Read our five best stories of the week
July 31, 2021
Please Don’t Rush to Get a Third Covid Shot
The delta variant is dangerous. A third vaccine dose could be helpful for those with weaker immune systems, but giving third doses to healthy people would be wildly counterproductive.
by Melody Schreiber
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—Ryan Kearney, executive editor
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The conservative hysteria over critical race theory is ultimately a refusal to acknowledge that the country’s classrooms have always taught a white-centric view of U.S. history.
by Anthony Conwright
Both coffee and opium come from plants. Why embrace one and not the other?
by John Semley
The plaintiffs in the next big abortion rights case quietly—and ominously—flipped their script to better suit the ideology of the new justice.
by Matt Ford
Traffic, car sales, and car rentals are rising, crushing the pandemic-era hope that streets could be reclaimed for pedestrians and bikers.
by Doug Gordon
From the Archives:
A philosopher, a medical crisis, and a mystery.
by Lindsay Beyerstein


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