize your agile approach for your context. This article is about the kind of leadership your project might need and who might provide it. Teams new to agile or new to an organization need facilitation so they can create their own agile approach that works. (Article)

Q&A on the Book "A Seat at the Table"

In the book A Seat at the Table, Mark Schwartz explains how the traditional role of the CIO conflicts with an agile approach for software development. He explores what IT leadership looks like in an agile environment, advising CIOs to set a vision for IT and take accountability for business outcomes. (Article)

Engineering Inclusion

Kevin Stewart examines the need for inclusive measures as part of building a strong engineering culture and its impact on the product development process. He explores techniques for achieving balance in an industry that has historically skewed in a particular direction and looks at these issues from an engineering and business point of view, in addition to the usual social good standpoint. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Vision & Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix Leader

Troy Magennis discusses the top three reasons forecasts fail to match reality, and challenges the assumption that work complexity and effort correlates with delivery time. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Three Baseline Metrics

Mike Burns outlines three metrics -cycle time, throughput, and work item size- a team can use to help improve team performance, and allow for the right decisions to be made at the right time. (Presentation)

Crushing Tech Debt through Automation at Coinbase

Rob Witoff takes a deep dive into how Coinbase attacks tech debt, including deployments, testing, immutable + codified infrastructure. He shares a recent "Scorched Earth" event where they upgraded and rebuilt 100% of their infrastructure from scratch in 24 hours. Tech includes AWS, Docker, CoreOS, Terraform, GeoEngineer and more. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!