Time to refine your pitch
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Writer's Digest University
Pitch an Article: Write for Today's Marketplace
Pitch an Article: Write for Today's Marketplace
This online course will teach you how to craft a good pitch letter and do it well. You'll also learn how to submit your pitch to editors. Sign up today!
Estelle knows how to pitch articles and essays to top publications.
Good course. Enjoyed working with Estelle. She is an effective instructor. -KG
Instructor Estelle Erasmus
----> Instructor Estelle Erasmus
Estelle Erasmus is an award-winning journalist, writing coach and former magazine editor-in-chief of five publications, including Hachettes Body by Jake, The American Breast Cancer Guide, and Women in Touch.
Starting April 5
Advanced Novel Writing
Freelance Writing
Write Great Dialogue
Writing the Thriller Novel
Short Story Fundamentals
Writing the Picture Book
Pitch an Article: Write for Today's Marketplace
Starting April 12
Introduction to Copyediting
Pulp Fiction
Writing Personal Essays
Writing the Science Fiction and Fantasy Novel
Travel Writing
Getting Started in Writing
Business Writing
Krista Rea
Krista Rea
Krista is the Online Education Manager for Writer's Digest. She is an avid reader and is always on the lookout for a great new book.
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