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PM edition, Tuesday, February 16, 2021

There is a Russian house ... in Can-ber-ra: Embassy's musical diplomacy turns heads

Video: Forget the stories about Vladimir Putin or the alleged poisoning of former spies. The big push from the Russian Embassy is a song in praise of the diplomats in Canberra, sung by them and with views of the city as the backdrop.

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TGA provisionally approves new vaccine

AstraZeneca is the second COVID-19 vaccine to be provisionally approved for use in Australia by the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

PM casts doubt on former staffer's claims about call

Scott Morrison has cast doubt on claims a Liberal Party staffer was contacted by his top adviser over rape allegations.

'Disgusting attack': Serial crook spat on hair

Subscriber: A drug-addicted serial criminal spat on a passenger's hair on a Canberra bus, having earlier punched an elderly man in the face.

Child wet themselves in fear of alleged criminal

Subscriber: A child was so scared of an alleged sex offender they had urinated on themselves by the time police arrived, a court has been told.

No compulsory vaccination for Canberra health staff

Canberra health staff will have their choice about whether to be vaccinated for COVID-19, according to the service's chief executive.

Better off overall test changes scrapped

The Morrison government has abandoned plans to allow more scope for enterprise agreements which fail the better off overall test.


Why political staffers are vulnerable to misconduct

Opinion: The combination of long hours, being away from home and the constant presence of alcohol can be diabolical, writes Maria Maley.

Dickson's delicious street food arrives in the city

Dickson's Super Bao has launched their second venue in Verity Lane Market with an eye-catching black soft-shell crab bao-ger.

'A big dream': Rocci chases Tokyo Games

Subscriber: The Canberra Capitals' most valuable player is leaving no stone unturned to be ready for more after her first taste of life as an Opal.

Barty 'not done yet' in bid for Aussie Open glory

Ash Barty, the first local hope in 37 years to reach three consecutive Australian Open quarter-finals, still has unfinished business.
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