Please Consider Donating to our Foundation

The McDougall Team would like to thank all of you who have helped support the McDougall Research & Education Foundation, a tax-deductible 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, over the years. All the money you have graciously donated has helped change the lives of people suffering needlessly from dietary diseases.

Before 2022 ends, we would be grateful if you would consider donating to our foundation again, or for the first time. There is no amount too small - every cent counts! Because of your donations, the education of medical students and residents, along with the development of new research projects, is possible. 

The McDougall Research & Education Foundation has been, and will remain dedicated to informing global citizens about the positive effects of dietary-therapy on chronic disease and our Planet. We believe the best diet for planet Earth is the McDougall diet. Over half of all greenhouse gases (GHG) come from animal agriculture. One person can reduce their GHG contributions by 50% to 80% overnight by changing their diet. Please share our planet-saving lifestyle with your friends and family.

Donations may be made by visiting The McDougall Research & Education Foundation or mailed to P.O. Box 14039, Santa Rosa, CA 95402. We do not share any donor information with third parties.

We sincerely appreciate your consideration of support this year.

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